Vacation in Alamond

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Vek et al
"Rollercoasters? Hilarious. Alamond wasn't exactly a secret before patternfall but none of us knew how to get there. Not till the card appeared in the deck. I've always wondered about it. Such strange rules to make a universe of. Bleys thinks it was a practice run for what eventually became the Dramaturge in Mandalay. Lets take a few days, maybe a few weeks, depending on the time ratio."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods. "Sounds great, well inwas curious about it after Zach had invited me to help him out. He heard i was family and figured i needed to.get away a bit to form my own grasp on being of the family.. " A slight chuckle "Seems i couldn't leave Amber, duty called and you know how i am with that." She winks. Takes out her deck and pixks rhe Alamond card. When they are out of the way for others she opens tbe teump and holds out her hand for Duncan. "Lets go!"
Vek et al
Stepping through the trump delivers them in the grand reception area called Main Street. A train is nearby and the crowds seem to be going about daily business as well as enjoying attractions. THe trump puts them in an alcove out of the general path of the people. It has a small table that a man is standing at doing table magic for several children and their parents. Almost as if he is a street performer. He looks over in surprise when you both step through. He quickly compiles his gear, finishes his speel to the kids and sends them on their way. He then turns to face Duncan and ALex, " Ah... well, hello! Welcome to Alamond. I'm Gandit Marsal, Park Security. Can I escort you to Registration or do you have a passport already?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex smiles and watches the man with a patient look. No need to rush on their account. When he finnishes of the little show shebsteps a bit closer. Shaking her head. "Ah no at least i do not have one. " Looking over at Duncan. "Do you have a passport from here? "
Vek et al
DUncan shrugs, "The deck didn't say you need one."
Vek et al
He nods, "And indeed you do not. However, it helps at hotels and venues. Also the Ringmaster likes knowing when Trump users arrive. Its just in here." He leads inside and what looks like a train lobby and hotel check in booth is ahead. He nods to the woman behind the table, "M'lady, these two arrived by trump. Can we have passports please? " the woman pulls out A passport
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex walks with the man she looks sideways to Duncan and shrugs "Just getting a passport isn't an issue right ? Lets ge the basics in order then we can continue with vacationing. " She smiles to him. Then walking up to the woman in the booth she nods "Do we need to sign anything or pay?"
Vek et al
SHe sayss, "Of course not. The passports are mostly to let you kn ow what is where. It has a verbal agent for you. Ask it what you want to find and it will direct you. We are in Main Hall Township. The train will take you around the Geeen Zone to connecting lines to all the major encampments. Being new to the realm first thing, and Establishment is like a city in other realms. Some are native to Alamond, some imported or recreated. Having arrived by trump you are a few miles north of the Grand Concourse where the Squiggle is. Near the Rrival slide of the Jeweled Road. Will you State your names for the record?" Duncan looks a bit wary, "Lord Duncan Julianson Bariman, Warden of Arden, Knight of Amber." The woman nods and hands him the passport. "Passport please?" Duncan hands it back. She takes out a noise colorful stamp and Stamps the passport Main Hall Township Station. She hands it back for Duncan to look over the picture.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex smiles at the whole little ritual like stamping. When asked for a name Alex replies "Alexandra Dejana Mira."
Vek et al
ok, no idea what that means....No gasstation time? As you look at the passport you both notice it is not a verbal thing. It appears like a thin book, a thick passport, and the first pages have personal information but if one asks where a good hotel nearby is and one turns the page it turns to several pages of hotel choices. ask for hotels with restaurants and it obliges. Ask for activities in Man Hall Township it gives several pages on rides. musical venues, demostrations. circus Big and Small top times and the like
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex thanks the woman for her help. And if the guy is still there. She'll thank him to. Then having the thin book called a passport she holds it up to Duncan. "So let first find a place to stay near things we want to do. Right? Anything particular for you? Or shall we stroll about first?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
She looks up "Ah while we're here we should see if Zach has set up here again. Good chance is migh still be traveling."
