Nature of the Beast: Quinn

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Name: Quinn Barrett
Deed Name: Razor's Edge
Breed: Homid
Auspice: Philodox
Tribe: Children of Gaia

Gnosis: 2
Rage: 4
Willpower: 4
Renown: Honour 3
Rank: 1; Cliath


Strength 3
Dexterity 3
Stamina 3

Charisma 4
Manipulation 3
Appearance 3

Perception 2
Intelligence 2
Wits 2

Talents / Skills / Knowledges

Alertness 2
Athletics 3
Brawl 2
Empathy 3
Primal-Urge 1
Streetwise 3

Crafts 1
Drive 1
Etiquette 1
Larceny 2
Melee 2
Stealth 2
Computer 1
Enigmas 1
Law 2
Rituals 1


Ancestors 5
Kinfolk 5
Totem 2


Brother's Scent
Truth of Gaia


Family Support (1 pt.)
Notable Heritage (Garou - 2 pts.)


Foe From The Past (+1 pt.)
Impatient (+1 pt.)
Mark of the Predator (+2 pt.)
Strict Carnivore (+1 pt.)


Born to a knowing Kinfolk family long settled in the region around Firdale with portents and signs very good Quinn would be Garou she was brought up with many, many expectations the strongest of which was living up to her sister Lily's example. Five years older and a powerful Theurge, in her short life as a Garou Lily has already done great deeds for the Garou Nation, forging (or re-forging) spirit pacts, defeating Banes and being a tireless example of her tribe's commitment to peace. At around age 16, Quinn couldn't take it any longer and ran away, all the way to Seattle. A few years later with the area in a great deal of strife thanks to Prospect Oil, Quinn's returned, Changed in more ways than one with the deed name of 'Razor's Edge' given to her by the Children of Gaia residing in the City by the Bay.

Quinn certainly does not present as the typical Child of Gaia, even if no such creature actually exists. Dyed hair, piercings, tattoo sleeves and an aggressive attitude some would think more appropriate for the Black Furies and some very aggressive tendencies even if Quinn would prefer otherwise. What Quinn experienced out west - which she doesn't talk about in casual conversation, especially to new people - lit a fire under her and turned her into an aggressive warrior for peace, one who tries the path of least resistance first but is also more than willing to knock heads together if it comes to that even as the shadow of her much more famous sister (currently on an Umbral quest with her pack, which in a way makes it worse) looms very large over Quinn.