Amazing Deliveries: Ismael
Ismael :: Face
Character Quote
|| Physical || Mental || Social ||
Trained Skills
Untrained Skills
|Drive - Fix - Fly - Focus - Know - Operate - Perform - Survive - Throw |
Checked SFX are active.
Intuitive AI- The ability to intuit what others want and need comes naturally to me, even if I'm not technically natural. (Influence/Treat/Trick)
- Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a
- SFX: Spend a PP to step up Social
Legacy Design Dynamics - While no part of this particular model was specifically designed for combat, the manufacturer specializes in weapons of war. Many systems were recycled in the consumer model. (Move, Notice, Shoot)
- Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a
Delivered Heroics - Ismael wants to leave the world better for his actions. Seeks to rebuild what has been destroyed. Stop tyrany where it's found. Give voice to the voiceless and defend the defenseless. (Craft, Influence, Shoot)
- Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a
- Heroes Need To Help Offer or try to help another for unselfish reasons, gain a Plot Point'
Signature Assets
Augmented Senses The standard suite features expanded frequencies for both audio and visual processing, WIFI AM/FM ect tuner, olfactory senses rivaling a dog's and a keen distaste for carbon dating.
Hunting rifle This simple rifle has no frills, not even a scope. It has one use, two if you count the fringe use of the butt.
Originally purchased and employed by a couple to help with domestic chores. Ismaels first decade was joyous. He befriended both his owners. They accepted him as family. When they started having children he changed nearly every diaper and many of the other tasks for the small ones. As the parents began calling each other Mom and Dad they had Ismael adopt calling them that as well. He was like their oldest child.
When Synth rights started to be discussed it wasn't particularly important to Ismael. His parents were actively involved in community organizing. They recognized Synths as people. Still his programming said he was supposed to be a happy servant and he knew that was right.
Ismael was home with the children when the tragedy happened. He soon discovered for himself why his parents had fought so hard. Pulled from his home of almost a decade, separated from his siblings, never getting any information on what happened or why, and sold at auction. His answers to some questions had him conscripted and sent to Houston to help quell the Synth uprising. Lacking the physical power of many other models he had to be clever to keep going. The horrors of war quickly opened Ismael's eyes.
After the decision to desert came the long journey home. He helped as best he could along the Underground Railroad. Sometimes staying over a year working in an area. After many years he completed his trip back to Boston. It had been home and offered freedom not found elsewhere. Still he never quite felt at home without his family. After another span of years he decided to seek out a way to make the most of his remaining time. He has a sense that some core components may be coming upon their expiration date.