Damaged Souls - Character 5

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David Andrews :: The Serious One[edit]

Grow up already.[edit]

Attributes d8[edit]

|| Physical d8 || Mental d8 || Social d8 ||

Trained Skills d6[edit]

Fight d8

Fix d6

Focus d8

Know d8

  • Bureaucracy d6

Labor d8

Sneak d10

Treat d8

Trick d6

  • Playing Innocent d6

Untrained Skills d4[edit]

| Craft d4 | Drive d4 | Influence d4 | Move d4 | Notice d4 | | Operate d4 | Perform d4 | Shoot d4 | Survive d4 | Throw d4 |

Distinctions/SFX d8[edit]

Checked SFX are active.

The Serious One - David is very serious, he plans, sets goals, and works hard to achieve them. He doesn't feel like he has time for fun or socializing.

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a
Planned For That: When using The Serious One distinction you can spend a PP to reroll all the dice on an action, as long as you can explain what precautions you took to prevent your failure.

Out of Sync - David is a little out of sync with reality. With him loosing little segments of time where he seems to have just skipped forward or finding himself alone in regular surroundings that are just not quite right or with people missing.

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a
That should have been worse, right? David does not control how out of touch he is with reality, but maybe it's caused by stress, because sometimes in a moment of danger he slips out of reality. When David takes a complication representing a physical injury he can immediately spend a PP to step down the complication.

Adulting - Because David had such a shitty upbringing, he knows how a lot of things work that teens don't normally worry about. Like filing taxes, checking accounts, calling to get an extension for the electric bill because your dad drank his paycheck, etc.

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a

Signature Assets d6[edit]

Matt's Life Advice d8 His brother gave David a lot of pragmatic advice that has shaped how David lives his life and views the world.

Lighter d8 Before his brother enlisted he gave him his lighter. It's got a Cross of Cuthbert on it (not that he knows what it is, just that it looks cool). He smuggled it into camp and keeps it with him whenever he can.


David's family is a mess. He lives with his alcoholic father, Simon Andrews, in a trailer. David's parents divorced when he was six because his father cheated. His mother didn't take it well, they were high school sweet hearts, and sort of spiraled out of control. She abandoned him and his brother when new guy number two didn't like kids. She occasionally blows through his life whenever she decides it would be fun to play mom for a week. He stopped hoping these visits meant anything when he was eleven. His father got remarried and divorced two more times. Simon is currently single, but is always on the look-out for ex-wife number four.

He's got a half-sister, Catelyn, from ex-wife number two (Carmen). The courts wisely gave her mother full custody and so David and Catelyn only see each other occasionally at school and aren't close.

Ex-wife number three, Marci, had two kids, Michael and Milton. Milton is around David's age and they got along okay. Michael is three years younger and a real pain in the ass. They were only step-siblings for six months so they didn't get to know each other super-well and the bitter divorce sort of made David and Michael actively hate each other in middle school. Now they just avoid each other as much as they can.

David was mostly raised by his older brother, Matt, and his Aunt Marnie who has a trailer not far from David's trailer. His older brother is his roll model and often helped take care of David after their parents split. Matt is five years older than David and left home to enlist in the army as soon as he turned eighteen. Matt doesn't come home often now and when he does, he usually gets into fights with their dad. He gave David several pieces of advice that David lives by, "Don't get stuck here. You don't owe the old man anything and there's a better life waiting for you." "Study and get smart, stay out of trouble, work hard, and learn how to do something useful, then you won't end up in the army like me." "Don't waste your time and money on stupid shit. Smokes are stupid shit.*"

  • Matt smoked, this was probably his way of keeping his little brother from starting.

His Aunt Marnie was who David went to when his father kicked him out of the trailer or when there was no food in the fridge. She has two daughters, currently 17 (Stevie) and 19 (Jacqueline). Since David spent a lot of time at their place they're sort of like big sisters to him and they get along okay. Aunt Marnie has a car and sometimes Stevie will give him a ride when he needs to get places, including a ride to work when it's raining since he has to bike. His father also has five other siblings with various children of their own and some of those kids have kids and he's got two aunt's on his mom's side that don't really do more than send a birthday card, but they've got kids too; so that he has cousins and second cousins scattered around town.

David works at the bowling alley (or he would be if not for this stupid summer camp his dad shipped him off too) and does other odd jobs whenever he can, cutting grass, doing work for neighbors, and a paper route. Usually the summer is his time to really focus on earning money and he is not to happy to be at Summer Camp. He "qualified" for this fun experience because of an incident at school related to him being out of sync for a few minutes.

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