Neon Knights playtest

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Revision as of 23:14, 2 August 2023 by Max (talk | contribs) (Scarlet Amazon)
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Neon Knights is a game I have written, and which I am now playtesting (link for IC thread will go here eventually), using a modified version of Fate Accelerated Edition. The current draft of the rulebook can be found at

Interest/recruitment thread

OOC thread

IC thread


For the playtest campaign being run on the RPGnet forums, here is what our campaign setup looks like:

1. Who is your liege Lord?
Girelle the Third, the Beamrider, a heroic and long beloved warrior and scholar, now mostly retired from warring in favor of scholarly pursuits in her old age but yet to appoint an heir; she has no children of her own, but the crown hasn't been passed down any particular bloodline in ages, anyway.
2. Besides the Knights, what is something or someone else the Lord can count on?
The Realm has a sister-Realm whom they have been allied with since they broke from the Old Empire. According to legend, the two Realms' founders were brother and sister.
3. What is something everyone knows about the Realm’s history?
In the time of the old empire, the city of Rüstung was a major site of weapons manufacturing. Most of the infrastructure, and the knowledge that went with it, was lost when the empire fell. The people who have continued to live there since then have salvaged what they could, and are aware that there is more that still remains hidden there.
4. What is something everyone has forgotten about the Realm’s history?
The dark reign of the second Lord of the Realm. He ruled for ninety days, and afterward every known mention of him and his deeds was erased from history to stop anyone from following him.
5. What is something from Before that still remains and is known in the Realm?
The Old Empire that once ruled over the whole continent before it collapsed, and has many ruins and would-be successor states.
6. What is a notable landmark or location within the Realm?
The Star Crater, the ruins of a castle that was struck by a falling star. Historians consider that to have been one of the defining moments that concluded the fall of the old empire.
7. What is a notable landmark or location outside of the Realm?
The Glass Mountain in the east, crystal clear, diamond hard, of slippery slopes and razor sharp edges. Its cloud-wreathed summit is home to the world's most reclusive sage, rumored to be either invisible or made of living glass. Every midnight a beam of light shoots straight up from the peak for exactly one hour, on cloudless nights visible anywhere in the Realm and even further west.
8. How big is the Realm?
Around the size of a major European country like France, Spain or Germany. However, there are still many "frontier" areas that are claimed by the Realm but not settled.
9. What is one thing the Realm needs but is lacking?
Political stability. It's been okay for the last couple decades, with Lady Girelle firmly in charge, but with the end (presumably) in sight and no heir yet identified, there is a lot of jockeying for position and a lot of worrying about what might happen next. Neighboring realms have taken an interest too, and are believed to each be supporting their own preferred candidate for the throne, in addition to whatever domestic factions are competing.
10. Who or what is one of the biggest threats facing the Realm now?
Once thought dead, now freed by an earthquake after thirty years of laying buried under the ruins of her factory fortress, the Machine Witch stalks the land again. She captures people and animals who cross her path and turns them into cybernetic puppets, driven and dominated by her sorcerous will. For now her minions still hide away, scattered in ones and threes across the wilds to spy and prey on the vulnerable, but their numbers grow by the day and may soon be strong enough to openly attack the Realm from within.
11. Who or what is another potential threat?
Many groups of barbarians and raiders led by warlords (or warladies, as the case may be)
12. What makes the Realm such a desirable target for either (or both) of these threats?
The many vestiges of Before which still stand here - the barbarians because they want to destroy it all, and the Machine Witch because she wants to use it for her own power.
Setting Aspects
Old Trouble, New Hope
The Rumored Heir
Rust Never Sleeps


Squire +1
Child of Knights, Deadeye Shot, Insatiably Curious
Blaster, knife


Mighty Deed: Slayer of the Halesford Monster (a strange man-eating thing I beat with my bare hands after stumbling into its lair)
Temptation: Hold My Beer!
Beast of a Man
Raw Animal Magnetism
Papa Bear
+2 Courage
+2 Prowess
+1 Diligence
+1 Empathy
+1 Wisdom
+0 Prudence
Army of One (+2 when Defending with Prowess against many)
Refresh: 3
Steed - Metal Racer
+3 Speed, +0 Maneuverability, +2 Endurance
Aspects: Faster than the Speed of Night, My Other Baby
Stunts: Lance Charge, Unstoppable Force (+2 when Overcoming obstacles or barriers by ramming through), Jump! (once per session, become airborne by force of speed, serendipitous scenery and sheer brazen awesome)
Leonine armor, enhanced (2 armor)
The Claw, enhanced sword (2 damage)

Scarlet Amazon[edit]

Mighty Deed: Held a bridge single-handed for an entire day and night against a barbarian horde
Temptation: Hot-headed
Aspect: As deadly as she is beautiful
Aspect: Leader emeritus of the Daughters of the Dawn
Aspect: Mama Bear
Prowess +2
Empathy +2
Courage +1
Prudence +1
Wisdom +1
Diligence 0
Refresh: 3
Steed - "Red Sky of Morning"
Speed 2, Maneuverability 2, Endurance 1
Stunts: Lance Charge, Mode Change: Armor
Aspects: The Red Valkyrie, Mother and Daughter's Wings
Armor (Enhancement: Shield Maiden's Aegis)
Naginata (Enhancement: Whirling blade of doom)