Mad Season: Factions

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Trade Guild (controls the caravanserai)
The Red Guard (makes up the Watch [Dragonborn only] and oversees the local militia [any race])
Potters Guild (crafts and distributes clayware - major export of Da'an Du)
Dyer and Tanner's Guilds (ostensibly two separate guilds, but collectively a front for the Thieve's Guild)
Council of Judges (Matrons and Patrons of the water home that adjudicate disputes that can be settled without awaiting the Circuit Parliament)
Stonemasters (masons and stone cutters of the settlement)
The Elementalists (manage the use and distribution of water and fire [combustibles] and wind power [from the settlement's Sails])
Beasthold (responsible for travel, burden, and food animals)
Weavers Guild (responsible for textiles, esp tents)
Hunter's of the Sands (healers who tend to the ill and wounded and deal with the dead that frequently emerge from the sands)
Hostlers (In charge of professional and emergency hospitality)
Esmerelda Button - Mistress of Hostel

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