Freeing Ektrina of Regor

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Vek et al
As Alexi walks Alex notice a knife slip into his hand. Holding it casually, His other hands makes arcane looking hand motions as he walks forward gaining speed.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex figures he is preparing himself for any possible danger coming his way as well. She doesn't expect the danger to come from Alexi but from anywhere else towards Alexi so there she keeps a watchful eye And of course tries to keep up with Alexi.
Vek et al
Weaving through the maze of minor churches and plazas, most from the thousands of shadows in the black zone worlds. Shapes and designs of bizarre forms. Eventuallly coming to a collection of places where there are fields filled with grain. In the distance free standing stones like Stonehenge, so even the fields are places of worship. Past them comes a to a small forest with a rundown abandoned building.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex tries to catch up with Alexi now to walk next to him. Not having seen these places or building she asks Alexi "Does this mean anything to you? I've never been so far out to here "
Vek et al
he nods" Yes.. ITs this place.. It looks empty. Like a derilict. But its design is Regorian.. This place looks like any one of the thousands of rural temples across Regor. hmmmm Petola... the close towers, the Arches. The covered entrances.. Petolan for certain..."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods looking at the architecture. She has never studied it alot more took that part of info as a sidenote "I see. So perhaps it is a temple here in Fane to Regor. Would not be strange. Everything and everyone of note is worshipped. And Regor is not a small name in the grand scheme." She takes a step closer. "Want to look inside?"
Vek et al
"Seems like a long way to come to not go in.."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex laughs and steps towards the building she gestures for Alexi. "Well you felt the compelling so i would say you do the honors. I'll keep an eye on you and be right behind. "
Vek et al
Walking to the entrance, a ramshakle covered patio and a heavy iron bound door behind. On the threshold is a large rattlesnake. easily 5 meters long. It rears and hisses as Alexi comes near. "I have no quarrel with you, why was I compelled to come here?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex stands next to Alexi as long as space allows it and else slightly behind tk the side of him. She does not immediately pull a weapon but she stands ready to defend to or pull Alexi away or jump in front. She keeps a close eye on the rattlesnake.
Vek et al
The snake hisses, "Reeeeegggoooorrriiiiaaan..." and strikes. It lunges at Alexi's neck. He plunges the knife near the head of the snake and it wriggles, trying to bite his hand. To the side more snakes start coming out.. Hissin,g coiling briefly then leaping. 4 at least in the first wave on Alex
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex at first wants to defend Alexi but seeing he got a quick hand and other snakes are coming out she pulls two daggers. As this is to closecombat to pull anything bigger. She points out the other snakes and goes back to back with Alexi. Alex steps.out to strike and then step back again. She keeps an eye on Alexi but trusts he can defend himself. In between strikes Alex asks "So do Regorians and snakes have a bad past? Family fued? Anything?"
Vek et al
Alexi yells as snakes come from the other side, "Ancient religious fairy tales maybe.... Olga would know. She's the religious fanatic.. A cloistered Nun that seems to be on every church council. Damn..." A snake bites his arm hard, holding on.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods not that Alexi can see that hearing his scream she whips around and seeing it holding on she grabs his arm stabs her dagger between the jaws of the snake and pulls away from Alexi to hopefully kill and dislodge the jaws of the snake instead of locking them when the muscles tighten with dying. She hisses. "Right. No time to ask that then. Fuck sake there are alot. " She looks if there are more snakes joining the fight. "How fire resistant are you?"
Vek et al
He slams the snake against the door, his blood and the snake's smear the door. Her hand hitting the door as well, covered in blood touching the door. She feels her knuckles bleeding, adding to Alexi's blood The door cracks and opens. The snakes flee.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Seeing the snakes finally flee she sighs. "Alright then. Hows the arm? Need me to look at it?" She looks curiously towards the now cracked open door to see whats possibly inside.
