Magical Girl Gangs:Lyrical Shrike

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Marry Miller/Lyrical Shrike[edit]




Refresh and Stress[edit]

Mundane girl[edit]

  • Fate Point 2/ Refresh 2
  • Stress [][][][][] (+2 will)


  • Mild Consequence -2

Magical girl[edit]

  • Fate Points 2/ Refresh 2
  • Physical Stress [][][][][] (+2 will)
  • Mental Stress [][][][][] (+1 physique +1 super toughness)


  • Magic Armor Consequence -2 (use all stress and consequences first and using this breaks the transformation):
  • Mild Consequence -2
  • Moderate Consequence -4:
  • Severe Consequence -6:



Normal Person Name: Mary Miller

  • High Concept: Chair Bound Musical Soul
  • Trouble: Too Sassy to be Oppressed
  • Core Aspect: Professional not Celebrity
  • Phase 1 Aspect: I'd even take a cat's paw
  • Phase 2 Aspect


  • Good: Will +3
  • Fair: Provoke +2 , Lore +2
  • Average: Rapport +1, Empathy+1, Resources +1


  • Virtuoso: You get a +2 to all Rapport rolls relating to singing.
  • Infuriate. Sometimes fear isn’t an option, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still get up someone’s nose. +2 to Provoke rolls whenever deliberately trying to get someone angry with you
  • Architecture of the Heart. Reading a room is a triviality to you. Even more, you can spot the emotional lynchpins in a room and easily understand how actions would impact the mood. If you roll Empathy to read a room—difficulty Mediocre (+0)—count how many shifts you accrue. Over the course of the scene, you may ask the GM to tell you how people would react to any hypothetical scenario. You can do this a number of times equal to the number of shifts generated.
  • Embracing the song, Transformation Stunt (Workshoping required)


Magical Girl Name:Lyrical Shrike


  • High Concept: Monster Hunter First, Everything Else Later
  • Trouble: Not yet a team player
  • Core Aspect: Fey Bought Winged Sirenic Mermaid Form
  • Phase 1 Aspect: I'd even take a Magical cat's paw
  • Phase 2 Aspect:
  • Phase 3 Aspect:


  • Great: Shoot +4
  • Good: Will +3, Athletics +3
  • Fair: Physique +2, Provoke +2, Lore +2
  • Average: Rapport +1, Empathy +1, Stealth +1, Notice +1


  • Determinate: Your astonishing determination allows you to push yourself beyond your physical limits. Use Will instead of Physique on any overcome rolls representing feats of endurance.
  • Only the Wind Will See Me Go: At the cost of a fate point, you may exit a scene, passing from sight.
  • Magical Hunter: To you, Magic is not for harming the mundane; it's for killing Magical monster. +2 to Shoot attacks against magical monsters


Power Theme: Super-Form

Your power isn’t always active; instead, you need to take a moment before battle to change form. You might grow a shell of metal around your body, or charge up with cosmic energy, or just turn big and green. Converting to your super-form requires an action, but while you’re not super it’s impossible for anyone or anything to detect that you have a power at all.
Drawback: Extended Transformation Sequence

Combat ready

Power: Super toughness; You gain Armor:2 against any purely physical damage.
Enhancements:Master Super Toughness;Pain don’t hurt. You gain an additional physical stress box.
Power Synergy: Super Strength;You gain +2 to Physique in all situations that require pure strength
Drawback: Clearly Inhuman Body
Collateral Damage: Interception;When someone, up to one zone away, is attacked, you can intervene, throwing yourself in front of them to defend for them. Leaping into action and throwing targets out of the way, however, will incur its own damage. All this assumes you are able to move there, of course.

Sound magic

Power: energy blast; You can fire a projectile of some sort, with a range of three zones, using Shoot.
Enhancements:Defensive Blasts;You throw out energy blasts quickly and accurately enough to intercept other projectiles. You can defend using Shoot against attacks from another zone that you are aware of.
Power Synergy: Influence; You can use Rapport to attack, defended against with Will. If you succeed against a nameless NPC, you may give them a task, which they will then attempt to fulfill. Against a named NPC or a PC, they may follow your order or take mental stress from the attack, their choice. Anyone you give a task to will try their best to accomplish it until they succeed or the scene ends, whichever comes first. The tasks you assign are short-term objectives, such as “Give me that gun,” or “Go away.” Because even the weakest-willed are driven by self-preservation, you cannot force someone to directly harm themself or put themself in an inevitably fatal position, such as jumping off a building, but you can force them to take riskier actions than they would like to.
Power Synergy: Power Amplification; By touching a super-powered individual, you can give them the boost Empowered, which they may invoke during any use of their power. You may only have one such boost in play at a time; if you generate another, the first goes away. If unused, the boost goes away at the end of the scene. Additionally, you always know who around you is super-powered and generally what their power is.
Drawback:Clear and Loud [Basically a thematic very noticable]
Collateral Damage: Charged Shot;If you take a few seconds to concentrate, you can generate a blast with enough force to blow open the door to a bank vault, destroy a reinforced wall, or otherwise eradicate an obstacle. Of course, a blast this big is slow and imprecise. It’ll tear up the entire room.


Power: Flight;You can move vertically through the air as easily as moving along the ground. Use Athletics to overcome obstacles or create advantages related to flying.
Enhancements: Master Flight; You can fly better than most people can walk. Gain +2 to Athletics rolls while airborne.
Power Synergy: Telekinesis;You can move small objects in your own or adjacent zones without physically touching them. By hurling objects around, you can attack with Will against targets in your zone.
Drawback: Very Noticeable.
Collateral Damage: Speed Demon;If you’re willing to tear up the streets—shattering glass, injuring pedestrians, and such—you can travel pretty much anywhere in the same city in the span of a single exchange.