Scout Sunrise Dawson

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Revision as of 23:43, 13 February 2007 by RobertEdwards (talk | contribs)
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Scout Sunrise Dawson was born in the Glisen Belt some 28 years ago, and raised indifferently. When she was 16 she made the mistake of conceiving and carrying an unlicensed child. Her son Joshua was taken from her by the state, and she was branded a deliquent.

She tried to volunteer for the scouts, but the black mark on her record stopped that. A sympathetic recruiter had a word with the Draft board, and she was taken anyway.

She spent ten years in the service, saving what moneies she could between mandatory child support drafts. Her psy profile made her a perfect field scout, and she easily handled the lonely duty of an x-boat pilot, alternating with the slightly more social service on the tenders. Then, a year ago, she was doing "traffic surveys" near the Sword Worlds border. The Swords captured her boat, and dragged her in chains to Sting.

She has not been a model prisioner. She has been a very very rotten prisoner and a general pain in the ass. She's got a few bruises and some time in the hole to her credit. The Swordies were rough but not illegally so. She spent much of her POW time dirty, hungry, sleepless. She's fresh scrubbed now, out of her prison smock, and has a good meal in her belly and a brew in her left fist, and an eye out for any likely likeable men. And an ear for any women that had simular hard times. She's a happy camper to get out of POW camp back in an Imperial Ship, even one ran by Navy pukes.

Universial Personality Profile
Strength Dextarity Endurance Intellegence Education Social Standing
6 A 6 A 8 3
  • Vacc Suit 1
  • Snub Pistol 1
  • Grav Vehicle -0
  • Computer-0
  • Pilot-1
  • Medical-1
  • Sensor Ops-1
  • Ships Boat-1
  • Electronics-1

Benefits: Snub Pistol, 20,000 CR. Possibly lost or in the scouts credit union. She's got a ships uniform from the slop chest, and toilitries and such from various CARE packages. Her only personal item is a two year old halo of her son.

Looks: cross between Jewel Strait's Kaylee and Gretchen "RedNeck Woman" Wilson. Impractical long brown hair, a sharp chin, and gawky arms and legs. Pretty when she makes the effort, but no sense of fashion.