Crickets Conundrum:Locations
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The West
The Iron Isle
The Iron Isle, was once called Pal'ua's Torc for the way its crescent moon shape hinted at the jewelry of the Volcano Goddess White-Eyed Pal'ua.
The locals refer to themselves as Paluans even though the volcano goddess no longer calls it home.
Ruby Bay

Population: 439
The largest town on the island is Ruby Bay, nestled in the harbor at the center of the crescent. The white bell tower in town square once rang out the time of the day, though the Alchemicals have helpfully updated this tradition - now it rings out shift change every ten hours.

Rangitoto, a dormant volcano southwest of The Iron Isle, is the secret home of The Giant's Anvil - a remarkably well-preserved First Age Forge-Cathedral. At present, Koa-Mika is the only person who can open it's great obsidian doorway. It will take decades of work to bring it to full working order, but even crippled it is capable of forging artifacts.