Chaos Rising:Succession
The Succession in the Courts of Chaos is a complicated matter, chaotic in a certain sense.
If the King or Queen of Chaos has no Heir, then the Heir, not the Head, of one of the Great Houses becomes next King or Queen of Chaos. The new King or Queen must denounce the ties to his or her House. The Sovereign of of Chaos belongs to none of the Houses of Chaos, his/her House is the Royal House of Chaos.
The Serpent begot several children.
Helgram, Hendrake, Minobee, Chanicat, Jesby, Sawal and several more whose names have been lost to time,
These Princes of Chaos (nobody knows anymore if they had been male or female) founded the Great Houses of Chaos and together formed the Courts of Chaos.
After Centuries had passed and the Houses had grown, they were not longer content to rule as equals together and civil war broke out, complete Houses were lost and the Courts of Chaos were nearly destroyed.
When only six Houses were left, Lord Dakis, Heir of Helgram managed to broker peace and became the first King of Chaos, denouncing his ties to his House.
The Houses codified, if Lord Dakis line should die out, then the next King or Queen of Chaos would be the Heir of another of the six Great Houses, in this order Hendrake, Minobee, Chanicat, Jesby, Sawal, Helgram, cycling through this Houses.
When Dakis line died out, Lord Siner, Heir of House Hendrake, became the new King of Chaos and as written down in the Law of Succession denounced his ties to his House. After his line died out, the next Queen of Chaos, Lady Souran, came from House Minobee, with late King Swayvill being her son.
So after King Swayvill’s death the crown should have gone to Yael Chanicat, followed by Tamsin Jesby and Mandor Sawal.
But it came differently.
By Swayvill’s testament, Lord Merlin of Helgram had been adopted by Swayvill posthumous.