Wildea Kremich Surge:Tzrek

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Tzrek "the Greaser"

For the record; despite what some people mysteriously think, Tzrek is one of the most cheerfully square people you could ever meet. Maybe it was due to the, er, unique nature of the latest iteration of Mawport driving him to be the opposite of its normal denizens of cutthroats, rogues, political revolutionaries, and the poor saps who got swept up in the latest reconstruction effort, but Tzrek is a soft-spoken, introverted, and persnickety nerd who likes routine. He got his name from how he spends so much of his time partly merged with metal to tinker with it, his ketra biology allowing him to examine the most minute details by touch, meaning he's effectively the grease in a lot of his machines. And since everyone needs an engineer, this allowed him to cheat pretending to be tough and roguish and ruthless and everything else the inhabitant of a pirate diplomatically neutral privateer port is expected to be. It really wasn't a surprise when one day, he discovered he could command the machines even when not linked to them, having officially become a screw. To everyone's shock however, that was when he became suddenly very opinionated and intense about reclaiming the wonders of the old world. In truth, it's actually an extension of his life philosophy, which is itself a part of the Fair Exchange: everyone should be able to get what they pay for. Since he paid for acronautics quite by accident, he thinks it's massively unfair if nobody else can, especially given how all legends of the pre-Verdancy seem to indicate vast mystical learning, the idea that he might have lucked into something nobody else can simply because he's a gearhead is something he finds deeply disturbing. He will happily talk your ear off about the idea of "democratizing the mystic" - to become the foundation of acronautics that can be not only learned, but taught.

  • Bloodline: Ketra
  • Origin: Spitborn
  • Post: Screw

Edges: Sharps, Veil, Grace

[*]Sense - 1

[*]Scavenge - 3

[*]Outwit - 2

[*]Rattle - 2

[*]Brace - 1

[*]Break - 2


Hoard treasures of the wider waves

Supply spit-born colonies with food and fresh water

Reclaim and refurbish a pre-Verdant ironclad


Sparks and jolts course through your extremities [ ] [ ]

A keen fear of shakes and quakes [ ] [ ]

Magnetic forces in your surroundings are unpredictable [ ] [ ]


Whispers in the Dark [ ] [ ] [ ] - Trait While in a dimly lit or unlit area, mark to learn a secret from the darkness (once per scene)

Scrap-Metal Skeleton [ ] [ ] [ ] - Gear The internal structures you’ve collected can store biovoltaic energy. Use a task to create a resource, Scrap-Bone Battery.

Spit & Polish [ ] [ ] [ ] - Trait Use a task to remove a negative tag (such as 'Rusted' or 'Broken') from any piece of salvage.

Trained Ratroach [ ] - Companion A gutter-scavenger by nature, now working on your behalf. Once per montage gain a small salvage or specimen resource with a negative tag (in addition to your usual task).

Ferrokinesis [ ] [ ] [ ] -Trait Mark to control or reshape exposed metal.

Rivet Swarm [ ] [ ] [ ]- Companion A cloud of floating debris you can direct with a flick of the wrist. Deals LR Spike or Keen damage..


Salvage Engine Piping

Specimens Rust-Beetle Chitin Whispers The Comforting Dark Unknown Forces Charts A Cryptic Map

Home: New Mawport (the eleventh spit to bear that name and the fourteenth iteration overall) is a testament to how bull-headed, stupid determination combined with a business can become a way of life; the original spit was called Spearhead (and using that name is now a curse for the source of moronic actions that everyone has to live with and account for these days), a pre-Tarak Tar outpost made by survivors of one of the last empires of the pre-Verdancy, a militaristic, stubborn, and expansionist state that regarded the Wildsea as "obviously" a weapon against their greatness and dogged expansion, and created the great fort to cut through the forest and establish its boundaries. Of course, the Wildsea covers the whole world, but the First Admiral (and one woman reason they call the current commander/mayor of New Mawport the Captain of the Tethered Heart - "commodore" is the highest rank, and only exists as a temporary office to coordinate other captains for a single mission) steamed on regardless, and was trapped, with the descendants of the unfortunate crew being some of the first proto-ketra before a chance growth dislodged them. Once on top, they tried to be the Shieldkeep for a while, but then discovered how unsteady being a spit is - but with the invention of sawships came the realization that a little of the knowledge they hadn't lost (or burned in contempt for the authoritarian dreams that stranded them in the Sink) involved naval tactics, and how to merge ship hulls together through samples of a quick-growing, edible vine to tie together temporary bases (that, thankfully for the lives of the Spearheaders, loves crezzerin). This was the original Mawport, the hull-eating port, but plans to make the first New Mawport were already drafted - the Mawborn, as they like to call themselves, sell their abilities as sailors, scavengers, and raiders to other cultures for resources and, more importantly, derelict hulls and other bits of large debris, when they don't just take them. They use these to tie together the current spit, and store for when it inevitably collapses to venture out and build another where there's a business for the descendants of a pre-Verdant navy that have only grown more skilled in military and raid matters over time. Soon, they attracted immigrants for whom that life appealed (and the inhabitants of prises they seized who felt they had nowhere to go), and soon the Mawborn became their own country - renowned for their cold, ruthless efficiency and shameless greed, but also for their pragmatic appreciation of mercy, courage under fire, open acceptance of any kin or viewpoint (and their willingness to experiment to find someone's strength as a sailor - the current Captain of the Tethered Heart has embraced the nickname of "the Bat" and has glasses on her particular iteration of the Jolly Roger for a reason) and above all else, their code of ethics, the Fair Exchange - once they have agreed to a contract, they will not break it, and any debt is to be repaid. With the breaking of thirteen, the superstitious Mawborn have started to think providence, and the Rustling Squid they regard as their patron god, smiles on them - and have started to consider expanding operations.

Favorite Food: Unpreserved meats and sweets are rare treats in the Maw. As in, mostly associated with prises big enough to have not been eaten by ravenous privateers on the way back. Either way, they put Tzrek in a good mood.

Fighting Style: Very much sniping - Tzrek was someone who preferred to fight at range even before he developed the ability to throw stuff with his mind. Tzrek is precise and lethal with his attacks - he isn't a fighter by nature, so he wants the fight to end.