Tale of the Worthy Seeker
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex follows the group but stands back. She has a feeling something dropped on her shoulders of which she does not fully grasp the gravity.
Hearing it actually is Dimitrius Regor, Alex lools between those present, Arlo, Brand, Alexis and Dimitrius.
After a short moment she dares ask.
"So what does that mean? He doesn't seem a danger so far. And came asking for help."
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Alexis says, "One of the difference between Amber and Regor is that we take hereditary rights seriously. Prince Dimitri, you area Worthy Seeker? May I see the badge?" Dimitri removes the badge.
Dimi says, "Even as you, i carry the badge of Dikost. Even as you i do not expect my quest to be finished soon. I have been told by the priests of the Tiger that as long as I keep to my quest I shall not fall into mindlessness. I come to serve the Second Warden of Arden. In her service my quest will some day be completed. "
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Looking between the exchange of words Alex stays silent. Looking from one to another.
Alex shrugs slightly.
"I have no issue with an extra bow to help out. And if that helps Dimitrius not to fall into mindlessness."
She looks to her father and asks quietly
"Is that so important the badge of Dikost and such?"
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Brand looks to Alexis who smiles wickedly, Dimi at the bars listening. Brand says, "Well, Alexis would probably explain it better. Its a religious thing.. look, we sit in the depths of Amber, below the pattern, a shadow away from the Primal Pattern in the center of the shadow lands arrayed in all directions. We know of Oberon and Swayvil and the Court and Regor and the Unicorn and the Tiger, and the friggin Cat upstairs eating Arlo's left overs and the Squirrel running around shadow with Rosagaura. Thats our cosmology. And the Book of the Unicorn is the template of our faith, such as it is. The Book of the Serpent tells the cosmology of Chaos and only mentions Amber in the last chapter. There are millions and millions of religions and all we can say about them is that thats their things. The Oracles of Dikost are thousands of different elements of viewing of prophecy of different religions but at Dikost they all agree to respect both each other's faiths, Oracles, and similar decrees. A person comes to Dikost. The Oracles view their desire, judge its worth, and may grant them the title of Worthy Seeker and give them a Bade of Dikost. "
"From that point on, all the religions of Regor respect the person for having had his vision seen, quest approved, and its worth granted. They all then give him respect, aide, and then his quest becomes a legend in all the religions, the Tale of a Worthy Seeker. When they complete their quest, if successful, they will be known as Noble Seeker for the rest of their lives."
Alexis says, "And if they appeal to Dikost and their quest is denied, they are called a Lost Wanderer, eve if they forget the whole business from then on. There are many more Lost Wanderers then Worthy Seekers. I am one myself. "
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex listens to the explanation nodding to the information she recieves and now and then watching Dimitrius as he is the reason they are gathered there.
"Alright so Dimitrius is a Worthy Seeker, his quest approved, and part of his search was finding me and serving under me as second Warden. He has done that, but that does not answer why the pattern told dad to lock the cell. "
She looks between all present.
"that seems not helping him on his quest and i do not mind an extra pair of hands and very capable bow on my side."
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Dimitri pushes on the bars and the door opens. He laughs heartily and steps out. He looks at Alexis..."The pattern whispered that I should remain calm... It is a funny thing...Alexis Zhenya, my...great,great,great,great,great,great,grandnephew..." He laughs again. "And you are worried i came to claim your father's throne were I of sound mind? Is this so?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex smiles warmly and actually relieved that Dimitrius just walks out. She nods to him, seeing he is calm and sane enough.
Stepping a bit closer she looks up at him, not being to short herself, but this man is still huge.
"Well guess its beter for us to go back to Arden. I know for sure grandmother Clarissa isn't going to pop up there. I'm sure it is better to keep her in the dark about you being here. " She nods to Dimitrius.
Smiling to Arlo and Alexis she inclines her hea d
"thank you for checking for me, but seems things are just fine. right? As long as we keep to ourselves... and i can keep my tense self out of your ways. "
The last she says in a clear fake insulted tone.
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Arlo says, "I'll speak to the king for you. Expect his call."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex smiles to Arlo
"Thank you, then i think its best if Dimitrius and i exit stage left and head back to Arden. I have a shitload of work to do and apparantly its my job. "
She sighs as she takes out her trumps to Castle of Arden as that is where her things are. Muttering something about Duncan being happy flying about and her being stuck with the paperwork.
Looking up at her father she puts on a big smile again plants a kiss on his cheek
"Enjoy your new glasses dad, and if you need anything else made. Oh could you inspect the glass images i made if they are strong enough for trumpwork?"
Turning to Alexis and Arlo she nods
"Thank you again for coming by sorry to disturb your double date get away. If you hurry you can go back and enjoy some time off."
NOdding to Dimitrius she pulls up the trump to Castle Arden. Unless anyone has anything more to say she'll open contact and step through with Dimitrius
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Brand whispers, "Make eyeglasses.. trump eyeglasses.."