Grey Idria

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Grey Idria


Minor: Gain access to knowledge that someone tried to conceal.

Major: Take Major Mind fallout.


  • Discern
  • Mend
  • Evade
  • Compel


  • Haven
  • Desolate

Core Abilities

Unorthodox Methods Once per session, before you roll dice to resolve an action, instead state that your result is a 6. You succeed but take stress.

The Cost of Doing Business A mix of scrying and luck magic lets you portion off your fortune to be used as you wish. At any time you may consume a resource and roll its dice; set this dice aside. When you perform an action or inflict stress, but before you roll the dice to resolve it, you may replace any unrolled dice in your pool with the dice you set aside. Once used in this manner, it is consumed. If you have an unspent dice set aside at the end of the session, you take Fortune stress equal to the value rolled on the dice.

Mutually Assured Destruction If you go down, you’re taking them with you. If you die, the wards placed on your soul detonate in an attempt to take down whoever did you in. You explode and inflict stress equal to D8 + your current Fortune stress on anyone standing nearby.

Minor Advances

Lost It All You understand – truly – the wretched sensation of having less than nothing. Gain the Desolate domain. Once per session ask the GM where the nearest source of wealth is and they will tell you.

Make Do Periods of poverty have taught you to make the best of what you’ve got and keep things ticking over until your next big score. Gain the Mend skill. Once per session, you can immediately fix something that’s broken – but it only works once. After that, it’s destroyed past the point of repair.

On The Run You’ve been running from your creditors for years; you’re not above crawling through shit on your hands and knees to survive. Gain the Evade skill. Mark D4 stress to Supplies to shift the attention of a person or creature to another PC or an important NPC.

Major Advances

Broker You beseech Incarne for aid. Roll Mend+Haven to cast this spell. On a success, remove D6 stress from any resistance (other than Supplies) for one nearby character other than yourself.


Second-hand Wedding Ring: d6 Haven


Hooked Blade: Kill d6

Filigreed Revolver: Kill d8, Ranged, Expensive


A polymath and prodigy, Idria would have been a leading light of Drow society in the Home Nations at many other points in history. However, her home city, Kekulin, was torn apart by the civil war, with fanatics of the three moon goddesses and lords of three of the Houses vying for supremacy. In order to get her family to safety, she traded away all that she was to Incarne - her talents, her strength, her artistry, her links with her family. This got her family out to the Spire, where they toil in anonymity, incapable of even recognising Idria. But Incarne wasn't finished with the young Drow, and her talents come back as shadows wearing her face to haunt her, hunt her and claim the last pieces of her for Incarne. But she has relearnt some of her capabilities and learned, cobbled together, traded for, or stolen new ones with the taint of Incarne. She hopes to find within the Heart a way to pay off Incarne forever and perhaps reclaim some of what she lost.

She survived a continental journey and the streets of the Spire with little but her wits, which has made her far more tough and resourceful. Her half-empty soul has the curious ability to pull pain and hurt out of people, like a Gnoll vacuum-cup drawing toxins from a wound. She thinks this ability could be further developed.

Calling: Enlightenment

What "impossible" thing are you attempting to achieve in the City Beneath? I seek to defeat the shades that hunt me forever and regain the parts of myself lost to Incarne.

What's the first step on your journey? Refining my ability to manipulate pain and hurt.

Choose another player character. They've been invaluable in your journey so far. What have you learned from them?

Choose another player character. You know they're hiding secrets from you - why do you suspect they're doing this?


Mother's dagger Ornately patterened monochrome headscarf Dark glasses Set of fragile magnifying lenses