Marmotkin move to Arden

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Bud looks between Alex and Duncan, "Well, iffin we serve well, and you take us as free citizens, and Amber is what its always rumored to be, the otehr Marmotkin of Anderson's might follow, bit by bit, in time."

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex smiles "So in fact you are also hoping for a new place to settle for yourself and yours. " She looks to Duncan "Why you ask about the Fey?" She looks at Bud and his brothers. "Well Arden is divided in sections and enclaves. We have lots of areas which can be inhabited as long as the ways of nature is respected and you can live in harmony. Those enclaves or settlements usually are very self sustained thats is why i asked of your skills. And all you need to do is as you say. Patrol, live harmonious with nature around you and report to the others if something is wrong. " She looks at Duncan. "I don't see a problem and i think i have a place i mind. What say you?"

Duncan stands, "I don't see a problem. We can talk later about where you have in mind. Dragons will have to be told not to hunt them so lets keep them far from the Weyrs at least at first."

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex smiles to the Marmotkin. "Well there you go good sirs. I think that is arranged then. And yes in Arden we have dragon weyrs inhabited but that shouldn't form an issue Arden is vast enough to live in peace. "

Bud stands, and bows slightly. "Excellent! We will be readying nearly immediately. We have been planning the move for a long time and when the word you all had come here the time seemed perfect. Ah.. we are not quite sure how to manage leaving Alamond though.."

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex smiles "When can you and yours be ready? " She looks at Duncan. "If it is not to long we can wait and take them with us. Else a temporary trump." She looks at the Marmotkin. "It depends when you are ready and how big the group is."

"138 of us, about 800 various animals. I doubt Amber has Marhorse so we'll bring out whole herd. About 200 wagons. Everyone will ride. Each swapout is accompanied by Anderson making the outgoing troop move to off Encampment quarters for the three year term so it will not look out of place. " He hands Alex a card. "This is the location of our off park location. Its a niche between Anderson's High Country and The Dell River Encampment. "

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex nods. "Alright ao quite a big group and you want to do the move when you are rotated out? In what time frame will that be? I can pick you up later as well."

Bud says, "They are riding out as we speak. And... the Incoming group has decided to wait to make its move in ...till we spoke. " Duncan pours another cup of coffee, suddenly looking more clear eyed. "What do you mean that he makes you move to Off Encampment Quarters? Move out of your homes? Move out of the encampment entirely?" Bud nods, "Yes.. We clear our belongings every 12 years and leave the encampment for 3. Its been this way so the Marmotkin do not get to attached to any particular burrows."

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex scoffs. "Well aint that nice. Forced moving.. alright easy enough then if all are ready to leave i can come with you open a trumpgate to Arden and recieve you all there. Shouldn't take to long. "

Duncan says, "So the two groups are both on the move....and the second one is waiting till we speak... Is the other shoe that this other caravan wishes to come as well?" Bud shakes his head, "Not at this time... The marmotkin are all waiting to see how well my group fares. If we will be treated well in Amber."

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex looks at Duncan. "Well we can take them with us right away. I've housed new groups with less notice. " She winks to Duncan. "We'll take you to Arden. And i am sure you will be treated well and right there. I see no reason why not. "

Duncan nods, "Half the trouble for twice the price. I gather Anderson will be pissed?" Bud looks to Duncan. "No one cares if the rodeo clown gets hurt as long as the bull gets away." Duncan says, " I have no idea what that means but i guess it isn't good. If both groups want to come they can. If you want to come and let the other group go into Anderson's then thats ok too. If they go in you can probably keep in touch some how or would we have to help with that? "

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex looks confused at the rodeo clown statement but she just decides to nod "Well yeah that is a good point of Duncan you need to be able to reach out to your people. I cannot promise we have all the time for that." She thinks. "Okey or... hear me out. We take you all with us now. You can see if you like it as a community in Arden, working together with every one there.. if you do you're settled and can stay no moving if you do not want to. if you do not like it. You can easily take thr jeweled road from there to find your own lifes and fortune. No bad feelings. We do not own you. You do not owe us as long as Arden is proctected jn your area "

Bud nods, "I'm goinng to go to the caravan and discuss it with the otehr caravan's leader. My group will be ready to go whenever you are. Thank you very much. We look forward to serving Arden." They get up and make their exit. After tey go Duncan says, "Well, whats a vacation without an international incident? Lets go find a diner before getting things rolling with the furry guys."

