Dreams of a Distant Sea:Ten-Broken-Chains:Charms and Artefacts

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Cost 1m
Step 1
Type [Applicable]
Duration Instant

Add [Ability] dice to an applicable roll. You may buy this charm for multiple Abilities, but must choose a new Ability each time. This is a full Charm purchase and not a repurchase. During combat, this applies on Step 1. Outside of combat, it may be used freely.

Special: this charm may be applied to resistance rolls (such as to resist a hazard or trap) or to reflexively created actions, e.g. a reflexive Build Power action, regardless of Step.

Purchased Excellencies:

  • Close Combat

Close Combat

Excellent Strike

Cost 1m
Step 3
Type Attack (Any)
Duration Instant

Double extra successes after applying Defence, but before any bonus successes are applied. Additionally, ignore penalties hindering a single Close Combat attack - excluding self-imposed penalties that cannot be removed.

Agony-Empowered Strike: if the Infernal waived a three-die penalty or greater, she gains it as a dice bonus to her damage.

Wrath-Stoked Onslaught

Cost 2m
Step 6
Type Attack (Decisive)
Duration Instant

The Infernal gains an additional die of damage for every 2 Power spent on the attack. This may be used during a Clash. Gain an additional anima.

Wrathful: if she spends at least 7 Power, add an additional die of damage.


Dread Tiger's Symmetry

Cost Commit 1m
Step -
Type Buff
Duration Scene

The Exalt adds her Essence in bonus dice and gains Double 9s on any threatening Influence Actions. If a character has a Tie of fear toward the Exalt, add bonus dice equal to its intensity. The bonus dice from Ties do not count toward the limit. Mundane animals and extras flee from the Exalt outright unless compelled to remain through training or magic.