Savage X-COM: New Hidrances

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Banned Hindrances[edit]

  • Doubting Thomas: The aliens are here, there's no doubting that.
  • Young: Kids aren't allowed to serve in combat teams.
  • Hesitant: With the changes to the initiative rules, this becomes just a straight out advantage

New Hindrances[edit]

Bad Connections (Minor)
Before joining XCOM, your character became involved with an illegal or inappropriate person or organization, and now owes them a favor. At some point in time the person or organization may return to ask a favor of the character, a favor he or she may not refuse without unpleasant consequences. The GM decides when the character has paid the favor, at which time the hindrance disappears.

Bullet Magnet (Major)
Some soldiers are just in the wrong place at the wrong time. This character makes a habit of it. This unfortunate soul is hit by accidental fire (using the Innocent Bystander rules) on a 1–2 for single or semi-auto fire; and on a 1–3 for shotguns or full-auto fire. He’s also hit on a success when under suppressing fire, instead of a success and a raise.

Disgraced (Minor)
Your operative made a bad decision or a mistake that resulted in his expulsion from their former agency or organization. They take a -2 with persuasion checks when dealing with people in or associated to their former group

Flashbacks (Minor)
The Hero has suffered a traumatic event in his life that has taken a portion of their sanity with it. Whenever the Hero sees or hears an object, person, sound etc. that may have been linked to a specific traumatic event in their life, they must make a Spirit roll. With a failure the hero suffers a flashback and is shaken.