Crickets Conundrum:Swiftly Flowing Silver:Charms and Artifacts
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Cost | 1m |
Step | 1 |
Type | [Applicable] |
Duration | Instant |
Add [Ability] dice to an applicable roll. You may buy this charm for multiple Abilities, but must choose a new Ability each time. This is a full Charm purchase and not a repurchase. During combat, this applies on Step 1. Outside of combat, it may be used freely.
Special: this charm may be applied to resistance rolls (such as to resist a hazard or trap) or to reflexively created actions, e.g. a reflexive Build Power action, regardless of Step.
Alchemical: when making the roll, also choose an Attribute (typically the one paired with the Ability for this action). If your Attribute is higher than the chosen Ability, you may add it as a dice bonus instead.
Purchased Excellencies:
- Athletics
Augmented Attribute
Cost | - |
Step | 1 |
Type | Buff |
Duration | - |
When adding dice from a relevant Excellency, treat the relevant Attribute as 1 higher (to a maximum of 5).
Attributes Augmented: - Finesse
Portable Utility Compartment
Cost | 1m |
Step | (1) |
Type | Utility |
Duration | Instant |
Swiftly's malleable body can easily store or shape into useful tools so they're always available. The GM has final say as to what is reasonable for her to produce with a given use.
Out of combat, this Charm adds two automatic successes to a related roll. In combat, this Charm supplements a Build Power action, adding 2 Power to the result of the roll.
Identity Obfuscation Matrix
Cost | Commit 1-2m |
Step | (1) |
Type | Buff |
Duration | Scene |
Swiftly's appearance changes completely, as dictated by the player. If the character has had upgrades like an extra limb or spider-like legs that are harder to hide, she must commit 2 motes to conceal these features.
If Swiftly Purchases this Charm again, she'll be able to spend 1 mote to perfectly mimic another character’s voice and inflection.
Fluid Transformation Mode
Cost | 1m/Commit 1m |
Step | (1) |
Type | Buff |
Duration | Turn or Scene |
During combat, if a single action (be that a move action, a gambit, or otherwise) would face a penalty, or be ruled impossible, due to physical obstructions or obstacles, you may reflexively spend one Mote to negate such penalties for the rest of the turn, provided there is a space a fluid could conceivably fit into or move through.
Out of combat, you may instead commit 1 mote in order to turn entirely fluid, allowing you to negate all such penalties as long as it's committed.
These abilities only affect your physical body; clothing or equipment cannot be moved or transformed with this Charm.
Flow Like Blood
Cost | Commit 1m / 1m |
Step | 1 (2) |
Type | Defense |
Duration | Scene |
Swiftly adds one to her Defense against attacks at close range, and steals 1 Power from her attacker when she successfully defends against such an attack. If the target has no Power to steal, he suffers a two-die penalty to his next attack instead.
Onslaught Deflection Technique (Alchemical): Spend 1 additional mote. On Step 2, add the Swiftly's Essence rating to their defense against a single attack.
Mongoose-and-Cobra Escape
Cost | 1m |
Step | 4 |
Type | Defense |
Duration | Scene |
After successfully defending against an attack, Swiftly may move one range band as a reflexive action. This is Step 4 unless modified by the mode.
Vector Improvisation Methodology (Alchemical): She also gains her Essence in dice to her next Rush attack against the target she dodged.
Close Combat
Fists of Iron Technique
Cost | 1m |
Step | 1 |
Type | Attack (Any) |
Duration | Instant |
Swiftly's body is one of the most flexible, adaptable weapons in Creation. At the start of any combat scene, she may choose that her unarmed attacks count as medium or heavy weapons, rather than light. Spend 1 mote on Step 1 to change this as a reflexive action. This does not count as the her Charm on that Step. When activating this Charm, also choose one tag to apply to Swiftly's unarmed attacks while Fists of Iron is active, excluding Artifact. The tag does not change when the weapon classification changes. This maybe used during a clash.
Armament Integration Program: Swiftly may commit 1 mote to give an existing weapon the Natural tag for as long as the mote remains committed. She does not pay this cost for attuned Artifact weapons.
Arms of the Elegant Kraken (Primary)
These delicate, yet impossibly strong moonsilver chains on matching cuffs make flexible weapons out to short range, but can unfurl as self-propelling limbs when activated by the right ritual dance by its wearer.
- Type: Light Melee Weapon (Or Light Armor)
- Tags: Artifact, Paired, Flexible, Pulling (Medium Range), Disarming
When not in use, these chains also move on their own to wrap around their wearer in a protective embrace, acting as light armor. In combat, it takes an action on Step 1 to switch between armor or weaponry, but it can be reflexive for 1 Power.
Cadenza contains the following Evocation (more remain undiscovered):
Silver Spider Stride The four chains stir to life as a second, greater set of limbs to walk and climb all about. Commit 1 Mote. For the rest of the scene, you may reflexively add one additional range band to move actions along any surface and two to any leap actions, and you may additionally move up to medium range away from whatever surface is supporting you (usually the ground, but also vertical surfaces or ceilings you're scaling if you're able). While above the ground this way, the cost of knockback and knockdown gambits against you is reduced by one for each range band away the surface you are, and an additional 1 if any of your arms are used for combat rather than supporting your motion. When attempting to climb on walls or ceilings, you may flurry an attack against the surface with the movement action without penalty, carving handholds for the arms if successful
* Resonant: The Arms gain a greater sort of intelligence, reaching for supporting surface and moving to brace their wearer without direction. Attempts to grab surfaces for support (including the above attack against walls or ceilings) become Reflexive. Furthermore, as long as this is active, falls are (for the purposes of damage) treated as one range band shorter if two or more arms are unentangled, or two if all four are free.