Apocalypse Keys An Uncounted Tale:Clotho
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There is an endless hunger that ravages my body.
I embody the menace and emptiness of the apocalypse.
My power is intimate, transformative, and harrowing.
My heart yearns to consume and be consumed.
I gain Darkness when I...
- Feel a yearning for what I cannot have.
- React with pettiness.
- Ask someone to feed me a part of themselves.
- Ask someone to give in to their hunger.
- Embody a Condition that affects me.
What Does the Darkness Demand of me?
- To create others as hungry as myself.
- To corrupt what is beautiful.
Experience: 2/8 Ruin: 2/5
Raging: [ ] Lonely: [ ] Lustful: [ ] Hunger Condition:[ ] Hunger Condition:[ ] Hunger Condition:[ ]
At the start of every session, choose one to explore during play. At the end of the session, answer the question—if yes, mark 1 XP OR 1 Ruin.
- Did you surrender to the hunger within you at the worst possible moment?
- Did you find a willing victim to sate your hunger?
- Did you infect another monster with hunger or desire?
- Did you protect someone pure and beautiful?
- Did you offer another kindness at great cost to yourself?
Breaking Point
Whatever was pure and good in you was fed to your hunger long ago, and now you are only emptiness and malice, a mockery of life and dignity.
You are nothing but ache and pain, desperation and terror. You are only your hunger, you can only bring misery and suffering to others.
Describe how your hunger ravages and cruelly transforms your body, how you lose control of the monster inside you and leave carnage and terror in your wake. The Keeper will tell you how your hunger infects and creates a multitude of monstrosities as hollow and soulless as you are.
- Coffee (0)
Remembers what I was before the Hunger claimed me. He wishes to protect others from me because he views my being as flawed and imperfect. If my process of feeding and reproducing could be perfected, I could draw him to my side...
- The Darkness (0)
The Darkness is a simple urge. It asks me to feed, to feast, to indulge and spread. All these things feel so good, so natural...and how could I resist such urges?
When you surrender to the hunger within you, describe how your body transforms and what you feed on. Spend Darkness Tokens and roll:
ON AN 8-10: you blunt the worst edges of your hunger and feed only as much as you need. Choose one:
- Describe how your form becomes more human, clear one Condition.
- Describe who you wish you could feed on instead, gain one Bond with them.
- Give into the euphoria of the feeding, describe how you feel and create or replace a Hunger Condition to reflect this.
ON AN 11+: your hunger grows deeper, edged with endless teeth as your humanity slips further away. Choose one:
- Ask the Keeper what the Harbinger within you screams for, gain one Bond with What the Darkness Demands of You. If you give into the Harbinger, clear one Condition.
- Give into the worst of your hunger and go too far, inviting chaos and terror. Name a new fear you have and create or replace a hunger Condition to reflect this.
ON A 7-: you lose control of the Hunger completely, the Keeper describes how your form twists into obscene and heartbreaking new shapes. Prepare for the worst.
The Hunger inside you yearns for the innocent, to transform mortal flesh into an endless void filled with teeth. When you share an intimate moment with an NPC willing to become your thrall, ask them if they desire you. If they say yes, describe the feeding. Spend Darkness Tokens and roll:
ON AN 8-10: they feed on you in turn, and the Hunger within you infects them slowly - leaving you euphoric. Choose one:
- They are beautiful and perfect, unlike you. They will not survive the Hunger for long. Gain one Bond with them and give them a single command. After they fulfil the command, they will soon perish.
- They are haunted and terrifying, like you. They will outlive you and can never be harmed by you. Gain one Bond with What the Darkness Demands of You, they will spend the rest of their immortality working toward fulfilling What the Darkness Demands of You.
ON AN 11+: the hunger corrupts them and breaks them, reforming their shape into the seed of a Harbinger. Choose one:
- You hide the true nature of who they are and protect them. Before they vanish, they give you a Key at great cost. When they return, they will be a Harbinger seeking an ancient Door of Power.
- You turn them over to DIVISION, where the rest of your failed thralls are imprisoned. Gain 1 Bond with DIVISION and mark 1 Condition that reflects how this makes you feel.
ON A 7-: something within your would-be thrall seduces the hunger, and they gain more power than you were ready to give. The Keeper describes what happens next. Prepare for the worst.
Imprisoned within DIVISION is your reflection, purified by your hunger. They were once a person, long ago. But now they only mirror the worst aspects of you, showing on their skin what horror lies beneath the surface of you
When you share an intimate moment with your reflection, describe how their body has changed to show what you hide from all others. The Keeper will describe why they still love you. Choose:
- Mark one Ruin, allow your reflection to feed on you. They will lovingly sift through your memories and fears. Ask the Keeper a question and they will answer it honestly and with great detail. In addition, gain one Bond with your reflection.
- Mark two Ruin and feed on your reflection with reckless abandon. Describe how they become more grotesque as you become more beautiful. Gain a new Power of Darkness permanently. In addition, gain one Bond with What the Darkness Demands of You