Vek et al
Alex sees her blooded knuckles, a very minor scrape with some blood. Alexi's rubs his hand, "A small bite. Ive done a cure poison spell just incase. Let me do one on you as well."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex seeing her knuckles she frowns then nods "Perhaps wise to take preventative actions." She wipes her hand clean on a cloth She hands Alexi some stuff to clean his arm with as well. "So that was curious. Shall we clean up the blood and head on inside "
Vek et al
He takes her hand and she feels a brief chill. "That should do it. " He looks at the door and steps in. "Dark... Dingy...Stale.. what is that smell?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
A smile "thank you for that." Walking closer she inhales deep trying to place the smell Alexi had noticed
Vek et al
It has a smell of old paper. Dust. Rotted fabric. Rotting wood. Cooked rats.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex looks at Alexi. "Seems someone is living here." She nods to the opened door and pushes it further open taking a few steps inside to look around.
Vek et al
The interior is open, a cathedral. The onion domes interiors dark and dusty but looking like there are couches hung up in them. Far down the hall is a low alter. A figure knees before in, head down, covered.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex looks back to Alexi and gestures with a nod of her head to the kneeling figure. She walks calmly walks dosn the hall to the altar and the figure. Assuming Alexi will join in. She doesn't try to be silent as she is sure the talking and fighting outside had already given them away. She doesn't touch the figure but stops close enough to hopefully see a bit better the person kneeling.
Vek et al
The figure stands, thin, emaciated under the heavy cloak. Turning the face is covered with matted dreadlocks of dirty white hair. The face is a woman's bony thin face, hallo cheek, tight lips. But her eyes are a bright green, lit from inside, glowing. She whispers..."You are Regorians......the Seal would not open to anyone else's blood."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex looks over to Alexi to see if he recognizes the woman. She then turns back and nods in answer. "We are. May i ask who you are? "
Vek et al
She smiles, "You may ask... But what would be the point? Am I remembered? Forgotten? I've been locked in here for so long. But you broke the seal. Blood of Regor to honor the Tiger. Snake's blood to honor the Serpent. Is Borlak still with the Tiger? Who is the Tzar? Whats his house? So...much I've missed being sealed in this tomb....for my own folly..."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
A quick glance back to Alexi "We only know if you are remembered or forgotten if we know who you are. We have answers to your questions. But first i wonder what is the reason you are locked in here? As you say your own folly?"
Vek et al
"My folly? I came to the source, to seek the place the Tiger first walked. Where he did battle with the Serpent. I came to find that power to woo the Tiger from the monster Borlak. My arrogance, my ideology. My worship....failed me here. I was taken, ravaged, broken, imprisoned by the serpent. Here to waste away... I had my books.. but after reading them many times i need the warmth of their fire more. I fed on the only creatures able to break the seal.. Now....Who are you both.. Because i can smell my blood in you both" Alexi steps back, "By the're...."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex frowns thinking deep of what she had read or heard but she can't place it just yet. Hearing Alexi's reaction she turns to him. "You know who she is? I can't place her so far in the line but then again. You grew up with the stories." She smiles turning back to the woman. "It seems your actions were perhaps those fueled by arrogance but they did came from your heart and believes. As i at least hear it now. " She gestures to herself. "My name is Alexandra i am of Amber and Regor blood."
Vek et al
Alexi steps slowly backwards, toward the door. She stands, dropping the tattered robe. He naked body looking devoid of muscle Looking at Alexandra, "Do you have... ah.. any extra clothes with you?
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex raises an eyebrow to Alexi. "Uhm are you okey?" She then takes out her bag and finds a long shirt which for thr woman her body would possibly be a dress. "Always have spare clothing i tend to burn through them." She chuckles at her inside joke.
