Riya Marevic
Valeriya "Bullseye" Marević
Power will come for you. Run if you can. Adapt if you must. But you never sell out.
Description: 5'5" of lean, wiry muscle. 21 years old. Tousled black hair, brown eyes, warmer skin tone than is usual for a Slav. Dressed in patched and stitched heavy denim work jeans, an ancient pair of steel-toed work boots paired with a heavily patched leather jacket of the same vintage, a black crop top and worn, scarred, black motorcycle leathers. A messy knife scar runs from the outside of her left eyebrow down to the dimple in her cheek.

Ancestry (not shared)': Marević is, of course, not a Russian name. Riya comes from a rare pedigree indeed: Salvadorans fleeing climate change found themselves in a community of Serbian farmers in Czechia, mostly farmers working the Elbe river basin south of Roždalovice, keeping their traditions to themselves. Faced with hostile internal politics, some of their descendants migrate to the vast breadbasket of Russia and settle the lands around Novogrod. Valeriya is also her middle name. Her first name is Alejandra, but only her family use it.
|| Physical || Mental
|| Social
Trained Skills
Untrained Skills 
| Fix
| Fly
| Know
| Labor
| Operate
| Shoot
| Sneak
| Survive
| Treat
Checked SFX are active.
Lethal Accuracy - After more than a decade of practice, you can hit anything in range, using anything you can throw, with pinpoint precision. (Throw, Notice, Trick)
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
- Trick Shot: Put a little English on your throw to conceal your intended target until it's too late to react. Spend 1PP to add Trick to a Throw.
- Blindfolded Shot: You regularly practice throwing blindfolded. When targeting someone who is out of your line of sight, and you make the shot, gain a Hero Die equal to your Throw ranking. If you miss, take
or step up the Off My Game complication.
Circus Performer - You have acquired and honed the skills to put on a spellbinding show.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Main Event: You know how to gain and hold an audience's attention. When you are performing for an audience, spend 1PP to give any members of your team present in the scene a Main Event asset equal to your Trick die they can use while everyone is distracted.
Game Face: You're laser focused on what you're doing. Ignore one Consequence for one turn while performing an Action, then step up the Consequence.
Russian Entrepreneur - Everything, and everyone, has a price. Know theirs. Know yours.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Business Savvy: Riya keeps cash tucked away all over her person for under-the-table expenses. Spend 1PP to find enough for common and incidental needs.
Self-Employed: As a farm child, you've learned to be good enough at whatever you need to be good at. Spend 1PP to step up any d4 skill for a scene.
Signature Assets 
Throwing Knives Riya has a seemingly inexhaustible supply tucked into various parts of her leathers, and even her hair.
Diceless Assets
Babel Fish Riya has implants to allow her to read and hear any language, which is translated into her native (backwater) Russian for her. She has a speaker set into a choker around her neck that will translate her words into any language, as well.
Background: There are advantages to being a sprawling, often backward country. The middle daughter of potato farmers to the east of Novgorod, Riya always dreamed of excitement. She would volunteer to sharpen the household blades—hunting knives, wood axes, whatever she could—and imagine herself battling great monsters, with the decaying remainder of an ancient, rambling oak tree standing in for the monsters. She would listen to her mother bartering with other farmers outside the vast concrete hulk that housed the vertical farms, vendors in the nearby hamlet, and travelling tinkers, and ask them where things came from and how they got here. The still-green, broad-shouldered valley was all she knew. And she was determined to know more.
She earned extra coin helping as she could. She started a little garden and selling the produce, not even imagining that there were markets where she could have set her family up for life even from her humble yield. The locals quietly traded them among themselves, aware on some level that that was the only way to keep them available to the people who grew them. And she continued to hone her skill with thrown blades. As she neared adulthood, she was able to acquire a set of dedicated throwing knives from a tinker, and her path was set. She assembled what she could and set out on the road. It started well. Small towns are starved for entertainment.
The rust-bucket motorcycle she picked up along the way finally seized up in a dubious industrial district 25 miles outside Ust-Luga. There was no saving it, so she set out on foot. By the time she got out of there, her clothes had a number of new stitches and patches, her face had a wound that would scar, and her eyes had a cold stare that was not there before. But she was alive.
Ust-Luga went poorly. The people of Ust-Luga didn't care for her talent. They were mostly interested in taking advantage of the stupid country bumpkin, but the bumpkin had long since learned that the big powers will go where they want and do what they want. To survive, you don't fight. You flee if you can, and adapt if you can't. She fled. It was not hard to get a job on one of the boats taking advantage of the Poland-Russia trade route. The crew didn't ask too many questions. They set to menial work. When that boat was jacked by buccaneers, she offered her services. That's how, despite intending to reach Helsinki, Riya found herself setting foot in New City. Faced with Finnish and Swedish, she got the name of a good street doc and spent a goodly amount of money on a universal translator, and the procedure to implant it. The crew she'd followed here were going back to the Poland-Russia work to "fish," so she parted ways with them. Deciding that she liked the sea more than the city, she started putting out feelers for a new crew, supporting herself however she needed to in the interim. New City was much friendlier to her than Ust-Luga had been. Here, she was a Buccaneer, not a farm girl. But after the novelty wore off, city life didn't suit her. She had to get out. There was so much she hadn't seen.