Savage X-COM: New Edges
Banned Edges
All power edges at character creation. Beast Bond and Beast Master (replaced by K9 Handler). Champion.
Background Edges
Eidetic Memory
Requirements: Smarts d6
Your character may not be particularly brilliant, but she has a mind like a camera. She gains a +2 bonus on Common Knowledge rolls, and on Smarts rolls made to remember something.
Combat Edges
Requirements: Novice
Many of the enemy’s fighting machines are terribly formidable, but well-trained and experienced gunners know just where to aim in order to hit a vehicle’s weak spot. Characters with this Edge may modify vehicle critical hit die rolls result by 1 step on he table, up or down, when rolling for a critical hit
Improved Bullseye
Requirements: Veteran, Bullseye
As Bullseye, but the critical can be modified by up to 2 steps
Close Range Fighter
Requirements: Novice, Agility d8+, Fighting d8+
The character is a deadly expert in hand-to-hand combat. If the character closes in on an enemy and attacks in the same round, he or she receives a +2 bonus to the Fighting and Damage roll.
Combat Shooting
Requirements: Novice, Martial Artist, Fighting d6+, Shooting d6+
Heavily trained in close quarters gunplay, you know gun fu. When using pistols against a target’s Parry, she has +2 to Shooting and +2 to pistol damage. This benefit only applies to such close range combat, not to attacks from further than adjacent.
Improved Combat Shooting
Requirements: Seasoned, Combat Shooting, Fighting d8+, Shooting d8+
Integrated training has honed this warrior’s extension of her body. She may fire pistols when using Combat Edges such as First Strike, Frenzy, and Sweep.
Combat Shooting Master
Requirements: Veteran, Improved Combat shooting, Marksman
This master of flowing pistol combat has motion. She may use the Marksman Edge while moving up to half Pace and may apply it to the first and second attacks she makes in a turn.
Dig In!
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+
This canny grunt is good at making himself small and getting the most out of any cover they are in. While in cover, foes suffer an additional –1 penalty to any physical attack rolls against them. The hero also adds +2 to their Toughness against area effect damage as long as they are prone or in cover.
Improved Dig In!
Requirements: Veteran, Dig In!
As Dig In, but foes subtract 2 from attack rolls (in addition to the cover penalty), and the hero gains +4 Toughness versus area effect attacks if prone or in cover.
Requirements: Seasoned, Spirit d6+, Vigor d8+
Exposure to and an understanding of flame as a weapon has allowed this operator to develop a limited resistance to fire. The Operator has +4 Toughness against fire attacks (including fiery area effect attacks) and background sources of intense heat (walking through a burning building, for example), and gains +2 to resist the effects of Heat. The Operator gains no benefit against most explosions—only sources of actual heat or fire. An exploding flamethrower tank counts as a fire attack for these purposes.
Hose ’Em Down
Requirements: Novice, Shooting d8+
Machine-gunners with this Edge can suppress an area more effectively than the typical gunner. This killer can suppress an area equal to two Medium Burst templates. The second template must be adjacent to the first (in any direction), and the weapon burns through six times its ROF in ammo.
Improved Hose ’em Down
Requirements: Seasoned, Hose ’em Down
This edge allows an MG gunner to suppress an area equal to three Medium Burst templates, spending an amount of ammo equal to nine times the ROF. Each additional template must be adjacent to the first.
Pack Fighting
Requirements: Novice, Fighting d8+
You have a natural talent for turning overwhelming force into overwhelming damage. You add half your gang-up bonus (round down) to damage for melee attacks
Requirements: Novice, Shooting or Athletics d6+
You do wonderful, horrible things with flamethrowers. You deal +2 damage with any weapons that deal fire damage, and increase the chance of targets catching fire or spreading fire by 1 on 1d6 (so, for example, a target hit by your Molotov cocktails takes 1d10+2 damage, and they catch fire or spread that fire on a 2+ on a d6 rather than on a 3+).
Requirements: Seasoned, Athletics d8+
Well trained operators have a knack for identifying gaps in overwatch zones and exploiting them by staying fast and low. When an operator has this edge, they don’t trigger readied actions to fire weapons.
Tank Hunter
Requirements: Novice
To an infantryman a tank is a near-invincible, armored, fire breathing monster. To a character with the Tank Hunter Edge, a tank is just a large target.
When attacking armored vehicles, your hunter knows how to hit the weak points and adds +4 to the AP value of the weapon. This bonus applies to attacks with ranged anti-tank weapons or to close up weapons like C4.
Improved Tank Hunter
Requirements: Seasoned, Tank Hunter
The Tank Hunter adds a d6 to any damage roll versus a vehicle with Heavy Armor.
Shotgun Surgeon
Requirements: Seasoned, Shooting d6+, Strength d6+
Specializing in optimizing shotguns has a few benefits. First, all shotguns a surgeon uses gain AP 2. Second, any target hit with a raise on the shooting check must make a Strength roll (-2 if hit with a second raise) or be pushed back 1" and knocked prone.
Tubular Assault
Requirements: Agility d6+, Shooting d6+, Fighting d6+
The Operator has trained to assault locations such as aircraft, buses and lower deck ship corridors; and to fight in these cramped and sometimes crowded locations. They gain +1 to shooting, fighting and damage with CQB and melee weapons when in one of these locations. As well, they ignore the innocent bystander rule and ignore the civilian proximity penalty in these locations.
Wall of Flame
Requirements: Seasoned, Shooting d8+
Flamethrowers are a highly effective weapon for dealing with certain alien species. An Operator with this edge has developed a technique for cleansing a larger area than normal flamethrower use. When using a flamethrower, she places a second Cone Templates adjacent to one side of the first, affecting everything beneath both templates.
Weak Point
Requirements: Seasoned, Fighting d8+, Notice d6+
This operator has learned how to deal with alien armor, and has an eye for gauging the weak points in their structure, which requires a natural knack at close combat and eye for details. When attacking with a melee weapon, they add 1 to the AP value of their weapon. If they get a raise, they add 2 instead.