Enlynn Nahlolath

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Enlynn Nahlolath, Lemurian Female Sea Druid
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirits d10, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Pace 6 (d6), Parry 7, Toughness 13 (5)
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Faith d10, Fighting d10, Notice d6, Occult d6, Persuasion d6, Psionic d10, Stealth d8, Survival d6
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Arcane Background (Psionic), Beast Mastery, Concentration, Master of Magic, Power Points (PPE)
Hindrances: D-Bee (minor), Driven – Protect and living in harmony with nature (Major)
Miracle Powers: Bolt (water stream), Boost/Lower Trait, Environmental Protection, Elemental Manipulation, Speed/Sloth; PPE: 20
Psionic Powers: Beast Friend, Empathy, Mind Link; ISP: 10
Special Abilities – Aquodic (can’t drown in oxygenated liquid, can swim at full Pace (no Athletic check required but can use one to increase speed) and can communicate with ultrasonic sounds like dolphins); Animal Empathy (has a psionic connection to sea animals); Biomancy Perfection; Cybernetic Rejection (cannot have cybernetic implants); Environmental Resistance (can survive depths of one mile underwater, gain +4 to resist Cold and -4 from Cold damage); Human Offshoot (Reaction starts as Uncooperative); Low Light Vision (ignore Dim and Dark illumination pen); Natural Arcane Affinity; Natural Psionic; Near Human Physiology (suffer -1 to Healing and similar skills); Retro-Tech (Spirit check just to use. Even with success suffer -2 Trait rolls with most tech); Sense Underwater Danger; The Endless Crusade – hatred of supernatural evil and undead. Persuasion -2; Totem Power (Shark – Action can summon one in the area to aid him for 80 minutes (4PPE), Can shapeshift power to change into one at normal cost); Water Sense (within 8 miles automatically know waters location, depth, purity, etc, and can sense water elementals and spirits)
Gear: Medium Enchanted Armor (Armor +5, Tough +2; magic), Enchanted Longsword (Damage Str+2d8 Mega Damage, AP-8; magical)