Vek et al
She takes it and puts it on..."Ah... clean cloth.. Why does your man back away? He seems afraid. Amber and Regor... So Oberon's realm survives? Does the Unicorn still cower from the great Tiger? She wounded the Serpent.. But she dances from challanging the great Tiger."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Turning to look at Alexi while the lady dresses she shrugs. "No idea. Why are you backing away?" Alex nods "Oh yes of course it survived. No clue about the fued between the Unicorn and the Tiger. Whenever i meet either of them i'll ask..." She has a lopsided grin as she won't ever be in the position to ask but seemed right to say so. "So uhm i think you are able to go your way again. Need anything? Some food, water? My travel companion and i were here for a reason. So i guess we should get to that.... if he doesn't run off." Alex looks concerned at Alexi. "Seriously what's going on?"
Vek et al
Alexi says, "The compelling is gone lets get the Fuck away from her." She laughs, "Ah... I am remembered then...What is your man's name?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods slings her bag over her shoulder and then nods to the woman. "Alright well my travel companion has spoken. And since he has not given you his name neither will i... bad form. You understand." She takes a few steps back inclines her head "Best of luck on your travels Lady." She then turns to go after Alexi.
Vek et al
She appears in front of the door and puts her hand on Alexi's chest as he rushes to the door. "What afears you, Blood of my Blood? I had no children save those of the faith. Give me your name or I'll rip your heart out and taste your name that way." Alexi says a bit too loudly, "I am Alexi Zhenya! Son of Tzar Nicholas and Tzarina Clarissa!" She looks at Alex, "And your name, brave one? Alexandra..What is your lineage? Is he a brother? I would not eat him if he is dear to you" "
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex rushes to Alexi as she sees the woman having appeared before him with a threat she fears might be valid. When near and Alexi saying his name she stands ready to act... that woman is emaciated she can't hold that much power.... right?.... right? Keeping her composure she looks at Alexi. "He is in fact my uncle. Brother to my father. He is indeed dear to me. I would appreciate it if you would not eat him. My name is Alexandra Mira, daughter of Brand Barimen and Fres Mira. So Regorian by the line of Tzarina Clarissa."
Vek et al
She considers, "Uncle... Alexi, son of Tsar Nicholas.. Alexandra Bariman..of the line of Oberon then.. and one of his sons?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods. "Well yes. " She looks with growing concern to Alexi. "I would really appreciate it if you would let go of Alexi. He has done as you asked. So have i. No need to be hostile."
Vek et al
"Need? no...But it would be pleasant to hurt him for awhile.. But... for you I shall not eat him . I am free now.. the door is open... I take my leave." She casually tosses Alexi aside and steps out the door, disappearing
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Watching her step.out and disappear Alex is just confused. Seeing Alexi she goes to him checking if he needs medical attention or anything. In a hushed voice. "Who was that woman? And why did she have you so scared? And seeing her reaction rightfully so." If he likes it or not she checks his head and chest where she had touched Alexi. "Should we warn someone?"
Vek et al
Alexi nods his head, "Well, yes.. Immediately" He withdraws his own trumps. "Damn ....My trumps are warm. Figures. Yours probably work. Call.....Bleys or Arloxedra. Tell him to go to Clarissa and tell here that while on a pleasure trip to the edge of the Abyss You and I discovered a derelict Tiger Temple at the fane of Zilla. Inside, trapped apparently was Ektrina Regor, the High Preistess of the Tiger. She is now loose and her whereabouts are unknown"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alexandra nods as she gets the information. She steps back and takes out her own trumps. She pulls out Arlo and Bleys and chooses Bleys first. Checkinh if her card works she then focusses and tries to make contact with her uncle.
Vek et al
"Alexandra? What a surprise! To what do I owe this call?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex looks a bit apologetic. "To trouble, i am sorry but could you do me a favor. Can you go to Clarissa, yes i know rather not. While Alexis and i were on a trip to the edge of the Abyss we found a derelict temple of the Tiger at Fane of Zilla...inside was apparently Ektrina Regor, high priestess of the Tiger. And she is now free and somewhere. We don't know where." She smiles a bit pained smile "And hey good to see you..... again sorry to drop this on you."
