Brahnamin's Characters: Pip
Pepper John :: Ship's Cook
"You get one complaint; after that you get suppositories."
Attributes ![d6](/images/thumb/b/b8/D6a.png/32px-D6a.png)
Trained Skills ![d6](/images/thumb/b/b8/D6a.png/32px-D6a.png)
Untrained Skills ![d4](/images/thumb/2/27/D4a.png/30px-D4a.png)
| Drive | Fix | Fly | Focus | Labor | Notice | Operate | Perform | Shoot | Survive | Throw |
Distinctions ![d8](/images/thumb/2/24/D8a.png/32px-D8a.png)
Browncoat Quartermaster [Sargeant]: It's not glamourous knowing what's what, what's where, how much you have, how much you need, and how much it will cost, but it's steady work.
War Surplus: Your time in the war left you with a detailed headmap of where and how to obtain what's needed.
[Highlighted Skills: Craft/Know/Treat]
Triad Ranking [Sargeant]: You fought, swindled, and bargained your way to a position of minor leadership in the Triad. Only problem is what to do now that you’re here.
[Highlighted Skills: Fight/influence/Trick]
Harmless Looking: You blend into a crowd like a rock blends into a quarry..
Couldn't Hurt a Fly: : Step back your Physical die to step up your Social die when convincing someone you’re not a threat.
[Highlighted Skills: Move/Sneak/Trick]
Signature Assets ![d6](/images/thumb/b/b8/D6a.png/32px-D6a.png)
Fine Custom Cutlery You have a fine set of specialty knives for every conceivable job, all wrapped up in a neat leather roll bag for easy carrying.
Triad Ink Your limbs and torso are inked with intricate tattoos that indicate tong affiliation, rank, and deeds performed for the Triatds