Alex and Dimitrius hunting

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Vek et al
Arriving at the Castle it seems its usually busy self. I think of much like the Musketter's place in the Michael York Three Musketeers. People coming and going, in and out of uniform, practicing swordsmanship . .makinig rope. eating etc
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex looks up at Dimitrius. "Alright, now that is sorted, Lets get things and get riding. There are some camps i have to check up on, just to receive reports. So we will be out for a while, hope you do not mind camping. And if you want a feast we can hunt or fish." Alex smiles big, Even tho she might complain this is still more her element then being backin the castle. And while riding and camping she might get to know more about the man who Dimitrius is.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex will arrange for basic camping stuff. bed roll. perhaps a tarp to make a make shift quick tent. skinning knife and such. The rest they can get in Arden. She'll pack up the horses prepare them for a trip and without to many words goes on the road. She has a to do list a mile long and things keep being added so she just works through it. Just now she has someone with her. For the night they'll make camp and she'll take one day of not travelling to stock up on some food. and start some meat drying. Also to check if Dimitrius is as crazy good with a bow and if so.. if he has some pointers for her to work on.
Vek et al
As the packing went Dimitri looked over the equipment with approval. Commenting that he expected no less then excellence from an organization run by Julian for generations. However, he declined using any of it. When asked he said he was prepared to live wild already. He also declined a horse though he looked over the ranger's horses with admiration. When they reach to point where Alex's horse is ready Dimitri whistles and a trump gate opens. Through it comes what Alex can only call a tiger horse. Behind it two extremely large mules bundled with packs of black canvas. Dimitri goes and grips the beasts head and they greet each other. He looks to Alex, "This is Tnrp. He is a tigerling, a breed of Regorian horse. Legend says in the early days of our realm the Tiger bread with a mighty Horse and this breed was born. The Mules are Left and right. "
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods at the declining of equipment. It is his call and she can only appreciate that he is already prepared. Seeing the horse she looks amazed. That creature looks beautiful and fast. She nods to Dimitrius with a bog smile. "That is a beautiful one, i can imagine Tnrp is fast and steong. " Looking at Scully she scratches him.behind his ears and all the spots he enjoys. "This is Scully. Given to me when i was send to go on a trip with the Rangers as a kid. He is a fantastic Ranger horse. " She kisses his snoot patting his neck. "Alright. Lets get going. Since you prepared and have your mules packed i am.sure e can make some distance. " When they start riding she'll explain. "We have camps and little settlements here and there. They are run autonomously but it is important we know whats going on. Often we do tours so the Rangers can see their families there. Though things have vhanged a bit and i like to do a quick tour myself. We ride now for as long as the animals handle. " She looks at the mules. She has no doubts about the horses "We then camp, hunt, rest and continue on. I know most spots for good hunting, fishing and such." She looks at Dimi, "agreed?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
She then smiles wide. "And dad said you are nearly unbeatable in archery so i would of course like to see that. I know i am a good archer but i have no illusions i'm done learning." She winks.
Vek et al
He smiles broadly,,"I am an archer born indeed. Tell me what beasts not to hunt and we will feast on the others. I hear manticore are a common foe here?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex laughs. "Oh so you immediately want to go for a manticore." She nods "Yes they are a common foe here. And we will encounter them deeper into Arden. I'll let you know what we can hunt. Depends highly on how the population is doing." While they ride Alex tells about the species living in an area. The plants how the natural balance works here. She enjoys to be able to talk to someone about her love for the place. After an almost full day ride she looks at Dimi. "Now i am not saying yiu need a bath but. Do you prefer camp near a small body of water or in denser woods? There is a decision to make up ahead and since we are in no rush we can pick what seems more suitable now."
Vek et al
"As you like. I see ahead a stand of yew. Do i have permission to extract wood from skin and heart to make my bow?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex looks at the trees he mentiones and nods "Yes you may use the wood. " Looking about she smiles "This place is as good as any to make camp. You can start your bow. I'll set up camp a bit further. Because thinking about it.. i like to stay near water today." She guides them to a small clearing with a forest lake which is probably fed by a small stream. Guiding the horses there to let them eat and drink. As if on automatic pilot Alex starts camp for them. She does let Dimi get to making preparations for his bow first. Alex works silently and thoroughly. Still in Julian's ways. When breaking camp noone would know they were there. "Seeing the damage on the trees boars are being restless here. They seem to be with to many. They start to be destructive then. Lets see if we can hunt one or two. Preferable the males they can fuck around like bunnies."