Vek et al
To detail the adventures in Main Street Township would take weeks but a short revue is good. Its Disneyland's Main Street writ large.. Quaint shops, little restaurants with hand food for kids and adults. Souvenir shops. Mixed in are arcades with electrical games as well as turn of the century mechanical games. Duncan surprisingly loves the mechanical games. The money of Alamond is an easy exchange for almost any other currency. They use paper tickets for rides and attractions but seemingly are casual about collecting them. Its almost like the ticket takers are more part of the show then they are a money making business. Street performers abound as do mascots. With parks and amusements from all over shadow Alex isn't entirely sure if people around her are tourists like herself or performers. It also seems like some of the performers are using the rides and attractions too so the line blurs. Musicians are on nearly every corner. Soloists, duos, quartets. Barbershop Quartets are popular and one of the theaters on Main Street caters to them. A man steps near the pair and says, “Welcome to Alamond.” Looking at him he is in a suit appropriate to a riverboat gambler. Shiny, black, coat, white shirt. Polished shoes. He wears a revolver in a holster. Black tightly curled hair. Spectacles with slightly gray tinting. “The Ringmaster wishes you both a happy stay. You are invited to the Ringmaster's table anytime you choose. There is also penthouse accommodations waiting anytime Seek out a Ringmasters Assistant to make arrangements you wish in the Big Top region. I am Ginter Blue, and you can contact me through your passport.”
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex inclines her head politly at the man. Thanking him "Ah thank you for the invitations and thank you for the introduction. We are just wondering about to see what we wish to see for now. But accommodations would be fantastic! We will contact the Assistant for that." She gestures to herself "My name is Alexandra. This is Duncan. We are just here for vacation. "
Vek et al
He chuckles, bows slightly, "The Ringmaster knows exactly who you are, honored guests. Your Special Access passports should be evidence enough. As a point of clarity though, its not required to get a passport. They are as much information guides as anything else. So an expiration date would be pointless. But its part of the ride for most visitors who come by the Jeweled Road or the South Train, or the North Train, of the Pony Trail, or any of the other manners of entrance. Entering by the Main Hall Township Trump gate is done by Lords of Amber, as you both are. Be welcome. Enjoy your stay. Just remember that the Ringmaster has extended his offer and it would be polite to accept it at some point before your over."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex smiles. "Well even though it might be obvious one could be seen as rude to assume tk be known. So i like to still introduce. And yes of course very grateful for the invitation and we will of course answer it. Would be the least we can do." She looks to Duncan and smiles. "Still figuring out what do see orngo to first but like i said we will get in contact to accept the gracious invitation of the RingMaster."
Vek et al
He bows his head slightly, "Thank yee kindly. My duty done. If you are interested in a hand of cards, I'de be happy to oblige. I am over at the Silver Dollar on Fremont Street. Just a half km up Main Street here. You'll find Freemont street less...stuff... sugary...We have a bit more of the sice of life up on Fremont. Good Day to yee."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods as well. "Very well and i am not much of a cards player. Duncan is though. So we might head up.that way sooner then later. Good day to you." Alex then waits till the man has left and she turns to Duncan. "Seemingly whetever we go we get sort of social expectations to deal with. So you want to answer the invitation rather sooner then later? Or wait a bit?"
Vek et al
He says, "It seems open ended. Lets take a few days to get used to the place. Might be good to have some places the compliment the man about rather then go in like strangers. " He takes the passport. "We like high adventure camping, hunting, fishing..what do you have for us?" THe passport page shows: Alaska Hunting and Fishing. High Adventure Wilderness trips in style. It then has an Alamond version of this page. LoveToKnow Alaska Hunting and Fishing Trips: Planning a High Adventure | LoveT...
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex laughs. "Ah to ease ourselves in something we know. Smart. And yes you are right might be best to have seen and done some stuff before we meet the Ringmaster." She nods tl the passport. "But sounds good. And easy. "
Vek et al
Duncan frowns at Alex for a moment, shakes the passport. "We are looking for terrifying roller coaster rides and that kind of thing... What do you got?" Opening the passport he sees : "Valencia Magic Mountain" With 29 roller coasters, Valencia Magic Mountain maintains the world record for most roller coasters in a single Encampment amusement park. The park also uses Vr and Holographic activates to enhance the experience of riders using virtual-reality headsets. Valencia also includes 12 Disaster Rides allowing a rider to participate virtually in plane crashes, train crashes and tower infernos. Holographic events feature groups experiences in ship sinking from natural occurrences, technical malfunctions, and enemy attacks. The Torrential flood and the mountain forest fire experiences are not for the squeamish since like many of the VR and Holographic events they include eventual termination at the conclusion of the event.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex laughs "It was not meant sarcastic or as a complaint. We can do camping. But it is what we do in our day to day so that would be easy for us right?" She then looks over his shoulder at the suggestion of terrifying rollercoasters and she grins... "Thatbis a bit more different right? Like i do not need the disaster rides. Just a bit more adrenaline then general. " She playfully bumps her shoulder to him. "Or do you want something else?"
