Hunters: Chargen
Prime Trait Sets
Building your Hunter starts with selecting their Primary Traits. One die from each primary trait should be included every dice pool.
Distinctions are your first Prime Trait and thematically define aspects of each character to paint a clear picture of who they are as a whole. Distinctions determine whether a particular facet of a character helps or hinders them in accomplishing a chosen action. Include one (1) Distinction die with every roll
Each character is ranked in three (3) Distinctions:
Birthright Distinction
Birthright determines two things: a character's lineage and their elemental affinity. Structure the name of this distinction Lineage/Affinity/Master. For example, Human Fire Master or Half Fae Water Master.
Lineage: Is your Hunter full blooded Human? Half Fel? or Half Fae?
- Human: Human Birthrights are untouched by Fel or Fae ancestry.
- Half Fel: Half Fel Birthrights have the blood of a Fel creature in their ancestry. This ancestry usually leaves a mark in the form of unusual size, scales, horns, or even tails.
- Half Fae: Half Fae Birthrights have the blood of a Fae creature in their ancestry. This ancestry usually leaves a mark in the form of slight build, sharp ears, or color changing eyes or skin.
Affinity: Which elemental energy is your hunter viscerally drawn to? Earth? Air? Fire? or Water?
- Earth/Air: If your hunter has affinity for one, they cannot work with the other. Water and Fire are considered adjacent elements to both Earth and Air.
- Fire/Water: If your hunter has affinity for one, they cannot work with the other. Earth and Air are considered adjacent elements to both Fire and Water.
Cliquebait Distinction
What role do you hold among your peers? Are you the Queen Bee? Misfit Toy? Kiss with a Fist? Peacekeeper? Anarchist? Scamp? Earnest Enforcer? Ragamuffin?
Secret Distinction
You stand in the breach to prevent the Fae from enslaving the world again. You have a stake in the fight. You are significant in the tapestry of the world.
But you also have a secret - and it could undo you.
Each of your distinctions has the Hinder SFX: Sometimes a distinction works against you. Roll instead of
to gain 1 PP

Attributes are your second Prime Trait. Attributes define your character's innate potential. One (1) Attribute die is added to every roll
Each character is ranked in four (4) Attributes.
Composure: Composure rate's a character's ability to stay in control in the face of external influence.
Guile: Guile rates a character's innate facility with charm, persuasion, and trickery.
Presence: Presence rates a character's natural appeal and magnetism.
Rapport: Rapport rates a character's ability to relate to and connect with others.
Rank one (1) Attribute at one (1) at
and two (2) at

Forms are your third and final Prime Trait, and describe how a hunter shapes magical energies. Add one (1) Form die to every roll that is not a Mundane Actions (see below).
Each character is ranked in six (6) Forms:
- Abjuration: This form is used to return extraplanar objects or creatures to their natural plane of existence. It can also be used to instantly move an object or creature within the mortal realm. This secondary use is limited by line of sight and/or familiarity with the target destination.
- Conjuration: This form is used to cause a mundane object to appear in the character's hand. It can also be used to summon entities from outside the mortal realm if that being's true name is known.
- Divination: This form is used to scry for beings within the mortal realm or to cast auguries for information. This form requires the use of the element to which the character has affinity. Scrying requires familiarity with the target or possession of an object closely associated with the target.
- Evocation: This form is used to bring elemental forces to bear for attack or defense. The character may summon the element to which they have affinity with no penalty. They may summon adjacent elements by stepping this die back by one. This die cannot be stepped back below
The character may not summon the element opposed to their elemental affinity. Area of effect is limited to line of sight.
- Illusion: This form is used to deceive the senses. The character must have line of sight to the target area of the effect. For each sense engaged beyond the first, step this die back by one. This die cannot be stepped back below
- Transmutation: This form changes the nature of matter altering it from one state to another. Line of sight is required.
Rank one (1) Form at one (1) at
three (3) at
and one (1) at
Mundane Actions that don't require a Form are ranked by default.
Form SFX: Spend 1 pp to automatically succeed on an action employing your Form.
Secondary Traits
Cantrips are small elemental magics that you can do without needing an action roll. Such cantrips might include lighting or putting out candles or small fires, summoning or stilling a breeze, or conjuring a small bit of earth or water or sweeping away or evaporating same.
Strange Magics
Unlike normal apprentices and journeymen of the guild, you are unique in your ability to tap into the magics of the Neverwhen, the lands between the mortal realm and the Feywild. Your connection to that place allows you to reach beyond the grasp of normal magic. These abilities do not require action rolls, and their effects last for a scene or until consciously ended, but they can only be activated by stepping up one stress track (player's choice).
- Astral Projection: Allows you to leave your physical body behind and go where it otherwise might not. Physical barriers do not hinder you, but neither can you interact with the physical world. While you are astral projected, your body is vulnerable. A silver cord links your spirit to your physical form, but if that link is severed, your body dies and your spirit cannot return.
- Aura Sight: Allows you to see the aura around living things and significant objects. This renders invisible creatures and wards visible (in outline). It also allows you to perceive prevalent emotion and decipher magical energies present in the aura.
- Dream Walking: Allows you to psychically enter the dreams of others and somewhat control what happens there via Forms. As with Astral Projection, your physical form is vulnerable during this time. Dream walking also allows you to physically enter the Neverwhen.
Each character gets two (2) mundane knacks, non-magical things they are particularly good at. Knacks may only be used with Mundane Ability checks.
Knacks might include: Research, Persuasion, Athletics, Sneaking, Trickery, etc.
Rank one (1) knack and one (1)
Each character begins play with three relationships within the guild.