Savage X-COM

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X-COM: UFO Defense

Setting Rules

Creative Combat: When making a successful Test check in combat and getting a raise, roll on the Creative Combat page on page 137 for the extra benefit

Elite Forces: Characters can spend a Benny to gain the one-time use of a Combat Edge. They have to meet the Rank and any Edge requirements as usual but can ignore Trait requirements.
Multiple Bennies can be spent in one round for multiple Edges, either for different effects or in order to meet a needed requirement to gain another Edge. If duration matters for the edge, it lasts until the start of their next turn.

Gritty Damage: Whenever a Wild Card takes a Wound, roll on the Injury Table and apply the results immediately (but roll only once per incident regardless of how many Wounds are actually caused). A hero who takes two Wounds from an attack, for example, rolls once on the Injury Table.
Injuries sustained in this way are cured when the Wound is healed. Injuries sustained via Incapacitation may be temporary or permanent as usual.
A Shaken character who’s Shaken a second time (from damage) receives a Wound as usual but does not roll on the Injury Table.

More Skill Points: Payers start with 15 skill points instead of 12




Character Creation

Operative Backgrounds
New Hidrances
New Skills
New Edges


New Keywords
Primary Weapons
Secondary Weapons
Melee Weapons
Expendable Weapons
Weapon Mods
Personal Gear