Spinworlds 5e
This page is for the Spinworlds play-by-post game run by @SomeGuyLol .
Zahra Von Staarsbrucken, human Paladin 3/Sorcerer 1 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-tOMmvBWYI8QCDi-qq3qCsij459ufd01HbZH8HxeX2Q/edit#heading=h.ujmw7sg865dk
Balasar Drex, Black Chromatic Dragonborn Fighter 1/Monk (Kensei) 3
Marque Vranilde, human Artificer 4 - https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/spinning-worlds-closed-recruitment-d-d-5e-planet-hopping-fun.896362/post-24334406 or Marque Vranilde
Kurga the Scavenger, half-orc Nature Cleric 4 - https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/spinning-worlds-closed-recruitment-d-d-5e-planet-hopping-fun.896362/post-24335516
In-character thread
Out-of-character thread
Recruitment thread
Experience points
The experience earned by each character is currently:
Next level is:
Level 5 - 6,500xp
Arc 1
The adventurers meet in a tavern, after de-escalating an encounter with thieves from the Night robes guild they take a flight looking for a rich guy named Antro Kepal to find Tyrion Von Staarsbrusken (Zahra's missing father), they discover that Antro is part of an Demonic cult called the Abyssalites
Arc 2
Having defeated Antro and interrogated him, they expose him to the public, they then go to the Underdark to find the prison where he is being held captive, they encounter a Spectator (beholder-kin) guarding the Underdark's entrance, they lead them to their hive where the hierarchs search for the magically-hiden dungeon and fight the guards.
After Von Staarsbrusken is released, he soon uncovers Antonius' identity as Zahra and returns to his family to cancel an arranged marriage. Meanwhile the Holorm republic rewards the party for taking down Antro
Arc 3
Von Staarsbrusken gives the adventurers a map leading them to Utri to find the Fruit of Ootuo the cultist were interrogating him for, they take a stop at the Astral Harbors to take down a few Red Edges thieves, then they go to Eega-lotchnash, (the Grandmother turtle), there they intersect with some locals, buy a few magic items and get a Intel on Utri through scying, Balasar also gets a 7-day resistance to fiends and undead.
After they make it to Utri, they make their way through planet's unusual geography, and enter a Drow city, where they disguise themselves as merchants, they enter the dungeon where the Fruit was held and solve all the puzzles/obstacles and obtain the Fruit
Arc 4
The adventurers return to Azumer and dive to the Grey Sea, they fight an aspect of a demonlord wanting the Fruit for herself, they use the Fruit to sever the Grey Sea from its connection to Hades and negative energy, bringing life back to the see.
After they get back to the surface, they notice some conspiracy theorists worried that their newly healed sea would open the way to war with nations across the ocean.
They get rewarded by emperor Nurhan with a feast and promised them wealth and glory, while they find that Tyrion and his wife Olean (Zahra's stepmother) were assaulted by a Red Edge thief and an Abyssalite cultist, Balasar and Kurga interrogate the captured thief for information and find out that the operation of breaking in Von Staarsbrusken's house was commanded by a cambion named Jozion, they went to his hide-out and take him down, discovering a hidden chamber where he hid an magical stone trapping high ranking Modron and a bunch of imps
Arc 5
The system
-Irryal empire: Its capital is Oim, here the adventure starts, it's a human nation ruled by am emotionally unstable emperor who magically spies on his citizenry, they border Kurga's Cleansing (previously: the Grey Sea) and has troubled relations with most of its neighbors and other states across the ocean
-Agori dynasty: an Orcish empire that used to control most of the continent until their human subjects rebelled and started own empire (Irryal)
-Nation of Loil: An aristocracy ruled by an ancient Black Dragon
-Sawkvia: An Elvish nation bordering the nation of Loil
-Holorm republic: An technologically advanced Gnomish nation
-Vubrith Duchy: A cosmopolitan country around the cold equator
-Noriphisn: A city ruled by an Amethyst Dragon, advanced in Psionics
-Ilno-serir: A drow city in the Monsterlands