Vek et al
Bleys curls an eyebrow,"Ektrina Regor? Hmmmm I'm not as up on my Ancient Regor history. She was the High Priestess of the Tiger at the time the Tiger bonded with Borlak. I'll pass the message along though."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex shrugs. "Honesty i only do this with some haste as it seems that it has Alexi very worried. But i must admit the woman seemed quite scary at the end. Or at least intimidating. "
Vek et al
Bleys says, "Now that i think of it, she was an Orthodox Tiger worshiper. They considered cannibalism a part of their services that included mutilation of those slain in battle and human sacrifice. Yow... With Borlak literally on ice at Vulsara and his bond to the Tiger broken.. Ya, i better go talk to mom. "
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods "Well you know how to reach me. But yeah she had quite some questions about the Tiger, Borlak and such. Well uhm say hi to her from me.. and we'll get back to Fane of Zilla. " "Should we check with Vulsara if he is still on ice? Borlak... not the Tiger. And now i know her threat of eating Alexi was genuine."
Vek et al
Bleys chuckles, "Ya, regenerating parts that were eaten is embarrassing. Hmmm.. Ya, I'll trump Vance then go talk to Random and Clarissa"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex laughs soft shakes her head. "Alright thank you, as i said you know where to find me." She says her goodbyes and then turns to Alexi again. "Bleys is going to report to Random, Clarissa and check with Vance. " She looks worried. "You okey?"
Vek et al
Alexi nods, "She seemed pretty intent to get out of Zilla. That makes it safe enough. Obviously i never met her but the legends around her are the kind that are told to bad children. Her Order is technically an Orthodox one, ancient, but it has about a dozen members all in their ancient ages. A few immortals, probably. Still... not to be disregarded"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"Alright well, so we leave it be until we hear differently then? Not interfere leave it to those in higher order. " She looks towards the door peeking around the corner. "Just making sure that she is not outside the door to review her decision on not eating you. " Alex runs her hand through her red curls thinking. "At least Borlak is out of the way. Only no clue where the TIger is. but surely he can fend for himself. Or wants to join her again."
Vek et al
He is looking over the interior of the building. It seems with a critical eye. "Hmmm This place is a mess. Run down.. But it has character . Great details.. The windows are covered is grime but look like stained glass.. The wood needs sanding and polish.. "
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex laughs. "You want to clean up the place? Do some repairs? New lick of paint? And then what? Having a temple here? You sure you'd want that?"
Vek et al
He walks up to the alter. Rubs it a bit. "Well, I'm not a fanatic. But.. it seems a pity.. I bet she has been chasing away visitors for centuries, door being locked and all. " "And.. Its not entirely proper.. its almost... a paradoy of a Regorian temple. Still..."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods "Well i guess you are right in that area. If you are serious about it i can pull in some stuff to start cleaning and sanding down the grime. Wouldn't be bad to have a temple here as well. Different thrn that in Fane of Zilla churches and temples."
Vek et al
"Can you call Arlo for me? "
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods and pulls out her trump deck. "Sure thing you know how it works to join in on the call." She smiles and starts focussing on the image of Arlo to get in contact with him.
Vek et al
Arlo Answers and Alexi puts a hand on her shoulder to speak to him.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex just mentions "Hey small situation. Got Alexi for you." Then she lets them talk.
Vek et al
Alexi says, "Arlo, in the drawers beneath the Zakuski table are a number of copies of the Tome of the Tiger. Could you pass me one as well as some of the Zirgozian triple vodka, a couple tins of caviar, a bowl of ice, some of the waverly crackers, some of the black bread, a few chunks of cheese. And a gallon of the water from the small fountain on the table.. the always ice water.. " Arlo chuckles, "You called me to cater your vacation? I'm not saying no, but...There are better ways." Alexi says, "The water is holy water. the book is some light reading, and the rest, ya, we want a gnosh.. Look..Is Fiona in Regor?" Arlo says, "Her mother is here. She is taking her duties in Regor seriously now." He chuckles," Why?" "I need you to call her. Tell her to contact my sister Olga. Then...well...I need her here. I have no idea how the time relations will be here but I have a temple she will want to see and its best to get her moving. Call Alex when you have her. I'll owe you" Arlo says, "I'll collect. I'll get the food first. Then...I'll call Fiona." Alexi nods and says, "Thanks." After food is passed over and the contact breaks he takes food aside and sets up a little table for the two of them."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex helps passing things on and setting things where they're suppose to go. She then looks at Alexi for a moments thought. "You want to make sure this temple won't be abused or misused. So calling in Regorian family?"
