SOTDL: Chargen

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Primary Traits

The first things to select and rank are your primary traits. Primary traits for this game are Attributes, Distinctions, and Skills. These represent the core of your character, and one of each primary trait is used in every dice pool, making up the foundation of each action.


Attributes represent your character's innate potential separate and apart from training. Each character is ranked in 6 attributes:

| Charm | Endurance | Finesse | Power | Reason | Will |

Rank one (1) at d10 two (2) at d8 and three (3) at d6

Add one (1) Attribute to your dice pool for every action

Charm: How well you interact with people socially
Endurance: Physical stamina
Finesse: Agility and manual dexterity
Power: Strength and raw physical force
Reason: General breadth of knowledge and ability to discern and absorb information
Will: Tenacity and strength of mind

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Distinctions represent specific facets of your character. Each character has three distinctions and each is ranked at d8 or d4 depending on whether the player feels a given distinction will help or hinder the character in that situation. A player who opts to use their distinction at a d4 earns a plot point (that may be used immediately if desired).

| Birthright | Role | Wyrd |

Add one (1) Distinction to your dice pool at either d8 or d4 for each action.


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Skills represent specific training your character has undergone and how good they are at particular actions. All skills start out ranked as d4 Untrained. Then your distinctions each grant you raises to certain skills - no skill may be raised above d12

After that, distribute an additional 9 points among your skills as desired - again, no skill may be raised above d12

Add one (1) Skill to your dice pool for every action

Craft: Covers all instances of making things. Forge a sword. Craft. Build a wall. Craft. Write a sonnet. Craft. Etc
Fight: Covers all instances of physically attacking another being with fists, feet, or melee weapons or touching someone who might not be willing (hugs, handshakes, etc)
Fix: Covers repairs of all kinds, from carpentry to masonry to weapons and armor
Influence: To persuade another to believe or do a thing
Know: Used to put together information or to check existing character knowledge of a thing
Labor: Covers general muscling/sweating/activitying, etc
Move: To get from point A to point B. Usually in a timely manner, but also when the way is dangerous or uncertain
Notice: Covers seeing/hearing or otherwise . . . noticing . . . something you otherwise might not. Often used as a counter to Sneak
Perform: The use of grace, acting, dancing, playing an instrument, etc to influence or impress an audience
Pilot: To operate or assist in operating watercraft or gliders
Ride/Drive: To ride a beast or operate simple land vehicles (wagons, carriages, chariots, etc)
Shoot/Throw: Covers accurately firing or throwing projectiles with tools, weapons, or by hand
Sneak: Covers doing things unseen/heard
Survive: Covers physical survival, usually of the elements, obtaining sustenance, and finding shelter
Track: Following quarry by the markings and leavings of their passage
Treat: Covers treatment of wounds, poisons, sickness, or psychological conditions
Trick: Covers any kind of deception from lies to slight of hand, etc

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Secondary Traits

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