Vek et al
He nods, "When in Rome. Passport...ah...Directions to Valencia Magic Mountain from here?" Opening the passport it gives a listing of hourly air travel from Main Street Township Airport to Valencia Magic Mountain. Jet Plane 3 hours. Prop Plane 8 hours. Zepplin 15 hours Ballon 36 hours. Standard Rail 16 hours. High Speed Rail 6 hours. Mag Lev Rail 3 hours." Duncan whistles, "Well, damn... those are adventures in themselves!" He looks to Alex with a silly grin
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods "Now as a more travelled person to an absolutely less experienced travel person when it comes to types of transportation what would you suggest? Remember horses and dragons are as far as i go with experiences traveling and well one time a world war 2 fighter plane with my brother."
Vek et al
"15 hours in a zepplin ought to give us a good view of the country side."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Thinking about she nods "And i'm sure my dragons will love it as well. Flying without flying. Sounds good! Lets go! "
Vek et al
Duncan says, "First thing in the morning. Its been a long day. Lets get a hotel, some fine food, and sleep. I want to question this passport. and burn off some energy perhaps. wash the soot of Chaos of us."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"Sounds good, hotel, food and sleep..." She laughs. "Well Chaos isn't all that bad... i liked it." She looks at the passport and asks for a hotel nearby with rooms available. Looking at the options it will give. If she finds one that seems to have big rooms a good comfy bed and a big bath she is all.for that.
Vek et al
The ride to the Valencia Magic mountain passes in luxury. Dining is the most common practice but there are many viewing bays allowing the passengers room to relax. Only 100 passengers are on each Zeppelin. Below is the cities and farm land and activity centers of Alamond.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex just purely enjoys thr ride. She has her drsgons with her whi can view as well. She did instruct them to stay close to her though. Maybe not all passengers are enamored by the idea of tiny dragons fluttering about. She will most of the time just watch and enjoy the view and of course watch the people who are watching.
Vek et al
The small dragons does not seem to disturb people here. THe sense is there are others. Some passengers might ask about them casually over drinks as champagne cocktails are served. The voice over is pointing out differant attractions on the root. one being a major river
Alexandra Dejana Mira
When people ask Alex will politely answer them that they found eachother on some adventure. She won't tell the real story of beasthold. That might be a bit much to share. When the voice over points out different sights or attractions she'll go look af course. Just acting like a typical tourist and enjoying it.
Vek et al
Arriving at the Valencia Magic Mountain, they are met by a park host of clearly high ranks, a petite blond woman with a cheery disposition. She informs them that lodgings have been arranged at Club 37 Residential community, an exclusive, residential hotel community for special guests of the Valencia Regional Speaker. A suite with a wonderful view of the park is their for as long as they like, years if they choose. It is inside the park boundaries and means they do not need to pass the entrance daily as do guests at hotels and communites outside the park. The Speaker welcomes them to his Evening Table any time. She is available at their wish and can be reached through their passports.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex smiles politely and nods thanking her for the lodgings and for the invitation. Thanking her again for yhe service offered. Alex waiting for her to go away after they have found their place to stay. She looks at Duncan...with a wondering look... "I was never like that right? Or was i? And is it that that's why i feel so uncomfortable when people are ready to jump to your every wish...."
Vek et al
Duncan shrugs. "Rank has its privileges. No, you weren't like that. But you were not a herald. That woman was what a herald in Amber would be. Cheerful, helpful, conscience of status. Appropriate. The Ranger's have heralds but they don't tend to be much different then regular rangers so they only barely get along with the court heralds. Alamond seems like a utopia so heralds will behave..differantly, i suspect. Lts get settled in and then see what these thrill rides are like!"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex laughs. "Well i did not meqn only as Ranger bur also in my pre-royalty status. As a guard as an elite. But it doesn't matter really. " She looks around the room drops on the bed face first. Turning and sitting up she nods "Yups bed is fine. Lets drop our stuff and go thrill ride!!! Which sounds weird for us... we can just hellride but i digress lets go!!!!"