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex laughs and nods. She washes up and gets dresses... "Oooh i could go for pancakes... or waffles... eggs.. bacon! Something filling. I feel i drank to much.." She chuckles. "But i think this will be good for this group they clearly feel the need for change and give then an area to work on and protect and i think we'll all be happy. They can work and trzde with the other rangers villages."

"It was a lot to wake up to. I'm in favor of bringing them to Arden but mark my word. There will be trouble down the line. The Agoltiths went over poorly in Amber and so did the Hoka. So.. it won't surprise me."

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex frowns. "I didn't realize Amber was so narrow minded... pity. We'll see how things go. And if it doesn't work out i'll help them on their way on the jeweled road. They're bound to find a good place for them somewhere."

At breakfast he answers, "It isn't that they will cause trouble. I asked about the Fey because they might do well in the areas near the fey. We'll have to see. We'll bring them to Castle Arden to start just for the room. What was it Bud said? 4 teams in 4 regions...thats 16 Marmotkin communities... However many we move today we should plan for that many eventually. Alamond does not allow slavery, or indentured servitude, but that doesn't mean this Anderson wont be annoyed that his employees are disappearing off planet. "

Alexandra Dejana Mira "Right. I was thinking around those areas as well. It needs some fresh hands and ideas to keep things running. " Alex thinks. "Well we can see how big their teams are and how much space they need. We could give them land closeby eachother. We'll figure it out." She leans back "No it doesn't allow slavery but seems some workees are just accepting the situations they are in till brtter opportunities arrive. Which i get. And i don't mind one guy being angry.. that can be settled."

"Part of the problem is the Non-borns. Alamond isn't really all that ancient. I hear a good percentage of Alamond are Non-borns. Makes me wonder if the Marmotkin's lifestyle is based in the Non-borns way of life. That might mean Bud there is breaking aways from a life style that was created when Alamond was born. That is if Anderson's was an original encampment."

Alexandra Dejana Mira "Hmmm right, well lets give thrm that chance right? We can use extra hands in Arden and I think giving them a place to settle and do their things will be fantastic for them. " She stuffs her mouth with some food and after chewing and swallowing "Look I like Alamond very much. But like you say some non-borns might want to change. Back to their own ways. Instead of what is made for them here."

Duncan agrees. Later in the day Duncan and Alex arive at the caravan location. They se 4 distinct caravans all filled to the brim and looking very nervous. Bud and a group of over Marmots walks over the the transport trainstation looking vaguely old western. "Welcome! We are excited to see you! " Duncan says, "Something more then 138..." Bud says, "Yes, well, my group over there is 138. We have 3 other groups on their out rotation. THe inbounds have already gone in... " Duncan takes out a cigar and one of the marmots steps up, "Sir, would you care to try one of our sticks? We grow the leaf ourselves.." Duncan chuckles and takes it, lights it and starts coughing immediatly.....

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex looks at the amount of Marmotkin and the caravans she smiles. Figuring Bud wouldn't be the only group leaving today . "Alright so we can go in a bit. Do you have a way to contact the groups inbound? When younall decided you want to stay or not? Or do we need to come back around that time?" She frowns at Duncan "are you okey hun?"

