Hegemony: Story Details
Before Episode One
- 2244: First successful slipstream drive enables travel to Venus and Mars.
- 2278: Second generation slipships travel to the gas giants.
- 2279: All slipships within exploratory range of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune inexplicably fall into those planets never to be heard from again.
- 2282: The Ma'at initiate first contact, declaring the giants to be sovereign and inviolate space.
- 2285: The First Hegemony of Earth is established by then Secratary General of the United Nations, Zoe Kythria..
- 2302: Third generation slipships are able to compensate for planetary gravitational differentiation and target moon orbits directly.
- 2304: Ma'at ratify treaty giving mankind access to solid moons of the giants.
- 2325: The First Hegemony collapses, reintroducing a dark ages of renewed nationalism. Corporations maintain neutrality where possible. Fourth generation slipships capable of tagging significant asteroids and Kupier objects are developed.
- 2381: Fifth Generation slipships are developed. The Oort cloud remains beyond reach.
- 2397: The New Hegemony of Earth is established under Hegemon Ioseph Vladimirovak, guerrilla soldier of the former Baltic Federation.
- 2408: Present
Trigger Event: The Ma'at inexplicably cut off all communication with mankind. Across the solar system, slipship disasters climb, presenting particularly in fifth generation ships. R&R jobs skyrocket.
Opening Scene:
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