Talk with dad and Alexei '''Sightblinder'''

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Alexandra Dejana Mira
She'll invite Calsall first and some others on that level. Sharing food drink and hunting stories of course. When they bring up worries or suggestions Alex will listen and give space for that as well.
Vek et al
The older rangers are uncomfortable at Sea View Gardens being creatures of the forest themselves. But the newer ones do their duty in the woods but see their presence in Sea View Gardens as a political thing, showing their colors. They talk to others there in a way the old rangers really didn't.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex will invite old and new. But she is of course respectful to does who decline. Understanding full well it is not what some are used to. . Happy the newer ones do see the politcal value. At a point she'll thank Flora again for her suggestions. And with that she realizes to ask for some time off. Going to Duncan to tell him. And to Random to a bit more delicately tell him then with Duncan. He's still king..
Alexandra Dejana Mira
After she gets her permissions she'll visit dad to tell at least someone of her travel plans
Vek et al
Hearing that Brand still sleeps at night there She goes down into the dungeon chamber. There she finds two brothers having coffee and sausages, speaking in Regorian. Brand in a chair pulled from his cell. The door ajar. The other is Alexi, dressed in warm Amber attire, goinging native
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex makes a sound to announce she is arriving from the staircase. She probably even did that as a guard out of respecg for the prisoners privacy. But seems even more decent to do now.
Seeing her father and Alexi sit and talk she smiles. Holds up a hand in greeting.
"Good evening. Am i interrupting? If so i'll come back later. "
Vek et al
Brand laughs, "No! Please join us! We are currently invoolved in a very delicate project to improve the health standards and food standards at prisons and dungeons all acrosss shadow. We are doing very important humanitarian work here. Please, join us. have some Shashlik, and some caviar, and sourdough. There is also some lovely scotch eggs here with mustard sauce. I am embracing my new role helping the people of shadow." Alexi smiles, "And the vodka is particularly good. Imperial cellers you know.."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex smiles and steps forward she pulls up a chair sits but shakes her head at the food and drink. "Thank you, and wonderful you found a new humanitarian project dad. " She smiles and grins. "Thank you for the offer but i do not have long. I am actually planning a trip. And i wanted to inform you and discuss a small matter which i want to investigate at the same time. " She sits back trying to look relaxed but since when did she ever manage that. Might not look really convincing. "So my recent vacation took me to Fane of Zilla. Where i met apparently another half sibling of mine. We discussed matters about our sister..." She looks at Brand with a slight worry. "According to Rugir she is being regenerated in Chaos... but according Clarissa she is recovering in Dikost... I am the last to hate on family but perhaps two might be... problematic." She takes a breath thinking of what she has said. And then adds. "So i plan a trip to Regor to check things out."
Vek et al
Brand looks seriously at her. Ponders for a few moments...Looks to Alexi..." about Tea and Pirozhki?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex sighs but keeps a friendly face. "Dad.. i do not know what more food is going to help in this. " She looks between Alexi and Brand with a slight confused and questioning look
Vek et al
Alexi says, "Mother saying she is growing a Laravala in a lab sounds fairly ridiculous. Then of course so is she. I guess i wouldn't put it past her. Who is Rugir?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex shrugs "It's what she told me that she wanted Laravella back. Or something in the likes that she had served time in Dikost. I just need to check it out. To be sure. " She looks at Brand wondering if he wants to share or if he even recalls. "Rugir says he is a child of Brand and someone from the Abyss. I cannot be certain if it is true or not."
Vek et al
Brand sighs. "Neither can I. I was in the Abyss for a devilishly long time and much of it I wasn't myself. A lot of it I was a slave as well used for torment or pleasure. The border between those blurs in the Abyss, and Chaos, and for that matter, a lot of shadow. I could have fathered uncounted children. I'm wasn't all that involved in that after my contribution. I am sadly sure at least one Chaos house and one Abyssal house are replicating Hendrake's efforts with children of Benedict. Hmmm... I think one of the Corporations in Nu Yark and one in Cynasure may have them too. There is a fair chance Fiona donated eggs. Bleys was fairly eager to copulate when were were bargining in Chaos so he might have a line of heirs too"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods and looks with a comforting smile to her father "I understand. Well so he claims to be. Rugir also said he helped you while you were wandering in Regor. He has the form of a giant tiger man. " She runs a hand through her hair thinking. "Well either way. I get Chaos and above that the Abyss was no pleasure cruise and that you have lost a great deal is no more then logic. Though it seemed curious to go down...." She stares in front of her as she did to the Abyss when she was standing on the edge she then shakes her head "Anyway.... yeah so i wanted to visit Regor st a point anyway. And with Clarissa here as the Ambassador, things calm and arranged in Arden it seems like a good time. And i can perhaps check on the claim of Clarissa that Laravella is growing back."
