Firefly Prime: Setting Notes

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This is where I am toing to maintain a list of general setting notes that are broader than those I keep for specific episodes.

Comms and Cortex[edit]

Ship Comms: Ship comms, like hardline planetary comms, aren't particularly limited in range barring any in-story reason for them to be temporarily affected.
Personal Comms: These route through the ship and enable the crew to stay in contact with one another, but these are not smart phones with cortex access and satellite enhanced range. Within fifty miles of the ship is the general limit - again, barring story factors that say otherwise.
Such devices exist, but would need to be taken as an asset (Signature or rolled/purchased).
Cortex If you can access a terminal you probably have access to the Cortex. This includes ship terminals provided you are on planet or near enough a relay satellite in the black.

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