Duncan's Mea Culpa-tour

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Vek et al
a few days later Dimitrius is fitting in well. He is jovial and friendly, if a little forgetful. An impromptu archery display occurs in the training area outside the castle. A distance shoot were some of the rangers who specialize in archery show up within a few minutes of Dimitri shooting. They all talk and trade off shots. 1000 meters is a long way for an archery to shoot, even in Amber. But Dimitri can hit rag targets at that distance without fail. Word of his prowess grows throughout the day and he repeatedly has to shoot to prove it. He then gets to talking archery and a couple dozen of the archery oriented rangers listen to him with rapt attention. Duncan comes into Alex's off after 3 days. Dropping heavily in a chair. "Ok... Thats done."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex happy for Dimitrius that he fits jn so well. Slightly jealous at the fact she can't find the rest or the time to at a point join.. Seeing Duncan come in and drop in a chair she pushes without looking up a bottle of liqour she has bee drinking towards him with a clean (and probably own made) glass. "Alright. Good. " She doesn't look up puzzling at the tour roster and ranger groups.
Vek et al
"Lankaor is settled in at Stone Hill. He will as Weyr Leader till the gold flies. There will be some hassles dealing with various groups of dragons but they are all the same race and for the most part come from similar cultures. Random says the Weyr Leader should report to me since they are largely setting up in Arden, east and west sides. They will be setting up their own crafthalls to produce for themselves but they will need some help time to time. " "I got Geryon to be help them. Call him 12th Warden. He is familiar with dragons of this kind. Spent a long time in thier shadows. He's who suggested them to me"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex looks up, looks at her empty glass fills it and sits back drinking. "Sounds good. And sounds they will be settling just fine. " After a long drink she bows down over some ledgers again. "Seems Dimitrius is settling in as well. He has a year to grow out those horns."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
It is clear while around Castle Arden Alex doesn't sleep much. Drinks more and locks herself up to do. As she calls it the necessary evill called administrative duties. Her violincsse stands in a corner lightly dusty. Her sketchbook hasn't been updated for a good long while Next to her desk she tries tk obfuscate a box with empty bottles
Vek et al
He says, "Devon(an until unamed Third Warden) tells me you have held things together well in my absence. I do get....obsessive... when i focus.. I dove in on the dragon project as much to get away from Arden; I took the Second Warden job around 4800. I'd held the job through Patternfal and Random's whole reign. With Julian leaving.... I guess the Warden's jo b fell pretty hard on me."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Looking up she picks up her glass and looks at him as he talks. No matter her frustration he deserves her respect. She pours a glass for him and pushes it towards him. Topping off her own glass. After a moment and a drink she nods . "Yeah i csn some what imagine what that must have been like." A slight shrug follows "As for Devon he did his part perfectly did what was needed. "
Vek et al
"I spoke to Jaque. He had some harsh things to say about you."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex chuckles "Ah how inexperienced i am... or young... or not followjng his ways?"
Vek et al
"Mostly the later. I asked is he thought I should replace you with him."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Putting her glass down she turns it between her fingers letting the light play with the edging work of the glass. "Let me guess he said yes... or that he wants your job.... And uou know... a good group of rangers will be following him. They like his ways."
Vek et al
"I know. In a fight I doubt I could take him. He is a shade of Julian and a tough one. So I told him that his new responsibility was Ice Hold. He was to take 300 men and replace Korkala there immediately. He was not amused. I told him the post was his for 5 years. He was to leave immediately. He refused. Said his place was here. I said he refused an Order form the Warden. I wanted him to strike his tent and be on the Jeweled Road as soon as possible. I left Devon making sure his people knew they could stay. He'll probably end up a mercenary. He may hate you and I now, but he was brought to this level of Shade alive. That our Amber wasn't a good fit for him. He is packing now. "
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"His people are undyingly loyal to them. Only a few of them will stay here i think. Unless Jaque orders them to stay and hold base. For i am sure this is not the last we will hear of him. He is ready at a point to take position." A short chuckle "And as for people hating me.. get in line."
Vek et al
He shrugs, "He has a good sized company of people. We need them. But I've talked to a number of old friends who tell me he and some of his people just arn't a good fit for our Arden. They will make a good mercenary company. Benedict once stranded 3 cohorts, almost half a legion, in shadow because they were considering mutiny too seriously. Locked them in a destiny trap. He told me sometimes you just cut the limb off the tree. I could have done the same. Instead, I'm going to call Fortunadus and see if he wants to recruit them into CHAD"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Nodding she fills up her glass. Looks st the bottle lowers in the box. "Hmmm yes there js something to say about Benedict's ways. But you are right they are not the ways here or yours. "
"He'll make a good mercenary with his group. Stubborn. But in that line of work it can be a plus."
Vek et al
"You haven't met Jacke Whitetail, have you? Centaur, has a rider, Kirgor the Red. Both tough violent bastards. Force commanders in CHAD. Jaque will fit" He removes his trump deck, shuffles out the major arcana, seperated the face cards out leaving the place cards. He spreads them on the table. Filling a glass he leans back. "What would you say about leaving Devon in charge and we take a vacation?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Shaking her head.