Vek et al
He sets up camp with Alex first, showing that he has ample gear, cooking supplies, and such. The mules are very friendly and help in many ways if needed. Then he goes and Alex sees him remove wood without harming the trees. He starts building his hunting bow. He says he has a war bow should he need to enter battle. But hunting with a magic bow os cheating and not respecting the prey.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods in respect. "I get that. " She holds up her bow still the one gifted by Julian. "I got this bow when i broke mine during the last part of the tour. I was 18 or 19 then. Julian gave it. And he taught me to shoot it proper. I use it for both. But then again it is not magic. The edge i use in war and battle doesn't come from the bow." When Dimi is ready Alex starts to track down boars. Having taken spears with as well.
Vek et al
Dimi loves hunting boars. He strips naked and pummels them. One thing, he never suggests sex. Doesn't even mention it. He is a rough and often dirty man, but a gentleman.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
When Alex sees him strip naked and pummel the boars she is first shocked. Then she looks amused. Alex lets Dimi do his thing. When back at the camp they will both clean the boars the faster they can eat. And while the boar is roasting Alex tells Dimi to sit. She takes out a little pack and checks him for any wounds that might need attention. If he refuses she will give him a stern look and a "You are traveling with me now and i like my traveling companions clean and cared for." While caring for any bumps and cuts she tells the story how she got the name Spiker with the Rangers. That she skewered her first boar. Pointing to her boartusk handled skinning knife. "Duncan took one of the tusks and had that made for me. A year later he and i got together. And not even a year after that Julian broke us up... we are together again now.... but duty keeps us busy." She pats his shoulder "All done." Not knowing what it exactly is, having seem him bare handed.. well bare everything hunt boars, spending just time with him and feeling close, the sharing, that she and Duncan don't see eachother that much, but Alex feels she needs an ice cold bath now. Looking over at the roasting meat she mutters with a slight flush in her face. "I am taking a quick bath be right back."
Vek et al
He says, "Got together? Bonded you mean. I have not been bonded nor been with A woman since my sister Marfa told me she would not lay with me till my mind was healed. Its been...thousands of years."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex frowns. "Bonded sounds to.... official we just agreed that we are personally involved giving priority to each other. But currently his priority is with the dragons, and i am swamped with my duty as second Warden. And then they call me tense! I am just doing what i am expected to do..." Her words carry a slight bitter taste. "But the only other men i am around are my Rangers, can't get to close there that would make things unbalanced. And although we keep whatever happens in Arden in Arden and sexual relations are often just that... it wouldn't work.." A slight shrug. Then looking at Dimi she widens her eyes. "Heh okey, i shouldn't complain... you really haven't been with a woman for that long? I mean sex is not a life essential thing... but it does make things more fun at times... at least its relaxing. And there must have been other interesting woman on your path then only your sister?" Alex takes a bottle of some good harsh liqour seeing they both might need it and pours two mugs handing Dimi one. "Here's to unintentional celibacy.." she raises her mug. With an awkward grin.
Vek et al
"Dragons? Well, I suppose if one shape changes....." As he tends the wood he goes on, "I may have had sex over the years.. My memory comes and goes. But i can sense no magical bonds. We take pleasure where we may. Once i may have been a warrior or the castle and the town, but my years in the wild have taught me new ways. There is something i never remember though; why i forget...It pleases me that whatever it is, i get to learn that brother Ivan is dead many times when i remember again."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex laughs. "Oh no no not in that way. I mean he is busy working with dragons setting up the weyr. No. Though good chance his bed isn't cold on his trips..." A slight shrug. She nods to the bonds part. "I see. And taught you new ways? In what? Finding pleasure? I hope your treat your women you bed with a softer touch then those boars."

Alex lets out a little.chuckle.

A slight smile as he tells about the remembering again. "Ah at least a little positive in otherwise a difficult time. I wonder what you may find here what would help you remember.." She looks at Dimi at the man behind the wild looking exterior staring perhaps a second to long. She then slams down her drink and pours another one. "What do you forget? And what seems to stay with you?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"And do you recall when the memory loss happens? It might give us clues."
Vek et al
"When I try to think about it too much... I forget. In time i remember bits and pieces.. I seem to find some profession then spend a lifetime at it.. I must have been a jeweler at some point because i seem to know a great deal about them...But it is pieces like that. So I don't dwell on it so that i won't forget.. "
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex frowns. "That seems difficult. To remember but not to focus on it. To recall but not dwell on stories. " A sad tone enters her voice. As telling stories and singing her songs is part of Alex her joy in remembering but not to be able doing that. Looking over the roasting boar she makes sure ot doesn't burn. Then bringing the bottle to Dimi she sits next to him. Tops of his mug as well as hers. A slight poke from Alex her elbow she smiles up. "Alright so not lingering on things. Living in the moment has its charms as well."
Vek et al
In only a few hours he has made two identical yew bows. "May I ask a great favor of you? THe result of which would be for us both to share?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex looks impressed at the two bows he makes she then nods "Sure, ask. What can i do for you? Or in this case for us?"
