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Funds are an expendable resource in B5 Prime. Each point of Funds is a d6 that can be added to a single roll when money can influence the result of that roll. Normally, only a single d6 can be added to a roll, but at the gamemaster's discretion multiple points of funds can be spent to add more than one d6. Once Funds are spent, they are gone.

In situations where the gamemaster wishes to avoid a roll, Funds can be spent to buy a resource. The resource is not an asset and does not provide dice, but it may allow the character to do something they could not do without that resource. For example, paying an entrance fee to an exclusive club allows the characters to enter without the need to gain access via other means. Likewise, buying a shuttle grants a means of transport and allows the character or other party members to make a piloting roll. Funds are meant as a narrative shortcut, and are never the only means to progress during an adventure.

Funds can be accumulated in play as payment for jobs, fencing stolen items, winnings from gambling, etc. They can be spent as listed above, and lost due to theft or other NPC actions. They naturally degrade over time (between adventures) if the character accumulates a large number of them, as there is always the temptation to spend excess funds on luxuries, safer living areas, gifts (or bribes) to maintain contacts, etc.

Funds are never needed for basic food, lodging, and other essentials. While your character may worry about making ends meet, you can always get enough food to keep yourself from going hungry (though it may not taste great) and sleep in a coffin hotel or similar cramped lodging. On the flip side, regularly spending Funds for luxuries when you don't need to do so might have roleplaying perks, and may have unforeseen benefits on occasion.

You can always choose not to interact with Funds. They are an optional addition to the game designed to reflect that you are criminals, and are subject to boom and bust as your fortunes change over time.