Bud ignores Duncan's coughing.. He says, "Once we are in Alamond we can contact our people with normal means. Phone lines, Screen Contacts, Light Mail. Andersons is rugged but its not off the grid. We undersatand some things like repicators won't work in Amber but we never depended on them as other places do. We were continue to live ruggedly. As for transporting, once my wagon starts the others are ready as well." Duncan stands, "Ok I need a box of those to pass around at Privy Council.. Second Warden...I am going to transport to Castle Amber and check in with the king. The wagon train is your business. Take them to caste Arden first and i am sure the staff can help you work out the details. Trump me when you have a place for them to... ah... dig in..." He looks to the fuzzy guy who gave him the stick, "Do you have say, 4 of those i could have? " The man nods and passes over a small brown paper package.

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex nods to Bud. "Very well then. We'll make this work no problem." She then frowns at Duncan. "That good huh? Alright will see you in Arden i'll deal with the move and the placement. I'll let you know when we decided where." Alex takes the trump of Castle Arden and nods to Duncan that he can go as well. She then focusses on fhe location trump to get the caravans moving through.

He gives her a quick and not to embarrassing a kiss good by and mumbles, "once more into the breach," and steps to Amber."

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex returns the quick kiss. And guidess the caravans through to Castle Arden grounds. Finally going back home... she missed the place.

As the Marmots start leading their wagons through the Trump, Bud Trout comes to stand by Alexandra. "We will do well for you. We are excellent farmers. We especially produce vast amounts of mushrooms. If there are any varieties you like give us a few and we will provide. Underground farming is something our children know from birth. Potatoes of all kinds, carrots in all colors, beets. We especially love radishes and make many a meal of them. Given room we can provide a lot of food for you talls. We provide nearly everything eaten and not imported at Andersons. Now.. We are no longer the Anderson Marmots. We are the Arden Marmots. And I dare say you are our Amberite. I could tell Warden Duncan wanted to deny us. We have read of the Agoliths and we know the Hoka very well. Hoka are common in Alamond. " "The Red hatted Darrel and his wife Darlene are our Provender masters. They will be who your people should speak with to tell us how to be productive." He lights a Marmot stick, and nearby it smells smells something like roasted radish. As the wagon trains go through Alex thinks something is off on the numbers of migrating Marmots.

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex smiles to Bud Trouts. . "Hmm he might wanted to deny you, but that is just because he is stuck in his ways. Don't wprry i'm sure we'll make this work. As for suggestions for produce. I can ask Dame Margot if she has samples of what she really needs. That would give you all a positive mark in her book. Which is very important!." Alex adds the last with a serious tone Then her smile returns followed by a frown as she tries to count back how many have gone through. To many or to little?

Too many....He said he had 138 people, but even with 4 groups there has passed through easily 1000 Marmots she saw in the heavily packed wagons. That doesn't count any that might be undercover of the canvas. She counts easily 2000 Marhorse as well as that many goats and llamas all packed heavily. There are dogs as well. Normal sized Schnauzers and terriers, all wearing packs. And she notes among them tiny cats, a quarter the size of regular cats.

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex raises an eyebrow and looks at Bud. "Say Bud... i am not opposed against the four groups... but this seems a whole lot.more doesn't it? Where are they all coming from?"

He looks to her, "Anderson's. Its the whole lot. Well, half sort of. 7 bands. Its a sundering. The groups had all left when the turnout began. The talls at Andersons ignore us, think of us as rats, and let our own people run the turn out. Well, the 8 groups decided to leave and were going to disperse across Alamond. Anderson's hunters would have come after us. You see they sometimes hunt us.. for sport. So us youngins, the ones not born to the spark, are going to find elsewhere. But I heard you and the Warden of Arden were here. Many of us are Unicornists you see. So....I came to see you this morning. I then told the others and they all agreed. Except for Fenkle's Band. They are going into Hepplewhites itself.. So... you have gained 7 bands of the Anderson Encampment Marmots. "

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex looks shocked. "They hunt you???? What? Do others know? Does Zachary of Hepplewhite's know? Look i have no power here and the only thing i can do is grand you safe passage to Arden and a place to settle. 4 or 7 groups either i am fine. But this hunting you is not okey." Alex looks worried to the rest of the caravan now really hoping they hurry and get through safe. "Such a weird concept. That in an infinite amount of possibilities there is such a thing still as racism or looking down on others."