Vek et al
He takes a knife and removes a chunk of his long hair..."Would you spare a handful of hair? I'll make us each a bow string that will be unbreakable. Suited to these fine Arden Yew bows"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex looks at the chunk he cut off of himself. She then nods, selects a bunch of long curls and equals the amount of hair Dimi has cut off. "About this much? " A slight chuckle and a wink "With my head of curly mess noone will notice."
Vek et al
He laughs..."They only notice mine if I rip it out at the dinner table." He takes the two handfulls and rubbs them together for a few minutes. He then shows its spun into 5 small balls. Then he takes them and onehandedly begins weaving them with a speed and an expertise that is astounding(Bowyer/Fletcher skill 4 pips). After a few minutes he matches bow and string on each bow. He passes one to her. "That is about the right size for you." His is clearly longer
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex stands as he hands her the bow. Feeling its weight. Turning it in her hand. Turning her back yo Dimi to pulls the string not in his direction as thats not polite. She looks over her shoulder back to Dimi. "Thank you this is amazing! We should soon test them out. " Almost like a kid recieving her favorite gift on Christmas she holds the bow thight cherishing it. She drops on her knees and pecks a kiss on Dimi's cheek.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex blushes at her outburst. "Sorry i just can get ridiculously happy... hope i didn't embarrass you... or myself... or went to far.. Like i meant it as a friendly kiss.. like a thank you kiss. You know.. an i love it kiss.. the bow.... gah" Alex sighs as she's starting to ramble. She just very much focusses on her new bow now fingers trailing every detail as she does feel embarrassed herself
Vek et al
He smiles and stands, testing the bow..."Embarrased? If I have ever been embarrassed I have forgotten it. Now one things. These are hunting bows, not war bows. If you want me to make war bows, that takes different wood and different glue. Let us hunt. " mt Walkign out of camp, and stalking the hills it takes time but they find the male mule deer that Julian always said were acceptable to hunt after a few seasons. Letting them track a bit it comes to a point where Alex thinks is a good, if a bit further distance and she aims. She would have fired the bow a few dozen times as they walked and talked. He tells her of places in Regor. Places not famous but filled with generous people. He has a calm way of story telling that makes a listener first think he is a boring story teller untill suddenly they realize they are deeply enthraled with his manner and subject She takes her first shot in the hunt. The bow feels as if it was carved from her arm, and connected to her eye. She thinks it might be the finest non-magical bow she ever fired. Balanced, not too heavy, a powerful weight and an easy draw. The arrow flies hard and true taking the buck in a single shot perfectly on point. A masterpiece. His shot follows hers to take the other buck in their vision. His shot equally perfect
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex enjoys listening to Dimi she adores stories and tales especially of places she has yet to see. Even if it is at first getting used to his way of telling she quickly lets herself be carried away by his way and stories. She loves hearing there are generous people there. Having heard so much of the frigid cold of the people. Alex on her turn doesn't say much. She is just happy to listen. Only to point out what they can hunt and to track it. After the arrows hit true Alex looks with admiring eyes to the bow and with an equally filled look of admiration to Dimi. In a hushed tone she speaks. "This bow is amazing..... You are amazing." Her eyes look further in the distance again as they are hunting she can't take her eyes off of the surroundings to long.
Vek et al
"I have had lots of practice in the Shadows of Regor. I had to do something since my mind was crushed and my throne stolen. When they finally killed Ivan, I should have had the throne of Regor. Instead I was wandering the mountains eating squirrels raw. Getting revenge would be pointless. The whole line of Ivan Borna is dead or disconnected."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods still looking ahead. To keep her eyes used to the distance. "I understand. And now you are here, with me. You will not have to eat squirrles raw. Unless you want to. I cannot help you to a throne. Nor an active line of Borna... revenge would be pointless. I think perhaps the best would be to be accepted back in Regor without them fearing for you wanting to take the throne. Give you a place to live. Where you can do what you wish... and of course keeping your memories. You are a wealth of knowledge and skills which would only strengthen and enlighten those around you." A slight smile and sideways glance. "Perhaps find a woman to bond with. If you would comb that beard i am sure they would be gathering around you to fawn at you." Turning her eyes ahead again she squints to see more prey. But she doesn't immediately go after it. "But of course it depends what you wnat."
Vek et al
He smiles, reaches his hand in the beard. "I can't comb my beard. It would take away his home. " He pulls out a 3" tall pygmy owl.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex looks absolutely surprised. She then laughs. "Alright... then find a woman who can appreciate the wild look and the animals taking up residence." She grins wide "I am sure there would be someone." She winks at the little owl holding out a little sliver of raw meat she also keeps with her for her dragons. "Whats his name?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
With her other hand she holds up little bits of meat for her three dragons as they seem to be always hungry.
