Harrison Gordon Cyborg

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Human Male Combat Cyborg Framework


Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirits d6, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12

Pace 8 (d8)

Parry 7

Toughness 18 (6 MDC)/24 (9 MDC) in cyborg armor


Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4 Fighting d10, Shooting d10, Electronics d6, Repair d6, Survival d6 Skills ===

Edges and Hindrances

EDGES: Charge (ignore penalty to Fighting at the end of a run), Quick (when dealt action card 5 or lower, can discard and keep drawing until get above a 5), Dirty Fighter (+2 when making tests against a foe if next action is Fighting attack against same target), Danger Sense (Sense when something bad is about to happen. +2 to Notice to act in first round, on Hold with a raise).

HINDRANCES: Heroic (Major)- Always seems to help others out, even if he doesn't want to; Shamed (Minor)- always feels like he is failing those around him due to something he did before conversion...just can't put his finger on it; Loyal (Minor)- always been a good soldier/friend. Still will defend friends/stick with them through thick and thin.


Adrenal System (+2 to recover from Shaken and Stunned) Armor Plating (3)* Audio Package (+2 to hearing-based Notice and to resist audio-based attack. Hear hyper-sonic and subsonic) Bionic Strength Augmentation* Core Electronics Package (+2 to Common Knowledge, Electronics, Hacking, Research, and Repair rolls. Radio – 20-mile range, gyro-compass, clock-calendar) Cyber Wired Reflexes* Internal Life Support Nuclear Power Cell Optics Package (Ignore Illumination Penalties, grants +2 to all sight-based Notice checks and versus blinding flashes), Reinforced Frame (3)* Synthetic Organ Replacement*

  • Effects already added above

Special Abilities



Heroic Journey - Training: When it gets up-close and ugly, your hero knows how to set up opponents for a nasty fall, while protecting yourself. Gain Dirty Fighter Edge. Experience and Wisdom: Always get a strange tingling/sense to danger- Danger Sense edge.