Mad Season: Factions
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- Trade Guild (controls the caravanserai)
- The Red Guard (makes up the Watch [Dragonborn only] and oversees the local militia [any race])
- Potters Guild (crafts and distributes clayware - major export of Da'an Du)
- Dyer and Tanner's Guilds (ostensibly two separate guilds, but collectively a front for the Thieve's Guild)
- Council of Judges (Matrons and Patrons of the water home that adjudicate disputes that can be settled without awaiting the Circuit Parliament)
- Stonemasters (masons and stone cutters of the settlement)
- The Elementalists (manage the use and distribution of water and fire [combustibles] and wind power [from the settlement's Sails])
- Beasthold (responsible for travel, burden, and food animals)
- Weavers Guild (responsible for textiles, esp tents)
- Hunter's of the Sands (healers who tend to the ill and wounded and deal with the dead that frequently emerge from the sands)
- Hostlers (In charge of professional and emergency hospitality)
- Esmerelda Button - Mistress of Hostel