"We are small. Talls look down on us. But they play us as equals on the ball field. And we can fight. Does Zachary know? Of course. What business is it of his? This is how it is even when he was Ringmaster. Speaking of fighting... I have 300 of my people that will be ready to begin training as Rangers. Including myself. We are fine horseman though do better on the Marhorses and Llama. We do well with crossbow and short blade. "

Alexandra Dejana Mira "Hmmmm i see well what business... something which doesn't seem right to me." She nods "Lets first settle this whole group down. Make sure all things are there that are needed. Then we can start rotating you in with the rangers. We usually let the prospects rotate in see how well the job fits and whats expected. Those that remain can start ttaining. It's how we do it with all groups relocating to Arden."

He nods, "We look forward to the chance. Obviously our skills are different then the talls but we will do our best to serve however you deem fit. If I spend the rest of my my life tending mushrooms and taters here for the Rangers i will consider that well done too. As you say, lets settle the group down. I'll go check in with the Band leaders. We are used to making the trip so It should be fairly orderly. only the location differs.. "

Alexandra Dejana Mira "Step by step indeed." She smiles keeping the way open. Amazed how many marmotkin are joining her. But somewhere she feels relief she get to help them from a bad situation. And who doesn't need goof mushroom farms.

mmmmmm mushrooms...

Alexandra Dejana Mira ((Well how to make sure to have people on your side. Make sure you make Dame Margot happy)) Alexandra Dejana Mira ((Plan is to give them some decent area of land to settle near the settlement near the Fey. That area is neglected by Duncan and some new settlement might help liven things up and start some more trading... Or psychedelic shrooms.. either way.))

The Marmotkin have more above ground stuff obviously because of horses and such and so most of their vale will look like just a short village. They tend to put building on top of their burrows for protection from the weather.

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex will provide timber and extra manpower for the Marmotkin. Letting Rangers and others know we have new people within Arden.

Alexandra Dejana Mira With thr Jaquen doing mostly lumber work she makes sure some is directed to the Marmotkin. Alex will talk with the group leaders. Show what is what and teaches hkw to recognize the seasons here.. Also she'll make sure with every change of season someone of the Rangers come by to show and teach about whats what snd what can or can't be hunted

The Marmotkin fit in very quickly. Bud and the two Darrels help get everyon in and set up tents they say are temporary. The rangers are highly amused at first but within a few days are shockingly used to them. Among them, mostly women but not exclusively, they move into the cooking work. In the castle, in the camps, they go and make friends with the cooks. They scamper into the forsts and find hidden caches of herbs even the rangers hinters couldn't fine. Duncan sennds a bird of desire to Alex with a reasonably romantic nc-17 note but also says he is staying in the castle for the rest of the week. When the Marmots meet the Dragons the dragons at first assume they are food. But the Marmots make a high pitched sreech that is brain piercingly loud and pitched in a way that effects the dragons badly. THey stay away from the marmots after that. Lone Goat Soap Co. Marmot screaming on Blackcomb Mountain

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex is glad that the Marmotkin are so well accepted and fit in. She does send a messenger to Dame Margot explaining they have new people living in Arden who are also experts in underground crop growing like mushrooms beets radishes and roots if she wants to perhaps place a special order. Whe she gets the letter from Duncan she smiles and sends one back. At least he thinks about her. She lets him know things are going well they fit in and that she can handle things so far. Alex being back in Arden feels just right. She shouldn't have stayed away so lomg this is her home afterall. When the Marmotkin are settled enough she'll do rounds. If Dame Margot had requests she makes sure those are relayed to the Marmotkin first. With letting them know to do Dame Margot a favor is doing yourself a favor. When she has the tjme she'll saddle Scully and with her pseudodragons she'll do her own round in Arden.