"Nope never met them or any of CHAD. Just heard stories. " She looks at the cards with a frown. An almost disgusted look when hearing about vacation. "Not that i doubt Devon nkt being able to handle himself but there is plenty to do. And i promised to stay near Dimitrius. And where would we go? "
Vek et al
"Nu Yark has a 30 to 1 ratio. The Dramaturge 25 to 1. Racsir is 60 to 1. I know a urth world thats 40 to one but its in an awkward technological phase. Vulsar is 60 to one. There is a sporting planet called Randal there. Motor sports. Hunting. Music. Its a port of call for Star Fleet so its high tech but still on the fringe. " We lose a week here, we could have some time in any of those to unwind."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
A raised eyebrow she looks at the trump cards. Then back up at Duncan. "Unwind.... vacation.... to be fair i don't feel like kt. I am good here. Doing the day by day. Even if its only a week of lost time... " She does look at her violincase hesitant. "I have never been to high tech places indoubt i can really get used to things there.... when i was send out it was only in lower tech shadows. "
Vek et al
"The Dramaturge is a place of peace, unless you go in for blood sports. But its also a place of music. Concerts, plays, musicals, orchestras, all kinds from all over shadow. Its a realm that attracts brilliant personalities who love their art. There are regional and local orchestras that you join by showing up. The food is amazing.. There is a particular theater i want to visit. Plays a lot of the Operas and musicals and plays from right after my war period. We can get a apartment near the theater and explore the food scene..see the other shows..." "ITs tech level is a mixture of medium to high tech. " "I owe you a vacation at least and Arden isn't at war. Hell, Benedict is on vacation. "
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex listens to the description of Duncan about the place Dramaturge she nods agreeing with not so many words it must be beautiful. Now and then looking at her things she used to dk for fun. When Duncan says even Benedict is on vacation she nearly chokes in her drink... "Benedict.... is on.. vacation??? And hell didn't freeze over.. did someone check? " Then looking at Duncan she lets go of the smile and sits back with a sigh annoyed with everything. "Do we have permission to even go? I doubt my standjng is as great now.. with Random... didn't even dare trump him with the last update... just send my dragon." Rubbing her neck a groan escapes... "I think i kind of forgot how to relax. I've been busy non stop. " Dropping her shoulders as if in defeat Alex nods. "Fine. Vacation it is. If we are allowed, you pick a spot...or did you plan on randomly drawing a place."
Vek et al
"We could check. The Fane of Zilla is in the deck and frankly I have never been there. Its a massive city too. A Chaos city. and right where ...ah... Brand fell into hell. Its 1200 to 1. A week here would be around 20 years there.. It has music too. as well as a million churches and communities to support them all. I be we could find an orchestra in some area with temples to music gods"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex chuckles. Her fingers touchjng that spot which always burns when the Mark acts up. "Perhaps Chaos isn't a great idea. Especially where dad.... you know... i still carry part of that experience of his." Closing her books.she nods to Duncan. "You check. If our vacation days are accepted. And then we'll go. Where ever.. i think anywhere has options to have a vacation."
Vek et al
"Are you afraid of the mark acting up so close to the Abyss? I think Zilla might be a good place to start. A month maybe, not 22 years.."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
She looks surprised "Yes of course. I have been trying to use it... as it does like to be used. But using it to much it might try and want more and take control." Alex stands with her glass in hand pacing which she does as her train of thought launches itself away from the station. "I was warned not to use it to much nkt to think to lightly kf it. But also not ignore it... dad won't give me answers perhaps he can't or just plain doesn't want to... Vance wasn't as helpful but he has a different one... so yeah.. i am afraid of that thing. But i also love using it..." She paces back and forth by now as she can do while rambling "A month..... we can try a month
Vek et al
"At Zilla, a month will be like an hour and a half here. They can miss us for that long. I'll call Gerard for permission, he's Marshal of Amber at the moment. Lets leave everything not nessesary here. We'll get clothes there and go native."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"Alright , i'll take a fresh sketchbook with not to take the filled in one. " "And yeah doubt an hour and a hf will do much harm." She calls her dragons "We are going on a trip your choice if you want to join and see a new place or stay behind. I am fine with both."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex will take her violin a new sketchbook and drawing tools some food for her two dragons who join her and she conciders her bow but since that is just to big she leaves it behind and takes a few knifes. The one she got from her father the knife she got from Duncan. And ofcourse the NP dagger. Then her bag will be full enough
Vek et al
Donovan arrives with a rucksack, his NP dagger, and a holstered pistol of some kind. "Now I am told Zilla is not officially a war zone but they allow wargods to do as they like so keep a knife handy." Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex pats her bag
"Got several with me, no worries, didn't think it would be fitting to take my bow. It is to big to travel with to such places."
A slight smile to Duncan.
"I feel i have little to say if we go on vacation or not... do i?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"Not that i am saying i do not want to go. I've gotten quite curious about Zilla... so how do you want to go? Trump?"