Vek et al
Brand nods, "A tigerman... That sounds familiar. When i first came out of the Abyss I made my way, if wandering in madness counts as doing anything on purpose, to Regor. Something in my inner wizard knew that proximity to a construct of Law would offset the effects of Chaos. It worked.. I've no idea how long i was in Regor. The shadows vary and the time relations were often extreme"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex rummages in her familiar shoulder bag. Trump decks. Abyssal fire tile and several drawing tools and little book. She flicks through the book untill she comes to a page with Rugir sketched on it. In several poses probably during their talk drawn. She holds it before her father. "Seems familiar? He said he was there during your mad dwellings in Regor and took on his current form there.. i do not nnow what he looked before as Abyssal born." She shrugs and lays her little sketch book open before her father.
Vek et al
Brand frowns. "Ya....ok......I remember him.. He was... abyssal.. I told him when in rome... So he became a tigerman.. damn..... He was good to me.. Good to me when i was ....Alex.. Remember something... we come from Chaos... Our forms are by choice. our minds are diverse. Rugir....bring him to me." Alexi looks at Brand suddenly, a look of deep concern.."ah.. what are you saying?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods
"If that is what you want, i can get him we did part on friendly terms and we agreed to talk and see eachother again. So if you want him here. Sure. " She looks at ALexi with a neutral smile "Any trouble with that? He is family is he not?"
Vek et al
Alexi nods, "Ah...I suppose he is... A tigerman or an Abyssal.. Would you want him in Amber?" Brand says, "Benedict forces Shaz Far to go through Rasak. He made it seem like an honor and it is.. but it gives him the power to control those who graduate. I'll talk to Ben. Rugir could be trouble...I'd like Ben to be able to control him. Its the smart play"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex frowns.
"why? Why would Rugir be trouble? so far things seemed just friendly and fine. Honestly i enjoyed myself greatly there in Fane of Zilla especially in the Fane venerating.. you and your kids. " She looks at Brand with a slight raised eyebrow to gauge his reaction . "Wait Shaz Far is in Rasak? well he helped us alot in Tazilwere.. even if it meant me being dragged through lava... " the last she mutters a bit annoyed. Then with a serious fact and tone to her father. "YOu want me to get him now? I'm sure i can find him quickly but i won't lie to him"
Vek et al
" Shaz Far attended Rasak. The same class as Vek. Benedict had the chance to put a couple up and coming chaosians under his control and he took it. Since then Shaz Far has assisted Amber a number of times while maintaining his alliegence to Chaos. Vek, ah.. well, he didn't"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"Don't really know Vek only know him of hearing his voice when we called for assistance with some dufiro and the abyssal stuff and he send Shaz Far. Anyway dad, want me to get him or do you first want to discuss things with Benedict?"
Vek et al
He laughs.. "You do the easy part. Find and\ abyssal creature disguised as a tigerman and bring him home to Amber. I'll talk to Benedict."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods
"Sure no problem. shall i contact you directly when i find him? i don't think i should bring him here the conventional way like on the courtyard... perhaps some might take offense to that. " She chuckles
"Or people might think i've gone Abyssal..."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex has her trumps ready with a smile. Perhaps an even challenging grin. "This might turn out bad, you know that, right dad? "
Vek et al
"Right. Right. I know. Could get bloody. But someone has to talk to Benedict. "
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"Well you do that since you are not really allowed to leave and i'll get to Fane of Zilla and get Rugir here. " She smiles
"I can understand you wnat to see him. Parts of that time must still be a puzzle for you. "
Vek et al
Brand sighs, and finishes his drink, pouring another. He looks at the drink, "Imprisonment has caused me to drink more then I ever did. I was quite the teatottler for a time. I was a bit obnoxious about it sometimes. Gerard sets a high bar for intoxication. Its devilishly hard to get him drunk. Ben too. Eric was not much of a drinker either. Corwin was, is. Deirdre was a serious lush. Random...well, you can imagine.... But Dame Margot made sure i had a barrel of her cooking wine, the mix. You know her mix barrel-or Quaffing Barrel is filled with all the partial bottles they find. It purifies it of DNA residue and poisons. But that means its taste is not reliable. When we were young, and for that matter all the servant's kids you see around, sneak out of her quaffing barrels outrageously.. Margot allows it no mater how many times parents tell her otherwise. I spent a couple years when i first got here blind stinking drunk. Fres was who slapped the shit out of me and made me cut back to just being a very frequent drinker...That was a compromise you know...She had...other distractions for me.." "Dradra, If you deal with Chaos children of mine, remember i had little or nothing to do with them. I was just source material and DNA. I don't vouch for any of them. Take Laravalla for example. I barely vouch for Rinaldo, Asher and you. Be careful. I've grown...fond of you. I'd hate to see you dragged into some Chaos hell to suffer the treatment i suffered."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex smiles at first and then just looks worried at her father. She nods
