Aim to Misbehave: Mods
We will be using the following Mods in this game.
Action Resolution(ish): We will be using a single opposed roll to determine the success or failure of a given action. I will put together an opposing pool to the PC's roll if they are initiating the action. If I am initiating the action, I will roll before the PC or assign a static difficulty. Ties go to the Defender.
Hero Dice: If a player beats the GM's roll or static difficulty by 5 or more, the Character earns a Hero Die equal to the highest die in the GM's pool or on a static difficulty.
Effect Die: Effect dice won't always apply to a roll, but when they do we will use them. Since we are not using contests, this pretty much limits them to asset creation, complications, and stress.
Rolled Asset Cap: Effect die determines the rating of rolled assets, but they may not be rated higher than one step above the highest die in the GM's opposing pool (and never higher than regardless).
Plot Points: Players start each episode with 1 pp and may earn pp via SFX and GM purchased hitches. All plot point spend options from p28-29 apply except Join a Contest since we are not using contests.
GM Plot Points: GM starts each episode with 1 pp per player and may earn subsequent pp with SFX.
Stress and Complications: The only Stress Track for this game is Sanity. Otherwise we will just be using Complications. SAN stress only comes from failed Focus rolls that are high stakes enough to take you out. Hitches will not be used to create or step up stress. Players may push stress (use it as an asset for one roll) but the stress is then stepped up following that action.
Downtime Scenes: These can be used to restore SAN stress tracks. Mechanically, they have no player-facing affect on regular complications, but if it seems fictionally relevant, I may reduce or remove complications as appropriate due to downtime.
No on Stress Tracks/Complications: Both will start at
and drop off if they go below
to avoid the funky twists and turns of the rules for using
in these situations.
No Doom/Crisis Pools: These mods are just too cumbersome for PBP.
No Powers/Abilities: We're going for a more low-key feel with this game. Likewise, do not use SFX formatting designed for Powers/Abilities. Stick to those outlined on p61-63 (ignoring the bit on Limits), and skip the SFX guidelines on p191-213.