Vek et al
He chuckles.."Well, taking on a renovation project does not sound like my kind of vacation. My sister Olga is a fanatic. She would look at this place, see a speck of dust, and run for cleaning supplies. However...She is poor at magic, even clerical magic. So I'll handle that before she gets here. After lunch"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex laughs "Alrigh then. Let the fanatics do the work. Fine by me. " She eyes Alexi "Weren't we here also to check on things for my father? I don't mind the sightseeing and such and taking our time." She looks at the door. 'Wonder how fast she'll get out of Chaos. And wouldn't it be faster for her if she wants to get out to make you or me take her away." A slight shrug. "Either way. " She walks to the door with a cloth and some water to go wash the blood off. And first inspect if it has not been touched by Ektrina on her way out.
Vek et al
The blood on the door looks like fingers have run through it, like a kid licking the frosting bowl.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Looking at that she frowns before she cleans it she calls to Alexi. "Well guess she did have a taste of you afterall... seems she ran her fingers through the blood here." A slight concern crosses her mind. "She can't do magic either right? Just macabre and cannibalistic.... no weird blood magic?"
Vek et al
Alexi shrugs, "I have no idea. There was certainly magic around at the time and widely used in the Regor/Borna wars. I would be surprised if she wasn't extremely talented along those lines. But the stories, legends, fables of those times are ancient. My mother was a young girl when Ektrina went missing. Who can say what is legand and what actually happened. Apparently she has been here all this time. In a way thats comforting. Some people feared she was in Regor in hiding, secretly controlling som cannibal Tiger cultists among the Tiger Church."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex starts to wash down the door and nods. "Well yeah she apparently was just here... burning books and eating rats. Wonder where that compelling came from... or did it wait for someone of purer Regorian blood? Or maybe because you have been in contact with churches of ghe Tiger... eh i don't know all speculations." She scrubs down the blood and puts the rag away. "Well now its then waiting for.. Olga?"
Vek et al
"Well, yes, and a bit of sorcery." He goes to the alter, casts clean cantrips just to start. Wipes off the top and sets the Tome of the Tiger on it. He opens it and reads the opening stanzas.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex smiles she listens to the words Alexi reads up and starts cleaning up what she can with the bare minimum she had packdx for cleaning. Though if her three little dragons are willing to help she suggest them to help out here and there as well. Especially high up starting to clean the cobwebs and such.
Vek et al
The dragons get the idea and start hunting down cobwebs, making a game of it. They eventually stir up rats and make a game of eating them as well.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex laughs at the antics of her dragons she gestures to them "Well they make the best of it. " Gathering debri she starts to pile it and move it outside. In between bringing it out she waits and watched Alexi. "Will this be a bigger problem that she escaped... due to us. Basically. Didn't she say she was trapped or imprissoned by the Serpent ?"
