Theogony:First Stanza
Scene 1: Kokytos[edit]
- After conducting an initial investigation of the surface around Hesiod Gate, you have opened a sealed door into an underground structure beneath the Gate complex.
- Descriptors: Discovery Bonuses; Fixed Departure Time
- IC post with initial corridor description
Behind the Door[edit]
- Descriptors: Xenoarcheaology; EM and Thermal Shielding; True Dark; Multiple Corridors
- Descriptors: Skeleton of Stone, Uniform Construction, Mostly Empty Space, Biomechanical Tentacles, Fast Moving
Caihong Li[edit]
- Descriptors: Pathfinder First-In Expedition Manager; Up-and-Coming Planetary Consortium Executive; Tricked-Out Crasher Morph
- Gear: Standard Pathfinder Crashing Kit; The BEST Designer Recreational Drugs; QE Comm
Base Security Team[edit]
- Descriptors: Hired Mercenary Squad; Combat Synthmorphs; Here to Protect the Gate
- Gear: Crew-Served Seeker Launcher; Rapid-Deployment Base Security System
Important Locations[edit]
Hesiod Gate[edit]
- Descriptors: Xenoarcheaology; Barely Survivable Environmental Conditions; Accurate Map
- IC post with Map Description