"Boredom can make people do silly things." She lets the sentence hang for a bit. Perhaps her enthusiasm to go out to Chaos again is born out of a form of boredom as well. She then stands places a hand on Brand's shoulder and planting a kiss on top of his head "Just say jt and i won't go to Chaos. My original plan was to go to Regor anyway." She smiles lays a hand on his cheek as Fres often did with Alex and then sits down again. "Oh one request though." She looks at Alexi. "Don't call me Dradra near others they might use it too..." She says with a slight grin though. "I didn't think i would say jt but i feel a bit bored... don't get me wrong i love Arden and it's people... just when everything is run it goes smoothly... Duncan is back at his post... less for me to do. And the trip we took kind of made me feel like going out more."
Vek et al
"No... We need to know what use Chaos has made of my man-ranch. No way to be sure except to go."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods. "Very well. I do not mind. I quite like it... Duncan didn't so if you do not mind dad i am not taking him along again.."
Vek et al
"Well, take someone...hey.....Take Alexi... He's a scrapper. A half-brother.. Regor has a neutral relationship to Chaos..And he's a Church of the Tiger too" Alexi raises his hands, "WHoa Whoa! Lets not go volunteering me for certain death!!!!"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex laughs.

"Dad i can go alone. I'll stay away from the Abyss pit divers.. those were a type to meet. And Alexi surely has other things to do." She looks at him "Right? And i'm to tense anyway." She gives a humorous grin. Recalling Arlo and Alexi calling her that at the bathhouse.
Vek et al
Alexi says, "Well, there is that, but the kind of loosening up Chaos might do is a bit extreme. That said, .... ah... I'll go... Its something Ive never seen... Might be rough on time but it might be worthwhile. "
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"Alright, then thats settled. What do you exactly want to learn from Chaos? Or from Fane? So we can look and travel a bit more directed." She smiles to Alexi "Do not worry i'll try not be a bore and i'm sure i can find Rugir fast."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex jokingly adds. "Will not jump into the Abyss either."
Vek et al
ALexi looks at her sternly, suddenly, "We both have oracles, Alessandra. You will be named when you appear in the Imperial Hall of Regor, the oracles say. Myodoris's oracle says he will be named when he crosses blades in anger with a Prince of Amber. Anastsia's oracle says she will be named when she lays with a man of ancient linage. My oracle says I will be named when i fall into the Abyss. I do not find a trip to the edge of all realms a laughing matter. But i will not fear nor shy away from my duty. I will be in the library when you are ready." He turns and walks up the stars 3 steps ata time.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex looks surprised at Alexi his stern look and words. She keeps silent. Until he walks off she calls after him. "Sorry..didn't mean to.." But seekng he leaves quickly she turns to her father. "Uhm dad. What was that about? What does he mean with being named? "
Vek et al
Brand says, "Regor... The place has an ego all its own and its people ... arrogant. Xenophobic. There is a deep belief in Regorians that they are the true realm. IT rankles them that Regor is a Squiggle and not a Pattern. Its the only proof they are not the greatest sigil of Order. There is considerable debate about the origins of Regor. Its a construct of the Jewel of Judgement but... in their religous texts, they claim to have been created before Amber. The First breath of Cold Order is what they say in some ancient versions of the Tiger Texts. Nonsense.. but.. As for the naming... In the Tiger Faith and the imperial heraldic traditions, no one of the lines of Regor truely have names till they are recorded in the Halls of Dikost. Idiotic of course, but...well.. REgor..." He rolls his eyes.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods slowly. She then takes up a drink she was nursing and finally takes a drink. "I see... does it matter having a name? So if Alexi wants to be truely of the Regorian line he needs to fall into the Abyss? That is cruel. Who wants that. And i only have to appear in the imperial halls... well that seems unfair and easy." She runs her fingers through her hair. "Well i am all for tarot reading and some insights but they are not a forsight just food for thought not to put to much stock in... " Finishing her drink she nods "So what do you need to know dad? About Rugir? About Laravella? If you have more products of your involuntarily donated DNA?"
