404: Gameworld

A note on naming conventions for this map: Each settlement shown shares its name with a local landmark, such as a river or a forest or a chunk of hill country.
So, where you see the town of Shevyn, for example, it is located on Shevyn lake in the middle of the Shevyn river, etc.
Game Premise
Bjoranshor is a land of giants. Nearly every giantish clan is represented, each living and thriving in the environments that suit them best.
Despite this plethora of giants already dwelling in the land, however, many others have settled Bjoranshor: elves, men, orcs, dragonborn, tieflings, and of course, the smallfolk.
Yet only the smallfolk know they live in an already occupied land. The bigfolk are hard pressed to take notice of a giant stomping through their village fields or walking up out of the sea. And if they do notice in the moment, the event is quickly forgotten.
Only the smallfolk notice without fail. Only they remember.
And so it is, when trouble arises from any of the giant clans, it is the smallfolk who are left to set things right.

Where the Smallfolk Are
Smallfolk can be found throughout the Forsaken Coast, but a number of (nearly) exclusive smallfolk communities stand out.
The largest smallfolk settlement with the greatest variety of smallfolk is the hillcountry of Stead. Halflings hold the clear majority in Stead, and there is a sizeable contingent of Kenku, but any sort of smallfolk might be found living there.
The nearest giant settlements to Stead are a clan of salt giants off the western coast, and the firbolg who inhabit the highcountry to the east.
Being mischievous by nature, and the equivalent of smallfolk themselves among their giant kin, it was the firbolg shamans who laid the counterspell that protects the smallfolk from being subject to the Geas of Ignorance that clouds the minds of the bigfolk and causes them to ignore or forget the existence of giantfolk.
Faen is a community of gnome healers on the Faen river edge of the Maegwyd (Magewood in the trade tongue). Other smallfolk found in Faen are acolytes or patients, but the vast majority of the population is gnomish.
Rare in any settled land, the tabaxi may be found in their greatest concentration in the woods around Faen.
Forest giants and Oni dwell in the deep Maegwyd, far to the east of Faen. It is the Oni who laid the Geas of Ignorance on the bigfolk of the Forsaken Coast.
The second largest smallfolk settlement is Shevyn on the western edge of Shevyn lake on the the Shevyn river. Shevyn is a clear moiety of grippli and goblins with a substantial population of kenku and river halflings.
The nearest giant settlements are fog, cloud, and bog giants that also make their home along the shores of the lake and river.
Far to the north, on the edge of the Torn stands Haal, a settlement as much carved into the mountains as it is built up around them, Dwarves rule the Haal with a respectable contingent of kobolds and goblins rounding out the community along with a small contingent of rock gnomes.
Many giant clans occupy the Torn, particularly stone, fire, dust, and cloud giants, but it is hill giants and ettin who dig their caves closest to Haal itself.
Other Communities
Bigfolk have their own towns and cities as well, frequently more densely populated than smallfolk sensibilities might prefer.