While she is on her rounds a messenger bird arrives with a note saying Dame Margot is at Castle Arden.

Alexandra Dejana Mira For Dame Margot Alex will of course make haste and trumps to castle Arden. Giving Scully over to the one tending the stables and hurrying to where Dame Margot is. Hopefully hearing in her way through the castle where that exactly is.

When looking for her ALex finds her sitting with a dozen or so Marmot women, chittering away.

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex smiles watching. She doesn't understand what they are saying but the conversation seems friendly enough. She then makes a sound she is there. "Dame Margot what a pleasure to have you in castle Arden. I see you met already with our new arrivals in Arden. " She inclines her head to all present as a form of greeting. "What brings you, or what van i do for you?"

Margot looks up with a big grin. In between them is a large bowl of oil soaked mushrooms. She pops one in her mouth..."Ah.... yum. Alexandra...I am told you approved bringing Marmot's back to Amber.. I could kiss you. Its been two thousand years since the Marmots left Amber for Diaga Raks. I've missed their pickled mushrooms! Ive made them a thousand times but i just can't get them right for some reason. Now look! Tubs of them!." She waves to the bowl.. One of the wives skewers one on a thin steel fork and offers it to Alex.

One of the wives says, "I tell you, Great Lady, there is no secret. Boil the mushrooms, boil the marinade. Dill and pepper flakes, garlic and peppercorns." Another says, "Well there is a secret in the vinigar..." the others groan at the shared joke.....

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex smiles at the happy faces. "Yes we got a sudden request on the morning we wantdd to leave Alamond. So now we have Marmotkin inhabiting a part of Arden and they have ground to work." She accepts the fork with mushroom gratefully and tastes "Thank you. That is indeed very good." She chuckles at the groans.of the clearly inside joke. "But i did figure when i heard they specialize in growing certain food you wanted to know. Seems i made the right call. Didn't know though we had Marmotkin living in Amber before. "

SHe nods, "Ive been talking to the council here. Can I impose on you? ah... on a Weekly basis if not more?" She continues, "South of the castle a little ways, off the beach, there is a small jut of rock that covers a small cave entrance. I can show you were. I need to go look it over and several of the council will be going with me. Following the entrance in a hundred meters or so you come to an opening chamber. From this chamber are hundreds of short flat chambers where in antiquity the Marmotkin raised mushrooms. They had quite a community there. After it died out i never quite got the mushrooms to taste the same.. like these. If the council approves they can restore the Mushroom Caves. What i need is someone to make a trump there and then... ah.. help them come and go.. "

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex thinks about. She then nods. "I see why not, if the council agrees and wants to restore the mushroom caves. I can make a trump and open a trumpgate back and forth. I can do that on a set schedule. Most of my duty keeps me around here anyway. " She smiles. "I am so happy things are going well. And i am glad Bud and Darrels asked my help when they did. Or our help Duncan was there too." Alex thinks "Perhaps if approved by the King i can ask Arlo to make something more permanent like a door or something that can function as trumpgate... though we need approval for that." A smile "An upside we have its about good food. So that gets approved easier." She adds with a wink

Margot nods. "The king should approve. He always liked the mushrooms. The trouble might come from Caine and Gerard. They particularly hated the Marmots. Julian doesn't get a vote now. The Sons of Rilga didn't get along with the Marmotkin. Part of the reason that when they a started dwindling they chose to emigrate rather then propagate."

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex crosses her arms. "Well then it is important to get this to King Random first. And hopefully Caine and Gerard are still out and about to not have heard the news. And no Julian has his own kingdom he rules so no votes here." She then smiles. "I am sure Flora wouldn't mind either." She looks at the council snd then to Dame Margot. "Let me know if i have to request something like that to be made. Or would the council know right away? Then i can just as well come along."

She says, I'll go to the king, with you. We'll need a couple jars of mushrooms, ladies. Food argues well."

