Hunters: Chargen

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Prime Trait Sets

Building your Big Damned Hero starts with selecting their Primary Traits. One die from each primary trait should be included every dice pool.

Distinctions d6

Distinctions are the first set of Prime Traits and thematically define aspects of each character to paint a clear picture of who they are as a whole. Distinctions determine whether a particular facet of a character helps or hinders them in accomplishing a chosen action. Include one (1) Distinction die with every roll

Each character is ranked in three (3) Distinctions:


Mastery d4

Mastery is the second of the Prime Traits. Mastery defines your character's intrinsic self in relation to the world around them. One (1) Mastery die is added to every roll

Each character is ranked in four (4) areas of Mastery.


Composure: Composure rate's a character's ability to stay in control in the face of external influence.

Guile: Guile rates a character's innate facility with charm, persuasion, and trickery.

Presence: Presence rates a character's natural appeal and magnetism.

Rapport: Rapport rates a character's ability to relate to and connect with others.

Rank one (1) Mastery at d10 one (1) at d8 and two (2) at d6

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Forms and Roles








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Birthright: The Fel have mostly faded from the world, and the Fae are still trying to reclaim it from the tribes of Man. Apprentices of the Guild are either Human, Half Fel, or Half Fae. More than that, they are in the fight to prevent the Fae from enslaving the world again. What is your stake in the fight? How are you significant in the tapestry of the world?

Examples of Birthright distinctions might include: Redeeming the Elves (Half Fae)? Last of the Giantkin (Half Fel)? High King's Sword (Human)? Kitsune (Half Fae)? Son of the Oni (Half Fel)? Mark of the Mystic (Human)?

Human birthrights are untouched by Fel or Fae ancestry. Because they are less susceptible to its negative magical influence, Humans may spend a pp to step back their Iron stress track and step up either Fatigue or Discouragement once per active (non-downtime) scene.
Half Fel birthrights have the blood of a Fel creature in their ancestry. This ancestry usually leaves a mark in the form of unusual size, scales, molten eyes, or even tails. Because they are naturally hardy, Half Fel may spend a pp to step back their Fatigue stress track and step up either Iron or Discouragement once per active (non-downtime) scene.
Half Fae birthrights have the blood of a Fae creature in their ancestry. This ancestry usually leaves a mark in the form of slight build, sharp ears, or color changing eyes or skin. Because they are socially nimble, Half Fae may spend a pp to step back their Discouragement stress track and step up either Iron or Fatigue once per active (non-downtime) scene.

Social Role: How do you rank in the pecking order? What is your place in the hierarchy of apprentices? So many interactions both in and out of the guild are social in nature. Where do you fit in?

Examples of Social Role distinctions might include: Do You Know Who my Father Is? Little Miss Know it All? The Jock? The Scamp? Queen Bee? Kiss with a Fist? Research Nerd?

Special Studies: While each apprentice serves the Guild as a whole, apprentices with unique talents or perceived potential are chosen for special studies within the guild.

Examples of Special Studies distinctions might include: Dueling? Travel? Glyphs and Wards? Structural Defense? Human/Fae Relations? Languages of Magic? Fel Beasts?

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Secondary Traits

Elemental Affinity





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Familiar Spirit

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