Vek et al
He looks at the little owl, strokes it. It looks to Alex with knowing eyes. "Its an owl.. a reaally small one..."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex looks at the little owl. Smiling. Still offering the food id it wants it. "Well yes. That is most definitely an owl." She doesn't push for a name.. a thought crosses her mind if thus to is a primal animal. Looking at the owl again she nods to it. "So shall we collect our prey. They were clean shots and i think skinning them would be easy enough."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Looking at Dimi with a smile "Will you tell more of Regor? I like the way you speak of it. So much better then what i've heard others say."
Vek et al
"It is cold, but its people are warm. "
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex frowns. "And yet i hear the people are there as cold or even colder then the weather." Standing up to get their shot deer she looks at him with a typical warn smile "Perhaps one day you can return the favor. Of showin me around Regor as i show you around Arden although we haven't gone that far yet." She winks "I do like your version of Regor better anyway. And if i would ask grandmother i wouldn't get to see what she doesn't want me to see."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"And if the vision is right you had and interpreted correctly you wouldn't become mindless or such in my presence right? So if we are here or in Regor." A.wide smile as she really hopes it works like that
Vek et al
Time passes and the hunt is a good one. He sights a boar at range, dings it with an arrow to make it mad. When it charges he wrestles it again, breaking its neck. He says he enjoys huntong the big warhogs."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex enjoys. And she doesn't mind watching Dimi wrestle those boars. Alex does keep good watvh where and how much they hunt. When they are done she'll start cleaning their kills. So.preparing some things for travelling.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
When they ar done hunting and cleaning Alex points to the small lake. "Tell your owl to wait for you but, you sir have been wrestling with boars again and should clean up before i look at your scrapes and wounds again." Alex walks already to the lake her self with spme cleaning supplies "And don't worry i'll stay close."
Vek et al
He walks to the lake and disbobes, leaping in..."I swim, i don't bathe. "
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex laughs disrobing herself she shrugs "Fine swim then but at least you get cleaner in the process." Alex does take time to wash off the blood of the cleaning and get a comb through her hair. And of course watching Dimi swim. Alex doesn't like to stay in the water to kong something to do with nearly drowning. So she lifts herself on the bank of the lake wraps a blanket around herself for warmth and keeps an eye on Dimi. And while hebis busy swimming she can just blatantly stare at him.
Vek et al
He stands in shallow water looking away. Alex sees yhe sigil of Regor rise in front of him. Moments later a white glow covers him, cleaning him from top to bottom. On the shore his clothes suddenly glow. Looking to csmp his horse, mules and allhis possessions become clean.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods approvingly. "Sure that is a way as well. " Not having seen the sigil of Regor being used that often she looks at it as close as she can. When it fades she smiles at Dimi. "Well don't you look handsome and clean. " Holding up another blanket to get warm in to Dimi. "Done swimming? Got another blanket if you're cold and need to dry off. " she stands up havjng herself warmly wrapped up.
Vek et al
He says," I dont get cold. But im not foolish enough to sleep naked in snow."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex shrugs "Okey yeah that would be very cold. And alright. Well i do get cold so i'm going back to the fire for food and a good strong drink. " Alex walks back to camp wrapped up. She likes to drybup near the fire with some furs around her always gives that cozy feeling. At the fire she'll pour two drinks. Check on the food and waits till Dimi returns.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
When Dimi returns to the camp she holds up the mug. "To get warm, not that you need it... " She nods to the little nest she made with furs. "If you are not cold you can help me get warm."
Vek et al
"Very well. " He raises the sigil of Regor between the two. As she sees the image of power between the a feeling of order fills her thoughts. A ghostly version if the image wraps around her filling her with warmth like an old familiar blanket. A sense in her knows she could raise or lower the temperate around her. "Once you walk the Sigil of Regor, you'll be able to do this for your self. " He sits leaning against a tree, throws his cloak over himself and starts snoring. The tiny owl peaks from his beard starting wide eyed at her. "Who?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex chuckles as Dimi raises the sigil "Sure whenever i one day go to Regor for more then a few minutes. And get permission of my grandmother... and be able to assay it." She winks and seeing him fall asleep she wraps herself further up sighing Muttering to herself very softly "well guess i lost my touch." Alex takes out her little sketch and notebook and start scribnling some things she still needs to get done. As Dimi is sleeping she can do a bit of work. She also feeds her dragons makes sure the horses are fine and starts smoking some meats. who needs sleep anyway, my duty doesn't stop its a thought that rings through her head. Seeing the little owl she smiles at it. "Hey there little guy. Are you hungry? Can i get you something?"