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex nods "Not only love of the man goes through the stomach. Persuasion in rulings as well." A slight chuckle. She then goes to some of her higher ranking Rangers to let them know she takes a quick side trip to Castle Amber but will be back shortly. If anything is amiss just send a message.

Alexandra Dejana Mira "And i'm sure Gerard and Caine will see reason... it's not we're asking something terribly big. "

Alexandra Dejana Mira ((If a permanent trumpgate is allowed i want one on Marmotkin size... would be so adorable!))

Margot stands and takes Alex by the elbow, gently leading her out of marmot earshot. "Sometimes its the small things. These are not the same Marmots that inhabited Amber but they are a....homage... to them. Oberon forged Almond and with it came Non-born Marmots. He always liked them but the Sons of Rilga hated them. They did not like Rilga. It was a mutual hatred. If they become a common sight in Amber they will not be quiet of their distate for them.

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex follows Dame Margot. She listens to her words and rubs her neck with a ahnd. "Well i am not one to deny safety to people who have been mistreated. And if the sons of Rilga can't get over it..." She pauses a moment concidering if she really wants to say it Then with a slight shrug. "Well that is a them problem and not one which should fall on the shoulders of these Marmotkin.. as you say they are not the same as back then. And i can't stand a form of excluding people just because they resemble something one hated in the past." She looks at the present Marmotkin with a soft smile "My word might not hold alot of power but i am willing to stand up for them. I brought them here and i an sure we'll have a great cooperation together. "

Alexandra Dejana Mira "So besides some fantastic examples of the mushrooms. How can we best sell this to the King?"

MArgot thinks, "Well, having it finished before we ask permission works usually. He would have to order someone to dig them out if he says no. Thats like to make him annoyed."

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex laughs though a bit uncomfortable "Well i was never much for act first ask permission later... but if that helps in this case. " She sighs "Though i can't make a permanenr trump gate back and forth. So just permission to have the mushrooms being grown again under the castle is our main priority. Right?"

She nods, "Increments. Once they have had a taste of some of the Marmot food we tell them they can make it easier. I had Marmot Kitchen Wives for a thousand years.. Now I can again. Thank you..."

Alexandra Dejana Mira "That sounds like a plan. Perfect. And you are very welcome. I am happy i didn't follow Duncan on this one." Alex adds a bit awkward. "Anyways. Things will just work out."

Alexandra Dejana Mira She looks at the Marmotkin ladies and Dame Margot. "So when do we know when the mushroom.cave can be restored? I think that would be the perfect time to discuss it with the king right?"

Margot thinks a moment... "Random hired the Mole People to build the puzzled stone roads in Amber and install plumbing. That was before your time and despite everything they did most people had very little interaction with them. But I had to work with them installing plumbing in the castle and grounds. They are a clever and industrious people. We have members of the Council of Wives here and we could get the Council together with a project manager from the mole people, maybe even Aksogagi himself. I doubt the Mushroom caves need more then cleaning out. Who knows what kinds of creatures out of shadow could have crawled out of the oceans to inhabit them.. Frankly, passerbyes for thousands of years, stroling along on the beach, probably never knew the openings to the caves were there. " "Since shapechange was not common among Amberites, royal or gentle, till after Patternfall, the thought of crawling into Marmotkin sized tunnels would never have occurred to them. Even those of us with those powers would not have thought of it. The space inside them for people our size is only in a few of the first chambers.. "

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex nods slowly. "I see. So we have a pretty solid case. And when we can present a thought out plan to Random he is bound to agree." She smiles "And the trumpgate doesn't have to be big either basically Marmotkin sized. It is just for them to go back and forth really."

Alexandra Dejana Mira "So if it is only a matter of cleaning up. When do you think the council will have a decision? At that point we can make our case right?"

