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Rezin Farsight[edit]

Chaotic Neutral Tasha’s Custom Glamour Bard


Str: 8 (-1) | Dex 14 (+2) | Con 13 (+1) | Int 10 (+0) | Wis 12 (+1) | Cha 20 (+5)


AC 14 | HP 33 | Spd 30 | Init +2 | HD 5d8 | Proficiency +3


Vicious Mockery (Spell Save 16, Damage 2d4 Psychic)

Rapier (Attack +5, Damage 1d8+2 Piercing)


Tasha’s Custom​ +2 Cha, Spd 30’, Medium, Darkvision 30’, Bonus Feat

Bard 5[edit]

Proficiencies, Spellcasting, Bardic Inspiration (4d8), Ritual Casting, Jack of All Trades, Song of Rest, Magical Inspiration, Expertise (Persuasion, Perform), Font of Inspiration


Mantle of Inspiration, Enthralling Performance


Feywild Connection, Proficiencies

Personality​ Trait: I have never lost my childlike sense of wonder.

Ideal: Wanderlust. I prefer to take the less traveled path. (Chaotic)

Bond: I find magic in all its forms to be compelling. The more magical a place, the more I am drawn to it.

Flaw: I easily lose track of time. My poor sense of time means I'm always late.


Fey Touched, Eldritch Adept

Invocation​: Mask of Many Faces

Spells Known​[edit]


Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery

Lv 1

Bless, Faerie Fire, Healing Word, Tasha’s Hideous Laughter, Dissonant Whispers, [Disguise Self]

Lv 2

Misty Step, Suggestion, Phantasmal Force, Lesser Restoration

Lv 3​

Hypnotic Pattern


Dex saves, Cha saves, Bard Weapons, Light Armor, Common, Sylvan, Elvish, Arcana (+3), Deception (+7), Survival (+4), Persuasion (+10), Performance (+10), various musical instruments


Studded Leather Armor, Rapier. Dagger, Musician’s Kit, Heirloom Lute (Casts Guidance), Pan Flute, 3 Fey Trinkets


Name a crime you are wanted for but didn't do.

Rezin is accused of ruining two arranged marriages at once by sequentially seducing one bride and one groom simultaneously. (In actual fact, Rezin got extremely drunk on some mushroom wine and seduced no one, but was a remarkably convenient scapegoat when someone found the wrong bride and groom together.)

Name a crime you committed that nobody knows was you.

Rezin did, in fact, not only seduce the daughter of the Lord Mayor of a halfling community, but further helped her realize that she was, in fact, a he, and preferred the company of women to men. However, the daughter chose to claim that this change happened because of a curse of the fey folk, and so simply had to be accepted, and left Rezin out of it.

Name a shady contact. Include their description and occupation.

Bubbles Delacoutoure. One might not expect an orc to use such high fashions or such exaggerated style, but Bubbles is a force unto herself. She’s also the premiere smuggler of assorted fey charms, fruits and psychoactive substances in three duchies, and talented at moving things through the very highest tiers of society safely.

Name your claim to fame

I am the only bard that ended a border fight between orc militia and dwarven “raiders” attempting a quick land grab by playing music at both sides until they forgot why they were fighting. Magic may have been involved.

What is your onstage role in the band?

The lute is Rezin’s preferred instrument; Rezin also sings and, in particular, dances, wearing outrageous, ever-changing costumes.

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