SOTDL: Charracter 6

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Revision as of 00:07, 29 October 2023 by Brahnamin (talk | contribs) (Background/Bio)
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Felwyn :: Red Warden of the Citadel[edit]

I think we can all agree this became much more interesting.

Attributes d6[edit]

|| Charm d10 || Endurance d8 || Finesse d6 ||

|| Power d6 || Reason d8 || Will d6 ||

Trained Skills d6[edit]

Craft d6

Fight d6

Focus d8

Influence d8

  • Honey, not Vinegar d6

Know d8

  • Tongues (Trailspeak) d6

Labor d6

Notice d8

Ride/Drive d8

  • Ride Anything d6

Shoot/Throw d6

Survive d6

Track d6

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Untrained Skills d4[edit]

| fix d4 | move d4 | perform d4 | pilot d4 | sneak d4 | treat d4 | trick d4 |

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Distinctions/SFX d8[edit]

Red Warden of the Citadel

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a

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Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a
SFX:Take a Breath Deescalation is a valable skill. Step up or double Influence when used in an action to disarm or calm a potentially violent situation.

Role Ability: Once per scene you may spend a PP to succeed on a Know action to tell whether someone is speaking the truth. If an Effect die is needed, the action counts as a d10

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Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a
SFX:Honey Trap You are expert at lulling folk into a false sense of security with a perceived weakness, only to turn that so-called weakness against them. Spend a pp to turn a current complication into an asset for an action.

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Signature Assets d6[edit]


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So you want the quick version? Alright, here goes:

I was mauled by a bear near the mountains behind my home. I died, or maybe didn’t really die, not sure which, but in any case I should have died. My Father brought me home after but it wasn’t the same. I was different, and my family was different because of it, so I left. Like many, I made my way to the coast, following the Salt. After a few seasons of farm labour I was looking up at the gates of the Citadel. Never seen anything like it. I found out where I belonged, one way or another.

After some questioning I would characterise as 'intense', I started working in the kitchens under Big Barody. He was kind, but did not mess around. I kept my mouth shut and learned a lot. Warm cot, plenty of food, and fair treatment. Reminded me of home, before the end.

Alright, now the good stuff. After a good half season of this I noticed that a seeming important person stalking the kitchen areas. They stayed out of sight, but after the first time, I could feel a sort of 'pull' towards them when they got closer. I found out later that they felt the same, and I found out why.

Well, I’ve probably said too much already. Perhaps, if we travel the road a while longer together, I can tell a bit more.

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