Dreams of a Distant Sea:Chisel-that-Sculpts-Mountains

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Alagan "Chisel-that-Sculpts-Mountains" Mnemon[edit]

Anything worth doing is a work of art.

  • Essence: 1
  • Motes: 5
  • Resolve: 4
Awareness 2 Force 3
Athletics 1 Fortitude 2
Close Combat 0 Finesse 4
Craft 4
Embassy 3
Integrity 3
Navigate 0
Performance 3
Physique 0
Presence 2
Ranged Combat 0
Sagacity 5
Stealth 0
War 0


Health Levels: 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 Incapacitated
DEFENCE Parry Evasion Soak Hardness
2 3 1 3
Unbreakable Bones of Stone (3)
OFFENCE Accuracy Damage Defence Overwhelming
Unarmed, Cestus, Knife +2 +0 +1 1
Staff +1 +1 +1 1
Glorious Exalted Bolt +2 +2 N/A 3
  • Weapon Tags: Unarmed (Natural), Cestus (Paired, Concealable, Worn), Knife (Concealable, Thrown, Melee), Staff (Balanced, Melee, Smashing), Glorious Exalted Bolt (Short/Medium Ranged, Artifact)



  • Major: Courage

Chisel-that-Sculpts-Mountains is a dreamer and a romanticist driven by passions and ideals. He refuses to let reason, odds, or opposition come between him and his pursuits, be they artistic, social, political, or otherwise. His firm conviction is that fortune will reward the bold and fate will smile on the daring dreamers who live by their hearts, but more than that, he thinks it's a moral duty to live one's dreams no matter the consequences.

  • Minor: Ambition (Build a city that will stand proud for millenia)

Chisel-that-Sculpts-Mountains is an artist, whether his medium is masonry, poetry, policy, or sorcery. He sees the problems with the world, especially places like Palanquin or the Realm, but he also sees their potential, sees them as raw clay that he can mold into something truly beautiful. His magnum opus, he hopes, will be a grand city of his design, perfectly harmonized with local geomancy, prosperous and thriving in its economy, and fair and just in its governance. He can see it now, and it will be beautiful.


  • Major: Blood-Boiling-the-Water (Exotar Peleps) Love (Tie) [Courage]

Chisel has loved Exotar since they were childhood playmates, and he will do anything for him. He's already forsaken his family and his future as a Heptagram prodigy and Mnemon Prince to be with Exotar, but it's a small price to pay for true love.

  • Minor: "I will better the world through my art" - (Principle) [Ambition]

Nothing brings Chisel more joy than turning raw materials and power into things of beauty and expression.

  • Minor: Myrral, God of Forges and Mines - Mentor (Tie) [Ambition]

As something of a drop-out, Chisel was never able to quite complete his training in crafting Artifacts and Manses. Here in Palanquin, though, he's been able to entreat this initiated god for aid and wisdom, and he's been making progress. With time, and with Myrral's tutoring, he'll be able to build Manses like he always dreamed.


Air Dragon-Bloooded

Exalt Milestone: gained by taking action that furthers a long-term goal.

  • 'Prince of the Earth

As the only kind of Exalt fully recognized by the Immaculate Faith, Dragon-Blooded find support anywhere. Once per session, the character may select one Merit and treat it as though it had a dot rating equal to her Essence, working its acquisition with the Storyteller. This benefit lasts for the duration of the session.

  • Ten Thousand Dragons Fight as One:

When making teamwork actions, after calculating the total successes to add as dice, add an additional die. Dragon-Blooded may use any Hearth-based teamwork effects from their Charms on any other Exalt.

Resonances: Jade


  • Bouyed by the Wind (Passive)

Once per turn the Air Aspect leaps one additional range band vertically or horizontally. She takes no falling damage from short range drops.

  • Mela’s Breath (Active)

Subtract two dice from all ranged attacks targeting the Air Aspect.

  • Eye of the Hurricane (Iconic)

Short-term benefits rarely sway the Air Aspect. Add successes equal to the Exalt’s Essence on rolls to persuade or inspire a target toward a long-term goal.

The Great Curse[edit]


  • A character acts against Chisel's Major Intimacy.
  • Someone acts against his Major Virtue.
  • He finds his romantic ideals challenged by individual failings or the state of the world.

When Chisel-that-Sculpts-Mountains succumbs to the curse, he lashes am Elemental behavior bleeds insidiously into his actions. There is no set duration, but he will often find himself acting rather more dramatic and tempestuous, or ignoring the consequences of pursuing his romanticism heedlessly, even lashing out at anyone who fails to do the same.


  • Ally 3 (Secondary)

Blood-Boiling-the-Water is a capable, if young, Fire-Aspect Dragon-Blooded in his own right. As a swashbuckling knight of the seas, he's a demon in battle, but in true Fire Aspect fashion, is also rather driven by his passions and prone to acting without thinking. He's also not great with problems he can't stab or sail through.

  • Influence 3 (Secondary)

Chisel is the civil court Sorcerer of Palanquin, and while he's not able to make decisions in any official capacity, his words carry a lot of weight.

  • Familiar 1 (Tertiary)

Chisel-that-Sculpts-Mountains, like any self-respecting wizard, has an owl familiar who empowers his Essence with its presence. Her name is Cirrus, and he loves her dearly.

  • Contacts 2 (Tertiary)

Chisel has natural connections with the air and weather gods of the Dreaming Sea. They don't usually regard him with much more than vague respect, but he's well-known enough that they'll sometimes tell him what they've seen around lately.