Vek et al
Duncan looks out the window and a roller coaster races by. "There is a ride circling the building in two direction! That should be fun!"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Hearing Duncan she rushes over to him and grins. "Sounds good lets do that one!!!" She pulls him by the hand like an enthusiastic kid not willing to wait. "Lets go come come! Time to just forget shit and have fun."
Vek et al
He comes and takes her in his arms. "Now what are you worried about? Were you like her? No. That one was REALLY cheerful. It might be an idiom of the Guides here. I read the passport and there are guides that help the regular guests but they are not as personally attentive. I imaging we are pretty high caliber guests and we did sort of come unexpected. If we had taken the Jeweled Road in they might never have known we were here. But we arrived by trump in a space where the only people arriving would be our relatives. I suspect the Ringmaster knew we were here within minutes of arriving. We are lucky they didn't assign someone to just stay with us."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Stopping as she is pulled in his arms she blushes a bit. "I am worried about alot Duncan. I am worried i do not live up to the Barimen name.... i was raised looking up at the castle and the family. I was ridiculed for being the dutiful and devoted guard. And still i feel little take me serious..." She smiles and waves her hand dismissive before her face. "Don't mind me i am just being silly and unsure especially after that whole ordeal in Arden." She sighs leans into Duncan burrying her face. With a muttered voice. "Lets just forget and havr fun."
Vek et al
Duncan kisses her forehead, "Live up to the Bariman name? Tricky..... Which Bariman will you emulate?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex looks up at Duncan she thinks for a bit, twisting her face as she does. "Well.... i don't know. The more i think about it and look at the history we aren't that stable or great of a family i was lead to believe... though Deirdre is always held high in our home. So if it would be someone... Deirdre."
Vek et al
He smiles, "Then you are managing well." He leads her out to the roller coaster day of thrills and G-force
Alexandra Dejana Mira
When Duncan says that she looks after him for a moment a strange proud feeling. She then hurries after him for an insane day of speed and dizzyness and bad snacks. Forgetting a day the worries above their heads.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
((I'm.sure her blue and red dragons who are a bit thrill seeking would love it as well.)) 😉
Vek et al
The feeling of roller coasters is alien to Alexandra as is a lot of the technological realm of Alamond. Valencia uses very little magic though its made clear there are magical safety measure in place for rides. Her experience at Rasak and other places that have fire arms lets her know what things are but its differant living in them. The days pass enjoying the luxery attendance at the park. They note that they are kept track of but not bothered.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Probably the first rides and day Alex will be a bit sick from the new experiences but she'll tough it out just for the sheer thrill and fun. The only wild ride she ahd once was in a fighter plane with her brother Asher, once. Being kept an eye on is fine. As long as they can enjoy their vacation. Alex will suggest after a few days to accept some invitations they had recieved to show some good manners and will.
Vek et al
Duncan agrees. Stopping and looking around, he sees the casual watcher and stares at him till he acknowledges Duncan. Then he starts walking over when Duncan waves him in. "Tell your speaker we accept his invotation and await the time and place." The watcher nods and runs off.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex smiles. Nods to Duncan and watches the man walk off. "My guess is we will still be watched after accepting the invitation. But at least we show our courteous guest sides now. " She walks over to some food stalls and gets some popcorn for her and Duncan. "So you enjoying the trip so far? Better then Fane?
Vek et al
He nibbles the corn, "A lot less monsters..."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
She frowns. "What for tou qualifies for monster might be bormal or even royalty there. "
Vek et al
"Perspective dear. Some of my best friends are monsters. He'll, a lot of our kin is too."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods. "Very true, very true." Absent-minded she scratches the abyssal mark spot on her chest. "So i suggest a few days here. Wait for the time and place for the dinner. Then we can look up other districts. Can't do only thrill rides." " i wonder would Zach ge around. He has a circus here right? Though i know he travels alot."
