Exploring the Halls of Arden Vul: Liberius
Liberius Ypsilanti
Short description or Background
- Archontean Expert L4
- Background: Scholar
- Class Ability: Quick Learner - When you advance a character level, you gain an extra skill point which may only be spent on gaining or improving non-combat skills or raising attributes. You may save this point to spend later if you wish.
- Class Ability: Masterful Expertise - Once per scene, the Expert may reroll any non-combat skill check as an Instant action. This allows the Expert to make a roll and then immediately use this ability if the resulting total isn’t good enough to succeed. In cases where it matters, the better of the two rolls may be used.
- Languages: Fluent in Archontean, Thorcin, Wiskin, Mithric; rudimentary communication in all accessible languages
- Traits: friendly, manipulative
- Secondary Skill: mapmaking
- Alignment, Alignment Goal: Neutral, Correct an imbalance
- XP: 12
- Strength 10
- Intelligence 14 (+2)
- Wisdom 14 (+2)
- Dexterity 18 (+2)
- Constitution 09
- Charisma 11
- Sneak-2
- Notice-1
- Shoot-1
- Connect-0
- Know-0
- Stab-0
- Survive-0
- Trade-0
- Cultured-1: Through wide travel, careful observation, or extensive study, you’ve obtained a wide experience of the cultures of your region and an ability to navigate their customs, laws, and languages. You know what to do and say to impress others with the reasonableness of your wishes. Gain Connect as a bonus skill. You can fluently speak all the common languages of your native region and convey at least basic information in the uncommon or esoteric ones. You can learn a new language with only a week’s practice with a native speaker. Once per game day, your polished ways automatically gain a minor favor from an NPC that would not put them to significant expense or risk, assuming the NPC isn’t hostile to you.
- Trapmaster-1: You have uncommon expertise in handling traps and snares, both mundane ones and the magical perils sometimes found in Deeps or the lairs of sorcerers. You know how to improvise traps with materials you easily carry. Gain Notice as a bonus skill. Once per scene, reroll any failed saving throw or skill check related to traps or snares. Given five minutes of work you can trap a portal, container, passageway, or other relatively narrow space with foot snares, caltrops, toxic needles, or other hazards. Non-lethal traps cause the first victim to trigger it to lose a round of actions while dangerous ones inflict 1d6 damage plus twice the character’s level, with an appropriate saving throw for half. Only one such improvised trap can be maintained at a time. More fearsome traps may be laid with congenial circumstances and the GM’s permission.
- Sniper's Eye-1: You are an expert at placing a thrown knife or arrow on an unsuspecting target. These special benefits only apply when making an Execution Attack with a bow, hurlant, or thrown weapon. Gain Shoot as a bonus skill. When making a skill check for a ranged Execution Attack or target shooting, roll 3d6 and drop the lowest die.
- HP: 15
- System Strain: 9
- AC: 14
- Initiative Bonus: +2
Basic Attack Bonus:
- Melee Attack Bonus: +2
- Ranged Attack Bonus: +4
- dagger, attack +4, 1d4+2, Shock 1/AC 15, 30'/60' range, subtle, throwable, precisely murderous, Enc 1
- hand axe, attack +4, 1d6+2, Shock 1/AC 15, 10'/30' range, throwable, Enc 1
- large bow, attack +4, 1d8+2, 100'/600' range, reload, 2-handed, precisely murderous, Enc 2
Saving Throws
- Physical: 12
- Evasion: 10
- Mental: 11
- Luck: 12
Readied (5/5):
- Buff Coat
- dagger
- hand axe
- large bow
- 20 arrows and quiver
Stowed (Backpack, 7/10):
- cooking utensils
- 1 week rations
- waterskin
- tinderbox
- torches x3
Stashed (where): --
- Coinpurse: 20 sp
- Factor (which factor): --
Hired Help
Retainers: -- Mercenaries: -- Specialists: --