Natalia d'Est

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Revision as of 19:21, 14 March 2023 by Arethusa (talk | contribs) (Road)
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Name: Natalia d'Est
Player: Arethusa
Concept: Professional (Artist) / Intellectual
Chronicle: The Prince The Pope The Bull (Vampire: Dark Ages, 20th Anniversary Edition)
Nature: Visionary
Demeanor: Bon Vivant
Clan: Toreador
Clan Weakness: If she encounters beauty (triggers to be determined), she must roll Self-Control (difficulty 5). If she fails, she pulls out a sketchbook and draws whatever it is in a reverie until the scene concludes or object departs.

Generation: 12

Willpower: * * * * *
Health: _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Blood Pool: X/11









  • Road of Humanity: * * * * * * * *
    • Path of Illumination
    • Aura: Emulate past self (no modifier)


  • Literacy (+1)
  • Multi-lingual (+2) Languages: South Slavic (native), Latin, Greek, Italian


  • Deep Sleeper (-1)
  • Cast no reflection/ Reflection looks like a painting (-1)
  • Dark Secret (-1) Is interested in all religions equally, neither accepting nor rejecting. She finds all of them artistically interesting. In the Florentine Renaissance this is dynamite.


Natalia has a Retainer, Ghostanza (a real lady's name I ran across in Renaissance Florence records!), a confidante and ghoul who helps take care of her household and studio. She also has a Herd of three people: Rinaldo, a caretaker at the library of San Marco; Ginevra, a widowed dealer in leathers, parchments and paper; and Federigo, an old ex-soldier who likes to hang around the tavern and tell tall tales.