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Resource Bidding[edit]

PBP format doesn't lend itself to Player/GM back and forth, so I do my best to avoid it. This means the Cortex Prime's baked-in bidding aspect of spending various resources on a roll kinda drops off. Instead, I find it helpful for players to indicate (if you are able) how many PP/HD you are willing to spend (if any) to succeed on the roll. I will do my best to make sure those resources are spent as economically as possible to achieve your desired outcome.

If I am willing (presuming I have the PP to burn) to spend enough GMPP that you cannot succeed, I will let you know that so you don't have to burn PP if you don't want to on a failed action (though you always have the option to spend your PP to force me to spend mine in those situations).

If I am requiring an action of you (defending vs an attack, random notice check, etc) I will roll stakes so you know what you are rolling against, and I will tell you up front what PP I am willing to spend, if any. Otherwise, I don't generally pre-roll for actions I think you might take no matter how obvious it may seem, because I don't want to influence how you choose to act in a scene.

If you would earn pp for using an SFX (including Hinder), you may spend that pp on the roll that earned it. Likewise if the GM buys a rolled hitch.

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While there is the potential for player vs player conflict in any game, I prefer not to run games that lean heavily to that assumption. Games like that simply do not need a GM, and I would much rather spend my time running games that do need a GM.

For reference, what I consider PVP basically amounts to this: If an action would require dice to affect a GMC, then it counts as PVP to use against a PC.

So disagreements, trash talking, indirect actions that might affect another character but aren't made directly against that character are all potentially on the table with the caveat that if something just makes the game not fun for someone that we respect that and steer clear.

If you want to do something that directly acts against another player's character, proceed based on the following criteria:

Unilateral Permission: The other player agrees to your action. No rolls are needed. Just RP it out.
Limited Permission: The other player doesn't agree that it is an automatic thing, but does agree to let the math rocks decide. Roll it out. If initiative is a concern, I will handle that case by case.
Declined Permission: The other player does not agree to PVP. Move on with something else.

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