Vek et al
Alexi says, "I have no idea. She is an ancient person. There are a few of the ancients around still. Most keep to themselves. Its fathers and mother's problem now. Olga is...ah... devout. and not much use in things not spiritual. As for the serpent, the Tome tells of an ancient battle between the Tiger and the Serpent and another primal, the Drake. The serpent nearly slew its foe the Drake and the Tiger came to its rescue. The Serpent and the Tiger then fought bitterly in the stuff of chaos. Their battle destroyed many Ways and broke many ancient constructs. Eventually the High Lord Vargus broke up their fight. Since then the two are bitter enemies. Its one of the reasons Regor and Chaos have had almost no contact. Brand, Bleys, and Fiona and the only Regorians I knew to have dealt with Chaos but none of them are Tigerians. " "Ektrina must have come here seeking power of the Tiger after it abandoned her... ANd doing so pissed off the Serpent. "
Alexandra Dejana Mira
As she lifts a broken beam from fhe ground to drag it outside she sighs. "So it probably all is a fight between Primals and still bitter feelings to eachother. So what happened to the Primal Drake is that known?" She leans the beam against her shoulder so she can stand and talk. "And that your sister is devout and not much else is no worries i don't mind cleaning up. I like to stay busy. " She frowns "So Tigerians are those devout to the church of the Tiger right? Perhaps best to keep the devotion to the Tiger a bit down low. Before another fight breaks out."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"Oh besides don't we have another one running about of around Ektrina's generation? I have Dimitrius in Arden following his badge of Dikost."
Vek et al
He nods, "Yes, Dimitri is Ektrina's older brother. The one with Memory troubles. They fought together. It might be good to talk to him about her. Her sister Marfa is still alive and is deep in the Regorian elven communities. And of course there is Natalya..Damn, dad is going to hate how riled up Natalya is going to get. " "And yes, Tigerians is the term many use. As well as Tigreen, or Tigs. It varies from place to place and sect to sect. Unlike the Unicorn faith which has one clear line of authority, the Tiger worship has man factions, cults, denominations, and interpetations. There is no central authroity except the Tzar and the High Priestess."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"Because a riled up Natalya is bad? And yeah i can probably find Dimitrius quickly enough he really found his way around Arden and the people. When i'm back i'll ask him... since not many know who he really is. " Alex smiles. "Ah so it tends to be a bit more like in Chaos, there are many ways to worship and often the same thjng. Though perhaps that comparison is not good. Seeing the Serpent and Tiger don't see eye to eye... " Alex then drags the beam she was handling with out of the building. "I could have Dimi be brought here or at least ask him... altho i doubt it has such a rush right? Like you said it is the worry of your parents now."
Vek et al
"Well, in the early days the cult that had the most authority was the one the chuch the Tiger was sleeping in. The rest were just clerics making stuff up. Lets leave Dimitri out of it. I hear he is settled in well. He is never a good addition to a political mess. Natalya... she is a ficture in Regorian politics. Always has been. She may be the Spymaster of Regor, though thats just a rumor."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex frowns. "Spymaster of Regor... hm well we have one in Amber but we all know who that is... no rumor... just a horrible kept secret." She then nods "I agree Dimitri is doing fine. Following his own path and doing quite well, alot of ths Rangers like him he is an incredible marksman with bow and arrow. He taught me a thing or two as well." Alex walks the altar to look at it and the tome now resting in its place. "Is there any guess as to where the Tiger is now?"
Vek et al
"Not that I know. It is a fiercely loyal beast. But there was something between he and Borlak that i hear was broken when Alexandir Kos Korag beat him in single combat. As for the Drake, its in Regor, though i have no wasy to know if its the same one that fought the Serpent or a successor primal beast."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"Right i heard the Tiger had left Borlak's side. And as there have been no reports of the Tiger being spotted where Borlak is kept, i then think we can assume he os wandering his own way. Though i notice of the collection of Primal animals i ahd been able to meet, many do bond themselves with a person. " Pushing some loose debris out of the way with her foot to check if anyrhing important is between jt she continues. "Though they are often those on the higher number of successor of their line. " She looks at her playing and hunting dragons smiling. "Primals are a curious subject. So strong and powerful though also such a big vulnerability, once the decline starts it is hard to stop as every successor will be weaker "
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"And still they are often the subject of worship. The Unicorn, the Serpent, the Tiger." She gestures to the altar with the tome... "Just curious."
