Mendel Mortimer

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Major Mendel Mortimer

Concept: Decorated Earthforce Marine Major with service in the Dilgar and Mimbari wars, Mendel Mortimer went to work for IPX managing their Mars operation. Mortimer is now on the run after everything hit the fan during the incident at Syria Planum.

One Unique Thing: The only regular Earthforce that survived Syria Planum.

Approaches: Empathy d8, Guile d8, Reason d6, Faith d4, Valor d8, Luck d6

Roles: Warrior d8, Academic d4, Worker d6, Diplomat d6, Hustler d10, Wanderer d8

Knacks: Handy with a Pulse Rifle – He might not look like that much anymore, but Mortimer’s Marine training hasn’t gone to waste. d8, Chameleon - By necessity has become a master of disguise and playing roles. Mortimer hides who he is and rarely ever gives a look behind the curtain. d6


Hoo-rah: I might have worked for IPX but I will always remain a Marine. d8
- SFX: Earthforce Ratline - (Create a D8 Asset / Spend a Plot Point)​

Logistics Wins Wars: When I was in the service I always had the ability to pump the bureaucracy to get the equipment and soldiers I needed to the right places. That’s why IPX wanted me. Mortimer can find a connection, if you give him enough time. d8

A Dish Served Cold: I didn’t serve my people to be discarded like a bad bag of potatoes by pencil pushing bureaucrats. Any people representing the factions and agencies that did me wrong better watch their back. d8

Signature Asset: Disguise Kit d6
- SFX: Jordan Crandall cover identity:- Mortimer has worked hard to pay off the right people for the cosmetic surgery and documents to create this cover identity for himself so he can walk amongst the citizens again until he can clear his own name.

Background: Seething inside about being hung out to dry, It’s been a long road and Mendel’s been keeping his powder dry, but if he can’t get his life and family back, he’s going to have to take some of those he deems responsible down with him.
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