Shadow of Future Glory

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== Alchemical Character - Shadow of Future Glory Starmetal Caste Alchemical Exalted ==

Exalt Advantages

Living Artifact.

Community Spirit.

Resonant with Starmetal.

The Rite of Reconfiguration.

Anima Effects

Silent Star (Passive): The Starmetal Caste can order trivial characters in a position of authority to relay their orders without a roll. This doesn’t work if the command works against the character’s interests.

Guiding Light (Active): The Alchemical adds their Essence in automatic successes to Embassy and Sagacity rolls, including Build Power actions.

When Stars Align (Iconic): The Starmetal adds half their Essence in successes, rounded up, to both attack and damage rolls for themself and their allies within short range, which lasts until the end of the scene. This does not count towards the cap.


Force 3

Finesse 4

Fortitude 2



Athletics 3

Close Combat 1


Embassy 5

Integrity 3

Navigate 2



Presence 4

Ranged Combat

Sagacity 2

Stealth 3



Presence Excellency. Efficient Planning Matrix. When undertaking a venture, may reduce the number of obstacles by one or shorten the time scale of the next venture.

Deft Official’s Way. Get one from a list of bonuses when undertaking a Leadership or Bureaucratic venture that involves a bureaucracy.

Bureau-Breaking Method. Spend a scene sabotaging a venture or bureaucratic task. On success, add Essence or successes (whichever is higher, maximum five) obstacles to the venture you oppose. Harmonious Presence Meditation. Commit 1 mote for one scene. For the duration, +1 automatic success to all social influence except Read Intentions. Also, ignore 3 dice of mundane situational penalties related to customs, history, etc.

Battalion-Breaking Shout. Spend 1 mote and target an enemy battle group within short range. They must immediately make a rout check. On success or failure, their effective Drill is reduced by 1.

Phase Shifting Apparatus. Spend 1 mote. On step 4 of combat, after resolving attack, move one range band in any direction, becoming immaterial for the travel. Outside of combat, commit 1 mote to become immaterial for a scene (can only pass through two feet of material at a time).

Flawlessly Impenetrable Disguise (with Guise of Humanity). Commit 1 mote while assembling a (general) disguise. It is impenetrable to mortal senses, and magical senses can be resisted with Attribute + Stealth. If it’s of a specific person, significant characters can try to see through it, but are resisted by Attribute + Stealth. While the charm is active, the character appears human.


Primary Influence: Shadow of Future Glory has cultivated a reputation throughout the West as a pseudo-mythic figure who appears in a city or on a boat, whispers advice to a few people, and leads them to prosperity. They're quieter about their failures, or the groups they've sabotaged.

Secondary Resources: Shadow is not known as a major business-owner, but when they make people rich, they usually take some of that wealth for themself and their Circle. Plus, they have a series of identities with easy access (if not technically ownership) of money, in case they need it.

Tertiary Followers: Shadow is in charge of the administrators and diplomats of the Iron Isle. You need people you can trust to handle things while the Circle is away on Adventures.


Major Virtue: Compassion

Minor Virtue: Discipline


Major: Minor: Minor: