Adventures in the Distal Provinces:Woodborn
Female Fey-Touched Human
Hair: Flaming red Eyes: Leaf Green
Height: 5'7" Weight 125 lbs
High Concept: Dryad blooded Storyteller
Trouble: Bound by Bargains (Her Fae nature manifests itself by the fact that she is bound by the letter of any bargain she makes. This means she has to be very careful about making such bargains, and not being full Fae, sometimes slips.)
Other Aspects
- Trees like me (Invoke for Climbing and for understanding the needs of trees. Compel when the need of trees must be met)
- To Laugh, To Sleep, To Cry Possessed of the Bardic Gift on top of her Fey blood, Woodborn can evoke emotions and effects from her words that mere minstrels cannot. (Permission Aspect for Extra/Stunt to come). Invoke for engaging emotions with stories. Compel when emotions not intended get enhanced.
- Beauty of the Dryad Woodborn has an ethereal, unearthly beauty about her which attracts attention wherever she goes. Invoke when her unearthly aspect can help her cause either by beauty or by strangeness. Compel when it causes problems.
- +4 (Great) Rapport
- +3 (Good) Athletics, Stealth
- +2 (Fair) Empathy, Notice, Shoot
- +1 (Average) Deceive, Fight, Physique, Will
- You never should have let me talk. Use Rapport in place of Notice for Initiative if there's any chance to talk before engaging.
- The Gift of the Bard Extra - Allow Rapport to have magical effects, limited to Emotional impacts.