Vek et al
"Easy? If its so easy, why have you not done it? Does it matter? .. its a religious thing. A heraldic thing. You know Amber has the greatest General in all of shadow but how often does he really have an effect on daily life in Amber? How often are we really attacked by a force worthy of shadow's greatest warrior, the Man Who Could Have Been King? Yet, in the Royal Hall of Amber, next to the Throne every time Random sits in it, are three man who has have their fingers in every pie. Every business deal, every diplomatic mission, every royal decree. Every policy that effects how people live their daily lives from Amber to Diaga and beyond. Allen Dormain, Hyman Urial, and Harald Chantris. I would dare suggest Dame Margot is a close 4th to that trifecta of conrtol. Regor has such people too. When you step into the Imperial Hall you will be confronted by such people and frankly I'd rather jump in the Abyss"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex frowns she then laughs. "Oh that sounds all so intense. Dad i am to little of a pawn to have any fingers anywhere. And why i haven't gone to Regor yet... i was planning to do so as you recall before you suggested me to go to Chaos." She smiles "No i do not mind going to Chaos as i said i enjoyed it there. Except for the pitdivers they were pretty rude. But in all seriousness i will keep an eye on Alexi not get him harmed."
Vek et al
"You underestimate your importance, daughter. Deeply underestimate it. You know.....I have three children born to me that I acknowledge. Rinaldo, Asher and you. I'll tell you something of a magical nature. I had Rinaldo and Asher before Patternfall. Before.....I was attuned to the Jewel of Judgment. Before....I used the jewel to do certain works. I am connected to those works... The Blades of the Red Gale for instance. Also one was an attempt to finish the sigil of Regor. A pattern is 10 parts, from a creator's view. Regor had 7, which makes it mighty. I tried to finish it, but failed, i gave it one more piece. Regor knows you are connected to that part. So are all the children chaos has produced. Alexi bringing on of them to Regor....would be...quite exciting...Random would hate it. If you find yourself in Regor....feel free to call on the Sigil. They can't stop you...In fact.....Now that i think of it..."
Vek et al
He steps from the cell and walks to the table. He nods. Quickly pulls a small knife and cuts a wrist, drawing a long line on the table with his blood. He focuses his will and a long sword appears. Plain of construction but nearly perfect. He chuckles and pulls a leather hood off the pommel. It has a symbol of an eye on it. "Clever... Very clever Vek. Not a bad idea." He picks up the blade and for a moment he looks like Rafe, then Random, then Brand, though a younger carryfree looking brand. He slips the cover over the pommel and looks like the Brand he is.." Take this.. Call it my gift to you. Its called Sightblinder. Don't let Random see you wear it. It used to belong to Vek Hendrake. He created this pommel hood. IT damps the power of the blade to change your appearance. This will let you sneak about well. Keep the pommel covered around Alexi for a time."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
A soft sigh escapes. "Ah dad... why don't you let me keep my illusion of being the unimportant guard now and then... " She winks. When he walks off and then slits a wrist she jumps up. Not being to much in magic herself except for trumps she csn still be surprised by it. Looking at the blade and the effect it has on her father she looks surprised. "Sightblinder.... and i am not allow to carry it? Or does Random not like to have certain weapons in possesion of family? Either way, thank you!" She nods at the instructions "Got it. But how do i keep it from sight in general? If for example Random can't see me carry it."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
She then grins. "If i know a way to hide weapons i could more easily take my bow and arrows along.. usually such a hassle. Though last weapon you gave me was easier to hide. But that was a knife." She chuckles and shows the longblade she got for her tenth birthday. Looking over the sword agajn she doesn't dare touch it yet.. "I'll take good care of it."
Vek et al
"You'll find Sightbinder is easy to wear. All the swords of the Red Gale are. They are identical in appearance except for the pommel. Vex's little Pommel condom has chaos taints but seems to dampen the power to change you appearance. The change is an illusion by the way, not shapechange. As for your bow and arrows....Let me think about it. There may be away. along. Have fun storming Chaos."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex laughs. "Storming Chaos sure sure. But i'll try and have fun. Thanks dad." She steps.closer and pecks a daughterly kiss on his cheek. "Tell mom i'll be careful in case she worries." She turns to walk to the stairs. "If i find something of interest i'll let you know. Stay out of trouble." With that she starts ascending the stairs to go find Alexi in the library.