Adventures in the Distal Provinces:Kar

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Kar the Lizardfolk[edit]

File:Https:// [[1]]

Appearance: Emerald green scales, golden slit-pupil eyes

Typical equipment: Naked except for a vest and belt with many pockets

Refresh: 3


  • High Concept: Talented Lizard Folk Explorer
  • Trouble: Wanderlust
  • Odd Jobs, Odd Skills
  • Unshakeable Optimism
  • "What was your name again?"


  • Great (+4) Lore
  • Good (+3) Investigate, Crafts
  • Fair (+2) Athletics, Fight, Shoot,
  • Average (+2) Drive, Notice, Physique, Stealth


Lizardfolk Claws: Kar's claws are handy tools and lethal weapons. He effectively always has a dagger at hand.

Nature Provides: Kar is an experienced tracker and forager. Any Investigate check made in the wilderness has a +2 bonus.

Rigging Rat: Whether it's a tree, cliffside, or a ship's mast, Kar can scale up anything. Any Athletics check for climbing has a +2 bonus.

Stress and Consequences[edit]

Mental Stress O O

Physical Stress O O X

Mild (2)

Moderate (4)

Severe (6)