Mad Season: Game Premise

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Out in the Great Sands, the Gyre has turned for aeons, a great primordial spirit trapped in the spiraling vortex of its own unfathomable power. But the Gyre has collapsed, and its spirit is free.

The Mad Season has begun.

The Dragons were affected first. Out in the reach, no isle is safe to approach or depart, but though they rule the seas and skies, the diligence of the Ha'giant Loremsters has kept the beasts from decimating the land.

Throughout the Hartshorn the greens have risen above the forests, and elves, already rare in the land, return west to their hidden home in the mists beyond, leaving the mortal realm to see to its own succor.

The Great Sands suffer the worst, however, as the metallic dragons, perhaps the greatest bastion of good in the world, are driven to take on primal bestial form, destroying everything in their paths without thought or menace - simply mindless brutality.

The PCs are locals or sojourning wanderers in the Da'an Du water house, an oasis very near the mesaland of the Ferrous Wastes in the west of the great sands. Stone and water in plenty make it one of the largest Water Houses, supporting multiple cisterns and a sizeable settlement carved into the cliff faces that surround three sides of the oasis.

Da'an Du was one of the first and hardest hit by the maddened dragons when the Gyre fell, but the community is hardy and determined to rebuild. Under the right leadership, perhaps they might.

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