Vek et al
Duncan nods," I would assume so. Ah. Passport. Where does Zachary of Amber live?" It responds: Hepplewhite's Circus Encampment
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods "Perhaps go there after a few days here? Check if he's around. And of course watch his circus and be the annoying critical family members of his." She winks with a grin
Vek et al
Word from the Speaker of Velancia comes with a list of Speaker's Table dinners over the next week and a note saysing they are welcome at any of them. The speaker understands they are on a private trip and not one of a diplomatic nature. He hopes they enjoy the Encampment. Otherwise he is not pressing them to attend. (basically we don't need to run visiting his table really. Just do it, he'll be polite, etc but otherwise its not a big whoop. or we can run it which helps fill out some ideas about Alamond)
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex accepts the list and inclines her head "Thank you, and thank you for understanding the nature of our trip. We will inform soon which we will attend. If dresscode is needed i hope we will be informed before the dinner." Figuring this was her best diplomatic answer she could give she then nods to Duncan. "And not to worry we are enjoying ourselves here but will travel on at a point. Lots to see." ((I'm up for either though Alex will mostly just attend as it is polite to fo so and will try not to discuss politics. 😉))
Alexandra Dejana Mira
So the plan is they spend a few more lovely days in Velancia Mountains joining in on some thrill rides. Near the end they join at dinner. Compliment of course about the great area and fun they had here. Thanks for the hospitality. For the invitation. And informs they will move further woth their vacation plans. Then i think another mode of transportation one that might take a bit and allows for enjoying the scenery and sights.
Vek et al
A Park Advisors suggest an Encampment south of Valencia that specializes in ariel rides. "Atlas Mountain Park. Parachute drop rides as well as parachuting, hang gliding and parasailing. They have rail rides rising to the top of mountain tops then racing in and around the curves to the bottom. Every exciting in a mounted to the ground way. They are also connected to a continental blimp train. Slower then Zepplins, The Goodyear Blimp Line travels from the northern Mountain parks down to the southwestern desert parks to the southern Surf Beach parks. A Balloon trip for a 60 days includes 25 days of travel time and 35 excursion days." Duncan asks what the passenger numbers are and is told the Good Year Blimps have full view flooring in comfortable rooms for 2, a total of 10 guest rooms for 20, or up to 40 guests. Duncan asks what kind of excursions and is given a list of various activities from the park rides in a dozen different parks the Blimps stop at as well as side trips. Water rafting. Hiking. Desert hunting. Surf riding. Duncan laughs, "oh Alex, hun...Are you familiar with Surfing?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Hearing all that is possible she smiles big, air stunts are very welcomed and she looks very excited. When Duncan asks her about surfing she turns pale. Well paler lightly shaking her head. "Uhm no... neither have i done rafting. Sailing canyonjng or anything that involves to much water... " She points to the parachuting and such and looks at Duncan. "That seems fun!"
Vek et al
Duncan looks over the list, "Random is fond of paragliding. Sail planes. Parc Sindibad. Rides, hotel.. Air Sports.. Gliding, parasailing, ultralights.. Mustangs, stukas.. Really? Tell me more about this place." The advisor says its a coastal park in a desert region in the middle 500 miles of empty space allowing for aircraft activities over land and sea. Duncan nods.. "And its on the blimp line? Isn't that hard on the blimps?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex smiles at the suggestion of more air type activities seeming visibly relieved. A slight shrug "Well i am sure they know what they are doing with the blimp line.. it has been running a while right?"
Vek et al
She nods, "Almost never a accident. "
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods "Well there you go. Seems like a great plan. Air stunts. No big open waters and nearly no accidents getting there. Sounds like a wonderful trip."
Vek et al
Duncan tells the passport to make two reservations on the Blimp Trip
Alexandra Dejana Mira
They'll spend some more time then till the blimp will leave to their new destination. She does look up places to stay at Hepplewhite's before hand considers contacting Zach but leaving that till they know when they'll go there . Alex will tell Duncan the reason she is fearful of open waters and the reason she had declined Gerard's offers several time as politely as she could.
Vek et al
DUncan is sympathetic. He says he isn't wild about sailing either and after his term in the navy he stuck as close to julian as he could service wise
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"Yeah i can get that. Guess there are some made for land and some are made for the sea. " She bumps playfully against him. . "Guess we are just made for land and the air. "