Vek et al
"In the throne room of Regor is a small creature named Vovo, its a Thaskilon. It about a kilo in weight, slow but agile, meaty. They can be very friendly, trusting, like lambs. In many Regorian shadows they are domesticated. So friendly that hunting then might only take offering them a treat to lure them within knife range. Throughout Regor they are hunted as a meat staple. I've killed thousands of them. The Royal Thaskilon is protected and known to be a pet of Tzar Nicholas. What isn't widely known is that it is a primal beast. But Thaskilons have been killed in such numbers that the Primal Thaskilon has been killed uncountable times. Now poor Vovo would take nothing to kill and despite having certain formidable powers still, is nearly helpless. If its killed, there may only be 3 or 4 mor Thaskilons after it, if there are any...When the powers of the Primal do not transfer upon death, the race will fade away."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"Hm, Arlo told me yes, that when a primal dies, so will the whole race of that animal. Sad really. And happy that those knowing do take it upon themselves tk protect those more vulnerable. " She smiles "As i understand they seek out their companions themselves bond with them knowing they'll be safe wjth that person. Again the curious and interesting beings called Primals. I know we have a few around Amber as well. "
Vek et al
"Most of the High Order sigils do. They attract them. "
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"Of course and then seek people who feel right to them and have power to protect the primal." She smiles. "It's a good agreement. As i noticed many in certain levels of power and responsibility don't mind caring for a higher sentient being, having them around as a friend. " She looks towards the door. "And those higher power Primals.... they are sometimes the reason of wars.... "
Vek et al
"Too esoteric for me. Wars start for many reasons. Not just Primals>'
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex laughs "Didn't i say sometimes.. and often they are not the reason. Often it is the ones following them in religion who starts the wars. And wars are fought everywhere over alot of reasons. " Alex looks about for a planterbox or pot. Finding something along those lines she turns it empties it and fills it with dirt. Taking out her sketchbook she tears of a little pieces of paper and plants them. Pouring water over it. "To bring some life back to this place. Don't know if the church of the Tiger has anything against flowers. " She smiles.
Vek et al
Alexi says, "No, they don't have something against flowers. But they like red meat better. " As he reads the First part of the tome, she feels him suddenly raise the sigil of Regor. A warmth fills the room as the alter is resanctified.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex stands next to him, just listening. She had never heard the parts of the tome of Tiger being read and it seemed the right move to not move and just be there. Feeling the warmth she can't help but smile. She had figurdled it to feel cold, frigid. Not warm.
Vek et al
Alexi looks to her, smiles, "That will do for now. We can leave. Olga wil find it now. No one can enter it who is not a Regorian."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods "Sure, but didn't we have to wait for Arlo to get in contact again? " She then calls her dragons. "Come on, enough rat chasing my lovelies. Thabk you for your help." She looks at Alexi. "Well slight side step then. Shall we now first get a place to stay or do you have any other strange pulling sensations?"
Vek et al
"THe compelling is gone. I've retained its signature to have experts look at but i have my suspicions. I think it was Ektrina. Lets go. I've marked this place. Time being what it is we might have a year here befoe Arlo gets in touch with Olga. Or Bleys.."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"Alright then lets go. Plenty to see and do. And i figure dad still wants to know what happened with his... biological donation in the Abyss. I am sure Rugir knows more about that. He should be in one of the temples."
Vek et al
"So where to? Where did you se this child of his?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"At a temple venerating dad and his children. Its a bit in the back. I'm sure i can find it again." She walks out the door expecting Alexi to follow her. "He also told me that Laravella is recovering as well somewhere in Chaos. "
Vek et al
"Laravella.... swell.. Another country heard from...
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"Hm i told dad. That she is regenerating in Regor but also Chaos. As i understood in house of Hendrake. Not fully certain. Not to informed about all in Chaos." Alex looks around for recognition points as she has been there before. Trying to find the small worshipping spot where she met Rogir
Alexandra Dejana Mira
If she cannot fjnd it on her own, she will ask one of the guides who roam the general halls.
Vek et al
Despite the wildness of the region, mixtures of open land, dwellings, churches, and others oddities she finds the ally among the twisting turns. Somethings, even in Chaos move slowly