"We get a Mole Co project manager to go in and tell us how the caves have fared, what needs to be done to improve them. Authorize them to 'Clean the Place' out one way or the other. I'll cover the costs out of the castle budget. The Wives have already agreed to go and look at the cleaned out caves. Then, Alex, you and I decide if we want to go to the king and ask permission or go to the king and apologize fo not asking."

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex nods "Very well so might take a bit still. Just let me know when you need me to make our case before the king. Do you have a line to the Mole Co project manager? if so it might be easier if you take that up as you have the funds as well. " She nods vaguely with her head back to the general direction of Arden. "You know where to find me right? i am here around. As usual and as my duty prescribes." she says wioth a wink

"I know where to find you. I just want it clear as I proceed, that if it comes to it, you are their patron, not I. I am acting on your suggestion. If Random comes howling and screaming about this I am going to absolutly throw you under the wagon wheels. If Gerard or Caine come yelling at me I'll smack them around but the king is another thing. Savvy?"

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex laughs "Of course Dame Margot. I will gladly stand before the wagon wheels to defend or as consequence of my decisions and action. Also Caine and Gerard are welcome to come complain or... howling as you say. Just like the king. So yes as I am their patron you are just helping me with wonderful suggestions to make the new residents of Arden feel welcome and be productive in our society." She smiles calmly. Alex has never been one to dodge responsibilities.

oh such fun...

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex will in the meantime make a location trump for the settlement where the Marmotkin live..just to get that out of the way. When she hears the caves can be used again she'll take further actions to create trumps for the marmotkin to transport between the caves and whete they want. And perhaps investigate how to make a door which can function as trumpgate. ((Probably ask Arlo or Brand))

Alexandra Dejana Mira She also tries to find out who is still away and who isn't... like Gerard and Caine... since they might have the biggest issues with this little change

rough couplke days

Alexandra Dejana Mira ((Oh yeah i figured that so i am just putting thoughs down. You take care of what needs to be done. The game will be here ❤️ i just woke up with a thought as the game never leaves my mind 😉 But i do hope for you, your days will get less rough.))

Arden goes about its business much as it has for thousands of years. The Marmots don't seem to attract any attention but the quality of certain foods improves. The Ranger marmots shockingly blend in well with the rangers. a couple of the old rangers remember the Marmots and get along with them well. One(who I will name later, ) suggests that rather then using the Marhorse the Marmot rangers pair up with others. Team work. ITs how Julian had them do it back in the day.

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex is happy things go well, and the new citizens of Arden are blending in. She listes to suggestions of her Rangers and the one she gets about pairing them up is not any different. If all parties agree she thinks its a good idea and lets them pair them pair up.

The Marmots approve. Their caves get cleaned out and working. Its months before Random finds out

Alexandra Dejana Mira As it is months Alex ha probably been using trumps to allow then to go back and forth to the caves. When Random finds out she looks up Dame Margot see if she agrees to make a suggestion for a permanent gateway. Or that we should ease it in the suggestion.

Random talks to Arlo who goes and looks over the caves.. He appreciates the mushrooms. A few days he speaks with Random. Random, on his advice, denies a permanent portal. Arlo suggests a weekly Transfer which he will oversee.

Alexandra Dejana Mira If a permanent portal is denied but another suggestion is made Alex agrees. She couldn't have made it herself anyway so would have been dependent on others to do it. And it is the Kings wish she is already happy he agrees with the Marmotkin in Arden.

Alexandra Dejana Mira Alex will make sure other things are arranged as usual. She has by now a good hold on how things should run. She trusts the Ranger leaders of each group. And of course she makes note that the ranger settlements near the fey are visited regularly as well. Also so they can enjoy the bounty of high quality mushrooms as well.

Alexandra Dejana Mira Is Duncan back again or is he still at castle Amber? Oh and in the meantime if the table is setup like Flora had planned for the Rangers then Alex will start to invite some of her Rangers. Those pulling alot of weight first of course to share a meal there. She liked Flora's suggestion and will ise it greatly especially when she notices it boosts morale.

Duncan returned to Ardan and his occupation