Salt Coast: Dwarven Empire

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Though not as long lived as the elves or as prolific as humankind, the dwarven nation ultimately expanded into an empire that controls much of the Salt Coast. This is somewhat attributed to their long lifespans, in that they simply outlive those human leaders that might seek to hold power, but more than that, their extensive facility with manufacturing, building, and trade is responsible for their success.

The empire was not won through wars and conquest, but through trade agreements and treaties.

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Kir Tor and Kir Ilon mark the empire's boundaries to the north and south, while the coast and the Clanclave Mountains mark the east and west.

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Dwarven Trade is the common tongue of the gameworld, but for specifically dwarven matters, High Dwarven is the language of choice in the empire.

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All people within the borders of the empire share the same rights and privileges under the law, whether citizen or sojourner. Judges preside in every city, and circuit judges ride between towns and communities within the empire to hear disputes.

Throughout the empire a solid work ethic is valued and encouraged, and structure and order hold paramount importance.

Dwarves follow a matriarchal social structure, and while this is not forced on other races who dwell within the empire, many adopt it.

The dwarven people have a king who is more a spiritual leader than political, though the wise matron will steer her house on the word of the king if she knows the way the wind blows.

The dwarven king is always a woman, but otherwise may rise from any of the five High Houses.

The High Houses[edit]

The day to day burden of governing the empire falls to the matriarchs of the five High Houses and those they appoint to make decisions for them throughout the empire. In addition to general duties they all share, each House has a particular demesne that is its personal bailiwick.

House d'Amasku: House d'Amasku oversees trade and commerce, moving goods throughout the empire and beyond, including the construction of drays and wagons and the great stoneships. The current king is of House d'Amasku.
House d'Ruvyen: House d'Ruvyen oversees all things miliary, such as training and arming men and women to fight, fortifying cities and communities, and planning tactics and strategies in time of war.
House d'Sceva: House d'Sceva oversees all things mercantile, from crafting and weaving to smithing and artisan goods.
House d'Caarn: House d'Caern oversees all things related to building and construction. From roads and bridges to the cities and townships of the realm. If it was built, d'Caern saw to its building.
House d'Jaala: House d'Jaala oversees all things related to life, such as food and water and healing, the growing of crops, the tending of animals, the transfer of water where it is needed throughout the empire, etc.

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Given the variety of peoples dwelling within the borders of the empire, nearly any god might be worshipped, but dwarves primarily look to the lesser gods, particularly the Warrior, the Wanderer, the Three and the Smith.

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